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Alt 05.07.2010, 14:07   #1
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Xsist
Registriert seit: 27.07.2005
Ort: Stuttgart
Beiträge: 478
Vinyl Xsist - Jungle Techno


Offizieler Promo Mix für die "We love Jungle" Party am 30.7.2010 im Z-Club in Stuttgart

Xsist - Jungle Techno

1. JL- Hymn (Dom+Roland Rmx)
2. Signal to Noise - Nanobugs
3. Matrix+Bad Company - Jellyfish
4. Konflict - Beckoning
5. Ed Rush+Optical - Crisis
6. Johnny L - Piper (Grooverider Rmx)
7. Konflict - Bad Acid
8. Ram Trilogy - Terminal 1
9. Pressure Rise - Stranger (Bad Company Rmx)
10. Ed Rush+Optical - Watermelon
11. Dom+Roland - City
12. Pressure Rise - Let go
"you are so cute. i wanna wear your panties while we go for a coffee. then i wanna take you home and bake some pancakes and make you bikinis out of the pancakes."
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dnb, jungle, mix, oldschool, xsist

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