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Alt 11.01.2009, 23:33   #1
ad noiseam
Benutzerbild von ad noiseam
Registriert seit: 10.01.2007
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 2
Exclamation Neue 12" von Sickboy auf Ad Noiseam (Englisch, sorry)

Happy new year to everybody. Here's the first Ad Noiseam newsletter for 2009.

The short version: the new Sickboy 12" is out and available. Pre-orders are now taken for the coming releases by Math Head (12") and The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (CD / LP).

And now for the details:

1. Out now: Sickboy's new record.


SICKBOY's "Time To Play vol. 1" - adn107 - 12"

People asked for it, it was announced, and here it is: the first of the two vinyl 12" presenting Sickboy's "Time To Play" album on wax, featuring this musician's most infectious, catchiest and most efficient material. While the noise might be gone for good, Sickboy's new clothes are of the colourful party kind. Mixing old school rave, new school electro, breaks and madness, Sickboy hits the nail on its head and invites everybody to play, rave and party non-stop. Refreshing!
Featuring big format artwork by Droon and Emily Hasselhoof.

Information and mp3 / Get this 12" here / The CD is also available there

2. Preorders now taken for the new Math Head and Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble releases.

Pre-orders are now taken for the next two Ad Noiseam releases, coming in the second half of January. Note that orders paid in advance are getting a rebate: not only will you be among the first to get these records, but you will also get them for cheaper.

MATH HEAD - Stab City - adn98 - 12"
With “Stab City”, Math Head finally presents on wax a new testimony of his insolent skills at creating ever changing, massive dubstep. Never loosing the dancefloor from its sight, but including a lot of innovative elements to this genre and not afraid of mixing the club appeal with wider sensibilities, he comes up here again with a highly impressive record that does justice to his extensive talent. Here comes highly efficient, fresh and hard dubstep record you have been waiting for.

Information and mp3 / Pre-order this record here / pre-order the digital version there.

A bridge between their first album on Planet Mu and the forthcoming second one on Ad Noiseam, the “Mutations EP” is The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble's coming of age. Profound and organic but dark and impressive, it is a perfect rendition of the ensemble's live shows and the proof that there is still something fresh to be done at the meeting point of post-rock, jazz and drones. A deeply emotional and original trip.

Information and mp3 / Pre-order the CD here / pre-order the 12" LP there / or the digital version here.

Followin in February will be Cardopusher's new album, "Unity Means Power" (adn109, 2x12") and in March the second volume of Sickboy's "Time To Play" (adn108, 12").

3. Still fresh: a look back at the Autumn releases.

Still available and fresh from their recent release:

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor...03/adn103t.jpg-adn103cd / adn103lp: THE TEKNOIST - ... Like A Hurricane Made Of Zombies (yes, available on double vinyl as well)

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor...04/adn104t.jpg-adn104: CDATAKILL / ABELCAIN - Passage - CD

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor...02/adn102t.jpg-adn102: BROKEN NOTE - Crux / Zealot - 12"

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor...01/adn101t.jpg-adn101: LARVAE - Loss Leader - 12"

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor.../99/adn99t.jpg-adn99: FUNCKARMA - Dubstoned vol. 2 - 12"

http://www.adnoiseam.net/images/stor...06/adn106t.jpg-adn106: SICKBOY - Time To Play - CD (featuring the tracks from both 12")

4. Other news.

-Thank you for everybody who used and sent feedback about the new Ad Noiseam website. And for people who missed it, check out http://www.adnoiseam.net for a greatly improved site, mailorder catalog and forum.

-While almost all Ad Noiseam releases are now available as legal downloads directly the Ad Noiseam online store, note that the catalog is currently being added to such platforms as Amazon, Beatport, iTunes, eMusic etc. All the 2008 releases are already there, and the rest is coming.

-Check out http://live.adnoiseam.net for concert and party dates, and suscribe to http://www.adnoiseam.net/rss.php to be kept informed about all dates and updates.

-People understanding German might want to tune in to the Byte.fm webradio on January 13th (next Tuesday) at 10PM for an hour long show about Ad Noiseam, featuring a selection of past, present and future tunes from the label.
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ad noiseam, breakcore, dubstep, math head, sickboy

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