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Alt 28.06.2005, 09:15   #1
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von niklas
Registriert seit: 16.06.2004
Ort: London
Beiträge: 3.866
Free Dissident Tracks (256)

XGN017 - Dissident
A.Dissident - Operated Dream
B.Dissident - Fluter In Hell

The 17th release comes from an upcoming artists with tracks lined up to be released on labels like Counter Intelligence and Subvert Central Recordings and Moving Shadow and Make:Shift. Dissident also has numerous tracks released on a variety of labels such as Renegade Hardware, Russian label Respect Records, and TAM Records, which he is the co-owner of along side DJ Bes. Dissident has also DJ'd alongside big names like Goldie, Bad Company, Fabio, Grooverider, Matrix, LTJ Bukem, Paradox, Nookie, Seba and many others.

He kicks off XGN017 with Operated Dream. A malaise of metallic beats for the heads pervades the sinister feel of this stepper filled with rolling snares and ragga vibes.The rolling bassline carries the tracks underbelly while the reggae MCing maintains the flow.
There's loads of variety in the breaks used in this tune without going over the top to make this tune a top notch piece of work.
The B-side, Fluter In Hell starts off with groovesome bongos that introduce the tune by snaking their way round a stepping break. Snake charming flutes and subtle strings echo behind the rolling breaks.
This is then inflected with a quaking sub writhing beneath, while technoidal noise makes the groove more expansive swinging things out as more hi hats attack and keep things tense. Some eerie cinematic business.

Go to www.exegene.com to download for free, zipped and individual files.

Feedback appreciated!
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Alt 28.06.2005, 11:26   #2
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von cygn
Registriert seit: 03.07.2003
Beiträge: 4.483
Geil, Operated Dream gibts jetzt umsonst? Verdammt guter Track! Den andern kenn ich noch nicht.

so hab jetzt den andern auch gehoert, auch ein sehr guter track! schoener kontrast zwischen den floeten und der deepen bassline.

Geändert von cygn (28.06.2005 um 11:47 Uhr)
cygn ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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