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Alt 20.06.2013, 00:12   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 12.10.2012
Ort: berlin
Beiträge: 118
20.06.2013 @ Kili - Soli Party for electronic music workshop for kids in Madagascar

It would be awesome if we can raise some $$ to get some headphones, microphones, usb sticks and maybe a field recorder for the workshop! If you have also something like that to give away, that can also be really great!

Lineup :

Suitcase Industrial/Noize - Live

- DJ TENSE ( Apocalypse Rec. // Industrial Strength )
North American Hardcore/Speedcore - Dj Set

- GORY MEASURE ( Subotnik Kombinat )
Darkstep/Hard DNB - Dj Set

- SERVANDO BARREIRO ( Minitronics )
Lazeroid Dark/Dub/Noise - Live impro

- NEKRO BOT ( Sabbat / Drone )
Criminal Wave - Dj Set

- LAIN ( Audioactivity )
Regressant Industrial/Techno - Dj Set

- OHMRAD ( Aka Sim on kor Funkle )
Analog Acid/Electro/Indus - Live

- CRASH 0.1 ( Noiseangriff )
Breakcore / Noise

Vokue from 20.00 uhr
Music from 21.uhr

Eintritt: spende

@ Kili Club
Wiesenweg 5-9
Berlin Friedrichshain
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breakcore, drum'n'bass, electro, industrial, noise

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