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Alt 15.06.2013, 18:15   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 19.04.2013
Ort: CR-Team
Beiträge: 204
Antonio Ruiz - Electronic Soul [TC004]





Released by: Chibar Records
Release/catalogue number: CRMK148
Release date: Jun 15, 2013

Antonio Ruiz - Rhythm & Drum 06:23
Antonio Ruiz - Rhythm & Drum (Da Productor Remix) 07:19
Antonio Ruiz - Let's Go! 07:34
Antonio Ruiz - Let's Go! (Da Productor Remix) 06:16
Antonio Ruiz - Dark Dreams 06:24
Antonio Ruiz - Dark Dreams (Pome Research Lab RMX) 05:49
Antonio Ruiz - Dark Dreams (Da Productor Remix) 06:20

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