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Alt 08.06.2017, 03:14   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Exclamation Rhythm Podcast - Jay Rome guestmix (May 2017)


1 Inside You by Western Sea & Liquid Waves
2 Should Have Known by Phaction
3 Serious by FD
4 Synergy by Alix Perez & SpectraSoul
5 Vantage by Need For Mirrors
6 Archive by Calibre
7 Merk by Nu:Tone & Anile
8 Thru My Soul (feat. Steo) by Villem & Phase
9 Second Chance by SpectraSoul
10 Solar Meditation by Phaction
11 All I Know by SATL
12 Studio by Zere & Jaybee
13 Losing My Mind VIP by Anile
14 Someone Somebody by Addiction and Villem
15 Better World (Lenzman Remix) by Macca & Loz Contreras
16 This Night by Command Strange
17 Silly (DJ Marky VIP) by DJ Marky
18 Sweetest Thang by Bassface Sascha
19 Sorriso De Flor by DJ Roots
20 Alone In the Dark by S.P.Y
21 This Moment (ft. Tali) by Eavesdrop
22 Just A Moment by Macca & Loz Contreras
23 Still Ain't Changed by Random Movement
24 All My Love (feat Jon Lilygreen) by BMOTION
25 Tape Loops (feat. Hugh Hardie) [Villem Remix] by London Elektricity
26 Moment's Notice by Pola, Bryson
27 Best Friends by Gentlemen´s Club

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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blu saphir, dnb, drum and bass, jay rome, rhythm podcast moscow

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