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Alt 18.03.2008, 20:25   #1
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 07.10.2007
Ort: Saalfeld
Beiträge: 263
Thumbs up BCee & Chords on ICR FM (14/3/2008)

BCee & Chords on ICR FM (14/3/2008)



01 Instra:mental - Rogue (Darkestral 3 - April)

***Chords in the mix***
02 Tane & Chords - PeaceLuv (CD-R)
03 Break - Submerged (Calyx & TeeBee rmx)
04 Cyantific - Disconnected
05 Krust - Warhead (TC rmx)
06 Lynx - Disco Dodo
***Mix ends***

Interview with Chords
07 Tane & Chords ft Maseevo - Speak Your Mind (CD-R)

***Chords in the mix***
08 Matrix & Futurebound - American Beauty VIP
09 Ebony Dubsters - Ra
10 Shimon - The Smoker
11 Basher - Missile
12 Metrik - Your World
>> Distorted Minds & Hazard - Mr Happy
13 Sub Focus - Druggy
14 Brookes Brothers - F Zero
15 Commix - Satellite Type 2
16 DJ Die & Ben Westbeech - Reasons Why
>> Original Sin - Cheater Cheater
17 Commix - How You Gonna Feel (Call to mind LP - Metalheadz)
18 Marky & A Sides - Tonight (Innerground)
>> Clipz - Soundboy
19 Brookes Brothers - Dawn Treader
20 Drumsound & Simon Bassline Smith - Harder
***Mix ends***

***BCee in the mix***
21 Xample - Conga (Frequency)
22 Makoto & T-AK - Voyager (Hospital)
23 Random Movement - Can’t Resist (Innerground)
24 BCee & Lomax - One Year On VIP (Innerground)
25 A Sides - Lustrous (Moodswings LP - Spearhead Recordings - April)
26 Muffler - Everything (Moodswings LP - Spearhead Recordings - April)
27 Koochie - Fly Away (Moodswings LP - Spearhead Recordings - April)
28 BCee & Lomax - Disciple (Spearhead)
29 Bungle - If I Leave (CIA)
30 Blue Sonix - Luv Me (Logistics rmx) ((Moodswings LP - Spearhead Recordings - April)
31 Faith Evans - Stressed Out rmx (Dub)
32 Marky & Bungle - Let Me Tell You (Moodswings LP - Spearhead Recordings - April)
33 The Contrast - What We Do (The Contrast)
34 Marky & Makoto - Togetherness (Innerground/Human Elements)
***Mix ends***

Interview with BCee

35 Drumlynezz - Move (CD-R)[/QUOTE]
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