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Alt 09.01.2007, 12:15   #1
Registriert seit: 19.11.2006
Ort: BreakbeatCity Berlin
Beiträge: 2
Thumbs up BCee Bookings für '007 gesucht.

bcee würde gerne dieses jahr ein paar sets in deutschland drehen. ich versuche nun ein paar tourtermine zu koordinieren.
denke, dass ich ihn im grunde nicht groß ankündigen muss. ggf. sagt sein bio unten genug...
bei interesse schreib mir doch einfach ne mail an m.path.iq@de-bug.de.
faire preise inklusive...
mit gruß aus berlin.
rené aka m.path.iq

Steve BCee

Steve BCee started his d&b career in 2002 when he launched Rubik Records alongside Bristol's DJ Kubiks. After a successful run of releases he then went on to launch his own solo label Spearhead Records, in Jan 2005. Since the launch of Spearhead Records, BCee has worked with such artists as Danny Byrd, Alix Perez, Redeyes, Logistics, Blue Sonix, TC, Influx UK and more to establish Spearhead as one of the leading labels in liquid d&b.

Alongside his label management BCee can also often be found in the studio with fellow producer Lomax. Over the last few years BCee & Lomax have had releases on a growing number of labels including Fokuz, Intrinsic, Wild Style, Jerona Fruits, Nu Directions and of course both Rubik & Spearhead. There tracks have been picked up by many of the big players and you can find remixes of BCee & Lomax tracks from Cyantific, Danny Byrd, Nightwalker and Influx UK.

Looking to the future and 2007 is set to be another big year for BCee. With his recent signing to DJ Marky's Innerground Records, string of remixes, debut Spearhead album and new label Future Retro Records due for launch in March this is going to be the busiest year yet for Steve BCee.
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