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Alt 08.09.2006, 13:02   #1
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 22.06.2006
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Music Cintamani Radio Show - sept 2006 + All ARCHiVE

[Cintamani Radio Sept 06.mp3]
[Last-Modified: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 19:36:40 GMT]
[Content-Length: 66003715]
[Bitrate: 128 kbps]

01. The Project - Fiftytwothousand Feet High (Tridal Rewire)
02. Voyager - Long Distace
03. J Majik - Sunray (Rufige Kru Remix)
04. AXiS - One In Ten
05. KMC - System
06. Acropod - Avyonla's Element
07. Seba - Connected
08. Aural Imbalance - In Context
09. Aural Imbalance - ???
10. T-Power - The Circle
11. Equinox - From Above

As promised we got Aural Imbalance in this month to have a chat and pic some tunes. We had best intentions of deliviring a sensible show and it did start out that way, but not for long.
  1. radio show Jan05.mp3
  2. radio show Feb_Mar05.mp3
  3. radio show Apr05.mp3
  4. radio show may05.mp3
  5. radio_show_05.mp3
  6. radio_show_06.mp3
  7. radio sow Sep05.mp3
  8. radio_show_08.mp3
  9. radio_show_09.mp3
  10. radio_show_jan06.mp3
  11. ??? Aural Imbalance Live at Lemongrove.mp3
  12. ??? Aural Imbalance Live at Lemongrove.mp3
  13. radio_show_13.mp3
  14. radio_show_june06.mp3
  15. Cintamani Radio July06.mp3
  16. Cintamani Radio August 06.mp3
  17. Cintamani Radio Sept 06.mp3

(Cintamani Radio Show #1)
01. Orange & Blue - Colours Of The Rainbow
02. Deep Space Organisms - Pilotwave (Remix)
03. Silbrfish - Calm Sea
04. Nitin Sawhney - Breathing Light
05. Tidal - Touching the Moon
06. JCB - Brief Moment Of Clarity
07. Big Muff - Feel What You Know (Smith & Mighty Remix)
08. Aural Imbalance - 98 State
09. ATH - Alien Weed
10. Art of Noise - Something Always Happens (Doc Scott Remix)
11. PBK/Modemellow - Deep Thoughts
12. 4 Hero - Escape That
13. Orange & Blue - Deep Emotion

(Cintamani Radio Show #2)
01. T-Power - Circle
02. JCB - Embracing Solitude
03. Suni & Phorte - Days Left Behind
04. Morphtech - Directional Thoughts
05. Earl Grey - The Lick
06. Orange n Blue - Tidal Movement 02
07. Smoke City - Underwater Love (Voyager Remix)
08. Tidal - Silk Roads
09. Voyager - Martian Chronicles
10. Orange & Blue - City's Of Gold
11. Goldie - Sensual
12. Aural Imbalance - Low Pressure

(Cintamani Radio Show #3)
01. Orange & Blue - I Can See You
02. Damodara - Material Atmospherephere
03. Peshay - Clubbed to Death (Remix)
04. Morphtech - Jazz Touch
05. Omni Trio - The Music That We Hear (Remix)
06. Tidal - Aura (Intersidereal Remix)
07. Suni & Phorte - Submerge
08. Nemos - Summerwinds
09. PHD - Duality
10. Orange & Blue - Contemplation
11. Skeema - Blue Dawn
12. M'Ocean - Way Out

(Cintamani Radio Show #4)
01. Orange & Blue - Lightbeing
02. Future Engineers - Life Support
03. TQ One - Interactive
04. Blu mar ten - She Moves Through
05. Aquasky - Moon Dance
06. Omni Trio - The Elemental
07. BC & Neil Trix - Sixth Sense
08. Seba - Catch The Moment
09. Dr S Gachet - Its All Gone Sideways
10. Organic Synthetic - Procedural Blends
11. Orange & Blue - Tidal Movement 01

(Cintamani Radio Show #5)
01. Tidal - Citrus Clouds
02. EZ Rollers - Retro
03. Aural Imbalance - Time Section
04. Bliss N Tumble - The Journey
05. Orange N Blue - Purple Waters
06. Antibreak - Revolutions
07. James Hardway - Our Cousin Frank
08. Pac 3 - Overide
09. Fucoza - Cheer Up
10. B Fuse - JD
11. J Davis - Constellations

(Cintamani Radio Show #6)
01. Static Sound System - Revolutionary Pilot
02. K.C.Dee - Cosmic Wonders
03. Antibreak - Oxygen
04. PBK - Observation
05. Aural Imbalance - Myleis Progress
06. PFM - Love & Happiness
07. Blue Shift - Rising Planets
08. Orange n Blue - Submersible Soul
09 Tidal - Submerge
10. Digital Dup Corporation (DDC) - Digi-Gull
11. T-Power - The Elementa

(Cintamani Radio Show #7)
01. Orange & Blue - Master Of The Mystics
02. Existenz - Tidal
03. Orange & Blue - I Can See You
04. B Fuse - Sensory
05. Orange & Blue - Colours Of The Rainbow
06. Suni & Phorte - Eastern Shores
07. Kuues Meel - Nemos (Aural Imbalance Remix)
08. JCB - Brief Moment Of Clarity
09. Nitin Sawhney - Nitin Nadia
10. Antibreak - Progression6
11. Laurent Garnier - ???

(Cintamani Radio Show #8)
01. Tidal - World Departure
02. Cable - Wish U'd Been There (Intersidereal Remix)
03. Orange & Blue - Tranquillity Drift
04. Herbst - Xitrix
05. Tidal - Citrus Clouds
06. JCB - Brief Moment Of Clarity
07. Rantoul - Modular
08. Orange & Blue - Lightbeing
09. Aural Imbalance - Perfect Sense (PHD/Fernando remix)
10. Deep Space Organisms - Pilotwave (Remix)
11. Digital Dup Corporation (DDC) - Objective 2

(Cintamani Radio Show #9)
01. Fents & Jago - Need You
02. Alias - Cosmos
03. Damodara - Material Atmosphere
04. No Candide - Voices From The Dark
05. Neutron - Transmiternektar (Tidal Re-Wire)
06. Solarstation - ???
07. PFM - Danny's Theme
08. B Fuse - Cloudshine
09. Suni & Phorte - Day's Left Behind
10. Jago - The Outta Reaches
11. Orange & Blue - Moon Proof

(Cintamani Radio Show #10)
01. Bungle - Shining
02. Boymerang - A.C.I.D
03. Kondencuotas Plenas - The Citizens Of Mousville
04. Kinder Atom - Cab Ride
05. Tidal - Submerge
06. Aural Imbalance - ???
07. Kondencuotas Plenas - 6 Weeks, 3 Days & No Content
08. Liquid Funk - 6 Million Ways
09. Orange & Blue - Tidal Movement 02
10. Pablo - Do What You Gotta Do
11. K.C. Dee - Moog Style

(Cintamani Radio Show #13)
01. Orange & Blue - Big Big Mr Mystic
02. DJ Valuetime- Tunnel At The End Of Light
03. PHD & Funky Technicians - Above & Beyond
04. Bungle - Shining
05. Alaska - Born Again
06. Unknown - Time Warp
07. Allen Pimp - Mind Games
08. Boymerang - The River
09. JCB - Brief Moment Of Clarity
10. Voyager - See Forever
11. ORG Lounge - Sofa Surfer

(Cintamani Radio Show #14)
01. Orange & Blue - Clockwork Orange
02. Bluelander - Warm Fruit
03. Pieter K - It Could Have Been You
04. Alaska - How You Feel
05. Nookie - Paradise
06. Breakage - Ruff Dub
07. Blame - And The Rain Falls (Remix)
08. DJ Freebs & Magic Moo - Time
09. Liquid Funk - 6 Million Ways
10. Orange & Blue - Big Big Mr Mystic
11. Pressure Drop - Dusk


big up uadnb.net for hosting this show!
Russian Drum & Bass Arena / www.dnbarena.ru
ZinCh ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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Alt 08.09.2006, 13:56   #2
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.08.2004
Ort: Mannheim Backwoods
Beiträge: 2.006
Yyyyes! Thank you on this one!!
m-nus ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 23.12.2018, 21:37   #3
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 04.06.2004
Ort: Cologne
Beiträge: 13
Es ist uralt, aber ist noch jemand im Besitz dieser Shows?
Wäre wirklich genial!!!

cheers i hasta la GLT
GeromeLeTurbo ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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