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Alt 30.06.2004, 09:43   #1
Benutzerbild von kai@future-music
Registriert seit: 04.06.2001
Beiträge: 9.990
mp3 Paul B Nuborn Mixes 1-9

Nuborn 1 (Oct 2002): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn1.mp3
1 Tech Itch - Rising (Subwave rmx)
2 Sta & Paul B - On The Run
3 Bulletproof - Seige
4 Wrisk & Mackie - G-Step
5 Accidental Heroes - Can U Feel It (Trace & Ryme Tyme rmx)
6 Paul B & Subwave - Break Through
7 Baron - Speed Demon
8 Rawthang - Epilogue VIP
9 Ill.Skillz - Universal Machines
10 Kaos, Karl K & JK - All Night Long
11 SKC - Lobotomy
12 Paul B & Dissident - Technecium
13 Chris.su - 10 Forward
14 Paul B & Subwave - Something Sick

Nuborn 2 (Dec 2002): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn2.mp3
1 Silver - Soul Searcher
2 SKC - Devotee
3 Raiden - Fallin
4 Tech Itch & Trace - Quad
5 Monkey & Large - Slam VIP
6 Silver - 1991
7 Eye D - Unicorn BSE rmx
8 Sta & Paul B - Crossroads
9 SKC - Solaris
10 Paul B & Subwave - Three Suns
11 Arqer - The Lesson Plan
12 D.Kay & Lee - Double Down
13 Paul B - Solar Unreal

Nuborn 3 (Feb 2003): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn3.mp3
1 Pendulum - Spiral
2 Kryptic Minds - Clear Head
3 Chris.Su - Astrosine (Ill SKillz rmx)
4 Arqer - Kanto Thief
5 Typecell - Egomatric (Rob F rmx)
6 Paul B - The Unconscious
7 SKC & Chris.Su - Blackout VIP
8 Concord Dawn - Tonite
9 BlackSunEmpire - Stonefaces
10 Sta - Licensed To Kill (Paul B rmx)
11 Bad Comapny & Trace - Nitrous (Dillinja rmx)
12 EZ Rollers - Dust (Concord Dawn rmx)
13 BlackSunEmpire - B`Negative (Ill.Skillz rmx)
14 Deoda & Miss Ficel - Hatta
15 Masters At Work - To Be In Love Bootleg

Nuborn 4 (Mar 2003): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn4.mp3
1 Paul B - U and Me (feat. Meatworks)
2 D.Kay & Lee - Udon
3 Crossfire - Skywarp
4 Noetic feat. Skinny - Bleep In Love
5 Typecell - Bad Illusion (BlackSunEmpire Remix)
6 SKC - Limelight
7 Bulletproof - The Bends
8 Benjie - AI (Rawthang Remix)
9 UKUS001 Side B - Whitelabel
10 Concord Dawn & Optiv - Quattro
11 SKC & Chris.Su - Yorke
12 Siren, Kaos, Karl K - Rush
13 Pyro feat. Shiraz - Solitude
14 Bulletproof - Seduction

Nuborn 5 (May 2003): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn5.mp3
1 Paul B - Vacuum Explosion
2 Counterstrike - Candy Flip
3 Ill.Skillz - Mutationz
4 Skynet - Logans Run
5 Tech Itch - Pressure Drop
6 Axis Of Evil - Blind Alley
7 Simba - Czemu Gdy
8 SKC - Spacepigz
9 Sunchase & Yana Kay - Remember Me
10 Fission - Vandalism
11 Benjie - All About You
12 Chris.su - Cranium rmx
13 Realtime - Forbidden Zone
14 SKC - G-Funk
15 Pyro - Collision
16 Ill.Skillz - Forgive Myself D.Kay rmx
17 Militia - Flip The Scrypt

Nuborn 6 (Aug 2003): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn6.mp3
1 Audio Species - The Calling
2 Concord Dawn - Tick Tock
3 Anorganik - Endlessly (D.Kay rmx)
4 Karl K & Jae Kennedy - Dat Phunk
5 Jarman - Test The Theory
6 SKC - Free My Soul
7 D.Kay & Epsilon - Barcelona (BC rmx)
8 Concord Dawn feat. Tiki - Don't Tell Me
9 K.O.T.P - Hells Fire
10 Subwave - Visions
11 Paul B - Massacre
12 Bulletproof - Scorched Earth (Kemal rmx)
13 SKC & Longman - Battlefield
14 Rob F - Resistance
15 Paul B - Colony Six

Nuborn 7 (November 2003): http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn7.mp3
1 Ill.Skillz - Bowser
2 Chris.su & Flack.su - Corrosion
3 Concord Dawn - Appollo 13
4 Paul B - Euphoria
5 Brain & Fenixz - Tear Red
6 Rawthang - Chopper
7 Concord Dawn - Tonite (Pendulum rmx)
8 Sta & Paul B - Step 2 Zero Paul B VIP
9 Logical & Sketchy - Jupiter Breathe
10 Paul B & Subwave - What U Want
11 Bulletproof & Pendulum - The Mind's Eye
12 Skynet - Sterns Scoolin
14 Ill.Skillz - Soul Shaker
15 Impulse - Future Fear
16 Kabuki - Peacemaker
17 Typecell - Echo Domination (Chris.su rmx)
18 Dieselboy & Kaos feat. Messinian - Barrier Break

Nuborn 8 (March 2004: http://test.sprawl.at/paulb/paulb_nuborn8.mp3
1 Paul B - Sublime
2 Salmonella Dub - Ez on (Concord dawn rmx)
3 Chris.su - Victory
4 Raiden - Pinball
5 Fission - Pyramids
6 BlackSunEmpire - Stasis
7 Sunchase - We Want Your Soul rmx
8 Dissident & Subwave - The Sunshine Groove
9 Rawthang - Reaper
10 Overturn - Apocalypse
11 BlackSunEmpire - The Rat (Kemal rmx)
12 Silent Witness - Ringside
13 Spectrata - Mansfield (Bes rmx)
14 Future Prophecies - Illusion Of Time
15 Arqer & Realtime - Warehouse Daze
16 Protek - Unnamed

Nuborn 9 (May 2004): http://www.dnbnation.com/mixes/paulb_nuborn9.mp3
1 Paul B & Nothing - Panic Room
2 Smack My Bitch Up bootleg by Kind Of Zero
3 Trace & Tactile - In My Brain SKC vip
4 Skynet - Carbon Shock
5 Counterstrike - Africanism
6 Spectrata - Mansfield (Sky rmx)
7 BSE & Optiv - Insiders
8 Purple Unit - Dream Time
9 Jade - No Way Out
10 Arqer & Realtime - Coming4U
11 Overturn - Life After Death
12 Muffler - Embrace
13 Chris.Su - Paradise
14 Paul B & Dissident - Sansara
15 Task Horizon - Feel For You
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Alt 30.06.2004, 20:08   #2
dj bLaZe
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 26.05.2002
Ort: bReMeN
Beiträge: 426
So Phat die Mixe...2Stck hatten mir von der Sammlung noch gefehlt.Kewl
..::2Sidez inc.::..
Kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug and I jet

check out:
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Alt 30.06.2004, 22:06   #3
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 28.09.2003
Ort: Karlzrulz/ and selm rocks!!!
Beiträge: 265

für mich waren die nuborn mixes schon immer ein highlight und war immer froh wenns einen neuen gab... ich kann nur sagen


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Alt 01.07.2004, 10:05   #4
DJ Dynomo
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von DJ Dynomo
Registriert seit: 22.03.2003
Ort: www.pressure-chamber.com
Beiträge: 335
saug !!!
www.pressure-chamber.com // www.myspace.com/pressurechamber // www.djdynomo.de // www.myspace.com/dynomo
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