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Alt 23.11.2006, 22:35   #1
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 02.10.2003
Ort: zürich
Beiträge: 805
V: Alte Drum `N` Bass Platten

So ich habe mal meine alten Drum `N` Bass Platten rausgekramt und will diese unter die Leute bringen!!!

Wenn jemand Interesse haben sollte an der einen oder anderen Platten, soll er mir eine PN schreiben mit dem was er gerne ausgeben möchte.
Gruß Strokeless

Elementz of Noise – A: Big Foot / AA: The Arrival – EMOTIF Records 2028

Rampage – The Monkees - Promo

Rising Sun – A: Nemesis / AA: Probe 601 – Mac II Records 007

Dom / Rob / Goldie – A: Distorted Dreams / AA: The Shadow – Audio Couture Shadow

Cybotron feat. Dillinja – A: Light Years / AA: Revelations – Prototype Records 010

Origin Unknown – A: Valley of the Shadows / AA: Truly One – Ram Records 16R

Dynamic Source – A: Enemies / AA: Mind Diversion – Sudden Def Records 12004

Serum / Optical – A: Outfit / AA: The Shining – Metro Records Level 01 LP Sampler

Trace – A: Sniper / AA: Azure – DSC 14

Cold Steel – Promo

Stingray – Mix & Blend Promo

Dredbass – A: Morpheus / AA: New Destiny Part III – Back 2 Basics Records 2062

The World of Drum & Bass – International Double Pack Part I – Formation Records

Acetate – A: Nyquest / AA: Temporal Displancement – ReFlex 002 Promo

Magnetic Media – A: Vigilante / AA: Bad Seed – Liftin Spirit ADMM 25

Proper Talent & Mix and Blend presents DJ Rap und Kenny Ken – Brave New World 5 Platten Packen PTRLP 001

Classified Limited Edition 5 Peice Vinyl from Dread Recordings – Dread 001 LP

Liftin Spirit EP – Munition EP – Liftin Spirit ADMM024

Kenny Ken – A: Let me Know / AA: Absulute Control RMX – Jedi Records

Oblivin DJ Promo

Spezial K – BOMB 002 Promo

Cyberbad – A: Prodical / AA: Nitro – Frontline Records 043

Jonny L – A: Running / AA: Spike – Piranha Records 002

Future Cut – Bloodline EP – Renegade Hardware RH 023
Dom & Rymetyme – A: Iceberg / AA: We-Gee – Movin Shadow 142

Photek Productions – Spezial Forces – A: Something Else AA: Something Else – PRRO 3VS

DJ Brockie Presents – Undiluted EP – Undiluted UD 004

Cybernet – A: Code 202 / AA: Code 101 – EMOTIF Records 2026

Ray Keith & Elementz of Noise – A: Neon / AA: D4 Toxid Waste - EMOTIF Records 2025

Dylan & Facs – A: Cazmz Remix – XXX 001

Dylan & Facs – A: Beartrap / AA: Ceptor – Biotic Records 002

Aphrodite N.W.A. Remixe – A: Gangsta Gangsta / AA: Dopeman – Priority Records
PVL 38683

Ed Rush & Optical – A: Gas Mask / AA: Bacteria – Virus Records 005

Source Direct & Instra Mental – A: Yo Bitch / AA: Pimp Star – Demonic Records 12001

The Dream Team – A: Watch the / AA: Freaky – Joker Records 060

Dread Warriors EP – Dread Records 025 – 2 Platten

Riddler – A: Uprising / AA: Uprising – Majestic Records 004

Mampi Swift – A: The 1 / AA: Journey – Charge Records 003

Undiluted UD 003 Promo

Die – A: Drop Bear / AA: Posion Ivy – Fullcycle Records FCY 021

Die – A: Jitta Bug / AA: Running Out - Fullcycle Records FCY 025

Roni Size – A: 26 Bass / AA: Snapshot - Fullcycle Records FCY 020

Digital – A: Ease off - Promo

S.A.M. – A: Destiny / AA: Continental Drift – Penny Black Records PBLR 016

A.T.G. – A: Do it / AA: Nasty – Charge Records 007

Dom & Roland – A: Firewire / AA: Sky Spirits / B: Can´t punish me / BB: Tramlines – Promo

DJ Stratus / Sketchy – A: Raid 99 / AA: The Shit 99 – Flex Records 003

The Prisoness of Technology – A: One Two / AA: So Damm Tuff –
Freshkutt Records FKVOL 007

Liftin Spirits – A: Surreal / AA: Make it Happen – Liftin Spirits ADMM 018

Ray Keith presents – Something out there EP – UFO 001 EP

The Sniper – A: Echo Event / AA: Fossile – Vinyl Syndicate SYN 012

Mystical Influence – A: Broadcast / AA: Shift – Vinyl Syndicate SYN 013

Bad Company – A: The Pulse / AA: China Cup - Prototype Records PRO 001

Co: Lab – A: Red Light / AA: Mind – Parallel records 001

Lisa Scott – A: You and me / AA: You and me – Inside Records

DJ Hype – A: Jack to a King / AA: Only one Life to give – True Playaz TPR 2015

DJ Hype – A: Peace, Love & Unity Remix / AA: Jump – True Playaz TPR 2010

The Ram Triology Chapter Two – A: Mind Overload / AA: Intercity – Ram Records 023

Emimem – My Name is Remix – Promo

Concept 2 - A: No Mistake / AA: Unlock the Secrets – Ram Records 019

Monty & Pascal – A: 4D99 / AA: Aquarius 33 – Frontline Records 041

Todd Terry – A: Let it Ride / AA: Blackout

SR 2 – Promo

Global Thang Volume 3 – GTR 12003

Shy FX – Bambaata Remix – Promo

Source Direct – A: Sub One / AA: Escape to Cairo – Demonic Records 12002

Nu Balance – A: Facility / AA: Overheads – Trouble on Vinyl TOV 040

Bad Company – A: 4 Days / AA: Hunted – Bad Company Records

Q – Project – A: Champion Sound – C.I.A. Records 99004

Q – Project presents Alliance Remixes – A: Champion Sound / AA: Night Moves – LEG 006

R Notorious JW / Kingsize – A: For your Mind / AA: Shockwave – PTV 137

Flytronix & Shere Khan – A: Tardis / AA: Ultraviolet – Audio Couture AC 035

Aikon – A: Ghosthunt / AA: Sixhours – Spektrum Audio SPK 001

Fortran – A: Search / AA: The End Part II – 31 Records 31R 006

Luniz – A: I got 5 on it – Urban Takeober Records

Yum Yum feat. Martin Green – A: Fallen Angel Remix – Sperm Records SPERM 031

Mulder – A: Don´t give a Damm / AA: Can i count it off –
Urban Takeover Records URBTAKE 6B

The Infantry E.P – Underfire Records UDFRO 013

Ray Keith vs. Nookie – A: Self Destruction / AA: Sing Time - Dread Records 027

Bad Company – Digital Nation Album Sampler – A: Flashback / AA: Spacewalk –

Sappo – Front Amazon - Promo

Flytronix – A: Contemporary Accousticz Jam – Movin Shadow 119R

L.Double – A: Music for the 90`s / AA: The Mad Phunk – Flex Records 010

Blackmarket presents Drum & Bass – Compiled & Mixed by Nicki Blackmarket

Dope Skillz – A: 6 Million Remix 1 / AA: 6 Million Remix 2 – Frontline Records 018

Various Arstists Connexions EP – Prototype Records PRO 002 UK

DJ Sappo – A: Senses / AA: Dark Spirit – Advisory 003

Killa Bites 01 – Phat`n inphectious Drum `N` Bass – Limit Edition

Killa Bites 02 – Phat`n inphectious Drum `N` Bass – Limit Edition

Panacea – A: Lawless / AA: The Lightning – Knite Force KFA 016

Virus the Remixes Vol. 2 – A: Bacteria / AA: Gasmask – Virus VRS 014B

DJ Marky & XRS – A: LK / AA: LK – V Recordings 035

Breakbeat Era – A: Our Disease / AA: Rancid – 1500 Records

Breakbeat Era – Ultra Obscene Album – 1500 Records

Breakbeat Era – A: Ultra Obscene / AA: Our Disease Tera – 1500 Records

Mr. Vegas – A: Western End / AA: Western End – Promo

E-Sassin – A: Rokkit / AA: Runaway – Sound Sphere Records SSR 006

Epsilon – A: The Void / AA: Black Hole – Sound Sphere Records SR 9712

Ram Records Trilogy Chapter II E.P. – Ram Records RAMM 024

Recruitz – A: Turbo Chopperz / AA: Weather – Hard Leades 019

E Beats 001 Promo

Butty Collins Promo

SB 18 Promo – 2 Platten

Promo Withe Lable ???

DJ Zink – A: Super Sharp Shooter / AA: So Damm Fresh – Ganja Records GAN 009

Formation Records presents - The World of Drum & Bass –
Formation Records Form LP 007 – 8 Platten

Planet V Album – Featuring 17 Xclusive Tracks & Remixes by Adam F, Ray Keith, Kamanchi, Bio Mechanics, D Product, Roni Size, Die, Dillinja, Ed Rush & Optical, Krust, Peshay, Ram Trilogy, Suv, Bill Riley, Lemon D, Scorpio - 8 Platten

Armageddon Album 7 Platten – Renegade Hardware RH 2000

A: Is there no stopping / AA: Watch out he is back – NUT 024 Promo

Shure – Promo – White Lable ???

Cutter - Miles da Boss Promo

Cutter – Neil – GTR 12015 Promo
laber laber frittenbude

Geändert von StrokeLess (24.11.2006 um 19:32 Uhr)
StrokeLess ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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