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Alt 24.10.2023, 17:11   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
mp3 Blu Saphir Show w/ Jay Rome @ Bassdrive.com (18.10.2023)

The latest Blu Saphir Show on Bassdrive.com is up now !!!

This time with Markus Eden hailing from Limassol, Cyprus. He's been in the game since 1991 and is definitely considered a legend with one of the biggest old school vinyl collections, including early happy hardcore, jungle, DnB, and UK garage. But that's not all; he's also producing house and jungle music and has released tracks on various labels. For our show, he's prepared a classy, deep nu skool jungle set and the first hour will be hosted by Jay Rome playing old and upcoming DnB releases.

DL Link:



---Jay Rome in the mix---

1) Joviee - Actress - Blu Saphir Promo
2) Echo Brown - OffSweet - North Quarter
>>> Krust - Check Dis Out - V Recs
3) Carmelle Cox & Calibre & ST Files - Grow - Br:nk
>>> Ryme Tyme - Payback - DSCI4
4) Dub Ten - Fallen - EMP008
5) Felov, Swift - The Code - LFLF
6) QZB - Combat Drugs - Critical Music
7) Philth - Addiction (I Can Feel You) - Peer Pressure
>>> Icicle ft SP:MC - Dreadnaught - Shogun Audio
8. Special Forces - Sidewinder - Photek Productions
>>> Krust - Warhead - V Recs
9) Anne Marie & Aitch - Psycho ([IVY] Bootleg)
10) Trouble vs MC Spyda - Trouble vs Balaclava - Mashup
11) Art Twisted - ID - Blu Saphir Dub
12) Anile - Koi Attack - Footnotes
13) Klinical, Waeys - Framed - Overview Music
14) Dub Head - Near zero
15) S.P.Y - Insidious - DarkMttr Recs
16) Sekty - Sometimes Healthy - Truth Hertz Promo
17) Watch the Ride - Shake the Foundations - Kool
18) Alix Perez - Forsaken (Ft. Peven Everett and Spectrasoul) - Shogun Audio
19) Lally - Trusted You - Soulvent
20) Arkaik & Objectiv - Sines - BS1 - Flexout Audio
21) GLXY & Sustance & Catching Cairo - Fine Lines - Shogun Audio
22) Sequent - Hold On - Blu Saphir Free Release
23) Anile - Flow Chamber - Skank and Bass
24) Jenks (UK) - Rudeboi - Biological Beats
25) MC Fokus - Fokusyn (Teej Remix) - Flexout
26) Scar - Bravo Tango (Zero T VIP) - Metalheadz
27) ID - ID
28) Blinde - Persian - Deep Within Promo
29) Nemy - Mold - Forbidden Frequencies
30) QZB - Future Forever - Critical Music
31) Sevin - Passengers - Fokuz Recs
32) Felov - Floating - LFLF
33) The Vanguard Project - Everyday Is Stolen feat. DRS (Particle Remix) - Spearhead Promo
34) Jonny L - Piper (Grooverider Mix) - XL

---Jungle Guestmix Markus Eden---

playlist coming soon

For more infos about Markus Eden vist:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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blu saphir, dnb, jay rome, markus eden

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