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Alt 20.10.2010, 14:05   #1
chris impulse
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 13.11.2001
Ort: the braincell
Beiträge: 871
mp3 shadybrain radio #6 with Chris Impulse feat. Felix Lupus

#6 of shadybrain radio hosted by Chris Impulse features a guest mix by FELIX LUPUS (shadybrain, Antiritmo) from Munich bringing you a true storm full of bass and vibes!

shadybrain radio - every 3rd tuesday of the month @ www.play.fm


Chris Impulse:

1. Shed - Atmo-Action- Ostgut Ton
2. iTAL tEK - Moment In Blue (Ikonika Remix) - Planet Mu
3. Jean Doe - Water Torture - shadybrain
4. Martin Buttrich - L2 - Desolat
5. Steve Bug - Trees Can't Dance (Deetron Remix) - Pokerflat
6. Radiohead - Idioteque - Kid A
7. Stray - Frost - MedSchool
8. Bladerunner - Back To The Jungle - Critical
9. Pale Sketcher - Can I Go Now (Gone Version) - Ghostly
10. Interpol - All Of The Ways - Interpol

Felix Lupus:

1. Jesper Dahlback - Dash One (ISL)
2. Alan Fitzpatrick - Paranoize (Drumcode)
3. Slam - City Destroyer (Alan Fitzpatrick Remix) (Paragraph)
4. Fictionizer & Audionatica - Sunday Morning (Gon Records)
5. Reset Robot – Pig Nose (Sci+Tec)
6. Fergie, Alan Fitzpatrick, Reset Robot - Gas Mask (8 Sided Dice)
7. Harvey McKay – 69 (Soma)
8. Rich Jones – Choronzon (Harvey McKay Remix) (8 Sided Dice)
9. Jack De Molay, Libex – Wiplash (Umek Rmx) (Hollister Records)
10. Fergie – Eye of Storm (Excentric Music)

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Geändert von chris impulse (20.10.2010 um 15:15 Uhr)
chris impulse ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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felix lupus, shadybrain, shoota, techno

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