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Alt 12.07.2010, 13:12   #1
chris impulse
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 13.11.2001
Ort: the braincell
Beiträge: 871
mp3 Counterstrike (influences set) @ shadybrain radio #4

#4 of shadybrain radio hosted by Chris Impulse with a guest mix feature by COUNTERSTRIKE (Algorythm, Counterstrike Recs) from South Africa bringing you an amazing influences set!!!

shadybrain radio - every 2nd sunday of the month @ www.play.fm


Chris Impulse:

1. Chloé - Distant - Kill The DJ
2. Scuba - Tense (dBridge Remix) - Hotflush Recordings
3. Instra:Mental - End Credits - NonPlus LTD
4. Stray - Erase - Critical
5. Sid Le Rock - Swollen Member - Shit Katapult
6. Oliver Huntemann - Decks And The City - Ideal Audio
7. Jean Doe - Sour Cake - shadybrain
8. Martyn - Miniluv - Ostgut Ton
9. Von Spar - Troops - Italic


10. Autechre - Foil1
11. Speedy J - Ping Pong
12. The Black Dog - parasight
13. Autechre - Chatter
14. Orbital - Remind
15. Polygon Window - Untitled
16. Isis - Celestial (The Tower)
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chris impulse, counterstrike, mp3, shadybrain

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