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Alt 05.08.2009, 18:59   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 13.05.2008
Ort: Belgrade, Serbia
Beiträge: 50
DNB Centrala Podcast #1 - Bitz inna deep session

I have done this mix recently for Serbian dnb community. It will take you on the journey to different styles of dnb: from atmosferical sounds, liquid, new minimal & experimental stuff up to few neuro bits. It consists of tunes that I feel at the moment, some these year gems plus 3 tracks from Serbian upcoming producers,all smooth mixed with few double drops and cuttings...hope you will enjoy

DNB Centrala Podcast #1 - Bitz inna deep session:

01. (00:00) Alaska & Paradox - Zion (Paradox Music)
02. (03:47) Soul Connection - Omnia (dub)
03. (07:29) Lenzman - Memory loss (CIA Deep kutz)
04. (08:57) Spectrasoul - Buried (31 Records)
05. (11:33) Alix Perez ft. MC Fats - Down the line (Break rmx) (Shogun)
06. (15:14) Proxima - Serengeti (Shogun LTD)
07. (17:26) Serum - Go for yours (Liquid V)
08. (19:37) Aaron Jay & Lynx - Wait for me (31 Records)
09. (21:51) Lynx & Kemo ft. Henree - Deez breakz (Soul:R)
10. (24:52) Alix Perez - I'm free (Shogun)
11. (28:33) Blu Mar Ten - Believe me (Blu Mar Ten)
12. (31:29) Lenzman ft. Jo-S - Emeralds (Shogun LTD)
13. (34:47) Side 1 & Philly Pee - Never gonna let you go (White)
14. (38:11) Spectrasoul - Alibi (Critical)
15. (40:23) Calibre - Sokitume (Signature)
16. (42:13) Data - The causeway (Influence)
17. (44:02) Sabre ft. Tuere - Original sin (Critical)
18. (46:15) Commix - Breaking through (31 Records)
19. (49:32) Dis - Foes (Tactile)
20. (50:37) Dj Friction & K Tee - Set it off (Shogun)
21. (52:50) Break - Retech (Summetry)
22. (55:46) Zero T & Beta 2 ft. Steo - The sea (Liquid V)
23. (57:14) 2Key ft. Djix - Early mornin' hours (dub)

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Alt 09.08.2009, 19:01   #2
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 13.05.2008
Ort: Belgrade, Serbia
Beiträge: 50
Bitz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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