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Alt 13.04.2006, 03:08   #1
the panty inspector
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 13.07.2005
Ort: uk buckinghamshire
Beiträge: 1.477
Thumbs up Temper D - 3 Deck Mix April 2006

Temper D - 3 Deck Mix April 2006

pantyinspector is on a distinguished road

Devil Temper D - 3 Deck Mix April 2006
Temper D - 3 Deck Mix April 2006

http://www.offkeymp3.com/download.php?id=32 (you have to register first) its worth it !!!

1. The Panacea - Rave Music Resurrected (dub)
2. Illuminati vs the Sect - Malfunction (dub)
3. Lethal, Khanage and Temper D - Double Standard (dub)
4. Signal to Noise - Nanobugs (Pleroma)
5. Prode - Proportion (Lethal and Khanage remix) (offkey dub)
6. Raiden vs The Sect - Cesium 7 (Offkey)
7. Illuminati - Bellicose (dub)
8. Lethal Khanage and Temper D - Benzedrine (dub)
9. Temper D and K-Fire - beanstalk (dub)
10. Resound - Ghetto Funk (dub)
11. Code Blue and Panacea - Headstone Shuffle (dub)
12. Dataset - Cybermen (Brutal)
13. Phobia - Messenger (Hardware dub)
14. Ram Trilogy - Mind Overload (Ram)
15. Limewax - 666 (Freak dub)
16. Rusher - The Suffering (Barcode dub)
17. Temper D and K-Fire - All Your Bass Are Belong to Us (ELP dub)
18. Raiden - Fallin (Hardware)
19. Lethal and Khanage - Rise of the Beast (dub)
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Alt 13.04.2006, 10:37   #2
hustlin l.
Hardcore Head
Benutzerbild von hustlin l.
Registriert seit: 17.09.2003
Beiträge: 8.959
sick gutter funk from dave once again...its one of the best techno bass sets i heard recently. but the teases still get on my nerves in here ;-D
hustlin l. ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.04.2006, 17:59   #3
the panty inspector
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 13.07.2005
Ort: uk buckinghamshire
Beiträge: 1.477
the panty inspector ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.04.2006, 18:15   #4
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 16.08.2005
Beiträge: 1.987
hab mir den mix bei offkey gezogen
das anmelden ging flott und rentiert sich
auch wegen den anderen sachen

zum mix:

gewohnter temper d - style
rockt die sheice fett
That is why I said to you, Be of good
courage, and if you are discouraged be
encouraged in the presence of the
different forms of nature
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