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Alt 26.02.2012, 11:36   #1
Junior Head
Benutzerbild von msce
Registriert seit: 12.02.2010
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 88
Exclamation msce_BIGBADNHEAVYSOUNDS2012_JumpUpdnbMixpt2

1-collie budz - come around (nicol&majistratermx)

2-contract killers - get life

3-cue - lose control

4-modified motion - sound killa

5-sly - very heavy

6-prestige&ozma - resister

7-cue&prestige - frighten to death

8-devlin - brainwashed(majistrate&logandrmx)

9-dj rowney&logic - we don t ramp

10-pasco&sly - respect

11-rowney&missmelody - lay it low

12-majistrate,sly&trigga - one world

13-dub inc - live to kill

14-ozma - chickenboy

15-mutadet forms - doubts

16-zen - rhubarb&custard(taxmanrmx)

17-zen&killabeats ft gry - your shout

18-place2b&diolax - kill them all

19-clipz - bionic comando

20-rowney&propz - clonezone

21-pendulum - showdown(clipzrmx)

22-qemists - stompbox(sporrmx)




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2012, dnb, jumpup

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