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Alt 26.11.2019, 10:41   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Exclamation Sequences - Various - Raiden 2xEP [Blu Saphir Limited 014]

Sequences comes through once again following his initial Blu Saphir Limited release in the Raiden double EP, and just like the previous release, Sequences shows why he is a master in the production game. Fueled by deep bass, and rudebwoy vibes the entire way through, selectas will have their hands full when selecting which of the five to showcase – maybe one. Maybe all.

No matter what route is taken, keep your eyes peeled for this UK sensation.

BLUSLTD014 – Sequences - Raiden 2xEP
A. Raiden
B. Lion's Den
C. Conflict of Interest
D. Activate
E. Icepick
F. Denial
G. Synthetic
H. Salvador


Release Date: 06/12/19

Supported By: Data 3, Alibi, Dave Owen, Big Bud, Zero Tolerance

A. Raiden –

The title track tricks you into thinking it's your standard liquid roller. Don't think so fast though. Sequences has already taught us of the minimal darkness that lies within his soul. Flowing bass will ignite the dance as we progress. The break brings welcome relief to cycle once more.

B. Lion's Den –

Slowing down for the second half, Lion's Den gets melodic with classic liquid vibes - then turns into a monster. Perfect as a closer to any set - or to amp up the crowd, Sequences is proving with lightning speed that he is a force within the drum 'n bass scene.

C. Conflict of Interest –

The intro reminds me of an ascending elevator. "Subtly grimey" is how I can describe it. The bass drops, complimented by neuro-squelched-out badness. interlaced vocal cues and filtered tail-end gives COI supreme status.

D. Activate –

Robotic soundscapes like something out of Tattooine ACTIVATE this number. Floor-growling bass sweeps leaving space for all to enter the dance. Like a battle between the Millenium Falcon and the Death Star, Activate is that level of ferocity. It's as if we're going back to the No U Turn days with upgraded flavors – “old school for the new age.”
E. Icepick –

Icepick is one gritty number. This one will blow up the speaker if you're not careful – like dancing through the Millenium Falcon, the it's all a blissful journey to start, soon to be ambushed by X-Wing fighters. You're going to have to use all of your tactics to get through this one. Squelchy hits flourish, and filters bring life to the tune, as pads weave in and out to keep you guessing. Beware the melody mid-tune. You'll be dancing to the bass that comes beyond the Queen on the vocal.

F. Denial –

Eerie and hypnotic, synths, reverb-infested sound design, and a hands-to-the-sky-type build drops the bass, as bass-laden kicks and drums are complimented by flowing vocal snippets. The break brings about another hypnotic spell, as if you're walking through underground tunnels in the midst of a suspense thriller... until the bass drops again. Definitely worth the second go-around!

G. Synthetic –

More on the melodic side, this steppy number will have the masses "getting swampy". Brief drum switch-ups lead the bass into the walls. Even those on the outside of the door will have their dance and head-nod on. Pads ala 1997 appear in the break as if we're in that Promised Land safari, as our Goddess Guide takes us through. Then the breaks and bass hit again. Watch it.

H. Salvador –

Don't be fooled by the birds in the beginning of the track. Haven't you ever seen The Crow? Pitched down voices lead to a quick drop, alienated squelches and breathy tones. We're back in the swamp again, dancing like only swamp monsters do. Accents of 'Wolf' fills make a sudden appearance for effect. Salvador Dali might be the name of this track. He could be dancing in his sarcophagus. Half-time takes over mid-track, before the break hits. More birds. Breath. The break brings tones similar to Limewax and Tech Itch, thinking it's going to drop into some tear-out craziness. Fooled. Hard neuro all the way. The crew inside will be steppin' til sunrise to this one.

Layout: Rudolf Matejecek
Words by: Bryan Friedman
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check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...

Geändert von Jay Rome (28.11.2019 um 11:33 Uhr)
Jay Rome ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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blu saphir limited, dnb, neurofunk, raiden ep, sequences

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