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Alt 29.03.2018, 21:46   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 12.10.2012
Ort: berlin
Beiträge: 118
13.4.2018 - The Tekno Horror Freaky Show @ Køpi 137 (Berlin)

Friday april 13th, 2018

A night of indipendent music, bloody performances, info and support!

Fund raising for the "Scateniamoli" campaign, financing the legal support for the people arrested for the riots during the AntiExpo MayDay2015 demonstration in Milan (more information about the NoExpo MayDay2015 at the bottom of this text)

Start h 22:00

Line up:

Bloody Cirkus (Extreme Body Performance)

"Settima Cella" Velia Esposito & Cristina Meloro (Theater)

Anna Bolena (Buttons / Idroscalo Dischi)

Suit Kei (Witches Are Back / Drastic Beat)

Ida (SDS / Witches Are Back)

Mäi Matsunami (Witches Are Back)

Provvidenza (Witches Are Back)

Casx (OX)

Weyckhan (RMS)

Frenki (RMS)

@ Køpi 137

Köpenickerstrasse 137, Berlin

What was NOEXPO MAYDAY 2015?

Expo Milano 2015 has been a huge global event organized in Milan by the local state institutions with the approval of the whole Italian political environment. It involved many of the world's governments, multinational concerns, companies and industries providing them a platform to interact and showcase their projects and plans on the yearly theme "feeding the planet, energy for life". Hyped up as a glamorous event, it was supposed to be an occasion for the city to re-evaluate itself through the creation of new employment and the financings for the public works necessary to its preparation.

Everyone had to witness the obvious corruption during the public works (for which the actual city major Giuseppe Sala, nicknamed "Mr.Expo" and at the time CEO of the project, is currently undergoing a court case) and the unpleasant show of McDonald's, Coca-Cola and Monsanto explaining their plans to save the planet to a paying public. Besides this, and in spite of being state organized and funded, Expo 2015, employed its workers under extremely exploitative conditions (In Italy the absence of social system and unemployment welfare payments forces workers to accept unfair working conditions, under the fear of not being able of support themselves, in a kind of social blackmail). Moreover, following police controls requested by the government on each person accessing the building (the greatest mass surveillance of workers ever seen), more than 600 workers were refused entrance to the building on the first day of work due to their alleged belonging to radical political environments. In this way their employment contract were revoked on the spot and without notice, leaving them without means of support.

All this was supposed to encounter some backlash: on May 1st 2015, during a demonstration against Expo, huge riots broke out in the rich areas of Milan's city center, followed by a big scandal and long trail of controversial debate.

On November, 12th 2015 5 people got arrested in Athens and other 4 in Milan, as a consequence of an investigation by the Italian police following the events happened during the NoExpo MayDay: among other charges they were accused of "devastation and plunder", a felony punished with up to 15 years imprisonment.

"Devastation and plunder" is an felony originally introduced during the Italian fascist regime (whose penal code is in Italy still partly in use). Meant by the fascist legislators for repression in civil war contexts, it punishes violent acts directed exclusively at objects and properties with extremely long detention times: up to 15 years detention. In the last years it's being used by modern Italy's supposedly democratic governments to repress internal dissent, terrorizing protesters with its heavy penalties. This happened for the first time after World War II during the trial against the protesters in 2001's Genoa anti-WTO demonstrations. At the present moment, and for the first time in history, 3 different trials for such charges are simultaneously taking place.

Thanks to a big solidarity movement in support of the Greek arrested, Greece refused to allow extradition. After spending long time in jail and/or at house arrest waiting (as usual by the slow times of the Italian judicial system), those arrested in Milan were taken to trial. The evidence against them was weak and proved nothing except their presence at the demonstration. The prosecutors made then use of a juridical norm called "psychic joint participation": this means that who did not necessarily commit a crime, but is present at it without preventing it, is punishable as much as if they were committing it. Luckily, the date of the trial was strategically set during the elections for the new major in Milan and Democratic Party's candidate Giuseppe Sala was in need of support by left wing voters, so the sentences have been unusually mild for the kind of accusations. They were anyway heavy, especially considering that they were not even accused of having personally committed the crimes they were sentenced for.

The legal and detention costs and the financial penalties our mates have been sentenced to pay are extremely expensive and none of them can afford bearing them. For who knows them personally and knows the situation in the city, it's clear that the reasons why they have been prosecuted are others than what they are accused of and related to their engagement and/or notoriety in the city's squatter and radical scene.
With these trials and sentences the Italian state means to warn and threaten whoever wants to oppose with strength and determination its merciless capitalist politics.

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