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Alt 18.03.2015, 02:55   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 12.10.2012
Ort: berlin
Beiträge: 118
21.3.2015 - Marginal Notes Exhibition Opening Party @ Urban Spree


Randbemerkungen | Marginal notes is an exhibition summarizing eight years of explorations by the ogino:knauss collective into the modernist built environment. The event inaugurates a new phase in the body of work of Ogino Knauss, aiming to realize next film focusing on the city of Berlin. For three weeks Urban Spree will host an installation of printed works and video, completed by a series of events including live AV concerts, talks, workshops, book presentations, screenings and performances.

Saturday evening's vernissage will finish with a big party in the Urban Spree club.
The night's line up will feature live performances and Dj sets from international artists.

Evening's program:

19h_Exhibition opening @ Urban Spree Gallery

20h_Oginoknauss randbemerkungen live

23h_Opening Party @ Urban Spree Club:

Miki Semascus

1kPieces (ClosebraceMOpenbrace)

YaYa (Cyberrise)

N-rgle from les trolls (Antibreak, Cavage, Broklyn beats)

Electric Kettle (Peace Off / Praxis)

Egon Frinz

Crash.01 (Digital Junk)

Visuals: ogino:knauss, K-labo

Urban Spree Berlin

Revaler Straße 99 – 10245 Berlin

Here you can find the complete program of the event: http://www.oginoknauss.org/blog/?page_id=4575
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breakbeat, breakcore, experimental beats, experimental breaks, tekno

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