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Alt 11.03.2003, 13:41   #1
Senior Head
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drum and bass volkabeln

ok what gender are various words in drum and bass

bass ? (der bass, das bass, die bass)
drum n bass
der/die/das Funk
der/die/das Step

der/die/das Massive

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Alt 11.03.2003, 14:28   #2
Hardcore Head
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der Bass
das Massive
der Funk

Step gibt's net (Wenn dann der)

Und D&B:

"Ich distanzier mich von allem, was JVXP jemals geschrieben hat. :)"
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Alt 11.03.2003, 15:17   #3
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von geek
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thomas, you're a loser.

>der Bass
>das Drum n Bass (but, I think I've never said a sentence that actually had an article in front of dnb)
>der Funk
>der Step

and yeah...probably
>das Massive

I don't know it's weird to put German articles in front of English words. I think 'massive' I've only used with indefinite articles which would be 'ein' which makes it unclear as to if it's der or das. But it's das.

oh whatever i just woke up
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Alt 11.03.2003, 15:41   #4
Senior Head
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wouldn't d+b therefore´be der D+b(der Drum +bass)

shrug, if you are purist, then never use cognates, but realize that German has absorbed thousands of french/ roman/spanish, russian, turkish words and will continue to do so (my teacher said that "weisst du" comes from Turkish!)

i am also confused about salsa. Das Salsa?
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Alt 11.03.2003, 15:54   #5
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von geek
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der Salsa

I'm confused about dnb now.
and nah I wasn't dissing English words or something it's just that...Massive for example...I've never heard a person that doesn't have something to do with jungle actually say that word in Germany.

Geändert von geek (11.03.2003 um 15:57 Uhr)
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Alt 11.03.2003, 18:39   #6
Hardcore Head
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It's der Salsa.

And yes, I've heard people say das Massive. And it sounds OK for me.

And Miromi is probably right with der Drum & Bass.

I think it is hard, because it isn't a subject, but two words. It would be easy if it was seperate.

"Die Drums/Die Trommel" (there is no singular for "Drum" ??? Oder doch die Drum) und "der Bass".

"Ich distanzier mich von allem, was JVXP jemals geschrieben hat. :)"
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Alt 12.03.2003, 00:13   #7
Diamond Head
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Oh gosh..........I never used "das Massive", i use "die Massive. I would use the article "das" concerning the word DnB.........But nobody asks me!
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Alt 12.03.2003, 11:09   #8
Diamond Head
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das vibrieren
die vibration
der vibrator
i move away from the mic to breathe in - robert-agthe.de

Geändert von polarity (12.03.2003 um 11:11 Uhr)
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Alt 12.03.2003, 11:25   #9
Senior Head
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ya i mean, i know there are more important things going on in the world, but little things like this make me crazy from curiosity

now i know how to say a "vibrating junglist massiv" auf Deutsch but that conjures up a rather lurid image oder

sag hallo dem vibrierenden steppenden massiv!!!!

Geändert von miromi (12.03.2003 um 14:59 Uhr)
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Alt 13.03.2003, 20:01   #10
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Original geschrieben von miromi

(my teacher said that "weisst du" comes from Turkish!)

I believe, this was meant to be a joke (if you were not kidding at us, anyway), as many Turkish people in Germany loves to start or end their sentences with "weisst Du" .

Das Massive - something proper
Die Massiven - proper people
Be there or be square-> 12.04.2009 Vibration 9 @ Sumpfblume, Hameln
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Alt 13.03.2003, 22:11   #11
Gold Head
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somehow all musical styles are male in german:

der techno
der house
der jungle
der tango
....drumandbass for body & soul.....

....on/offline culture & party community (R.I.P.)....
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Alt 13.03.2003, 23:08   #12
Platinum Head
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die Volksmusik

"Ich finde, sich wegen Musik so anzustellen, zeugt doch von einem engen Geist. Die Intelligenz zeigt sich darin, neue Wege zu finden." (Carl Craig)

"tiefer als limbo"
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Alt 13.03.2003, 23:55   #13
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Actually, it should be "die Massive", because "Massive" refers to a group of people and "Gruppe" is femal in German.
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Alt 14.03.2003, 00:48   #14
Gold Head
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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:17   #15
MC Sinista
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das gulasch
take over - crap the whole world
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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:23   #16
Platinum Head
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die gulasch massiven
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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:26   #17
Gold Head
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yes now is the thread totally for the ass.

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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:31   #18
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Original geschrieben von geek

But not really. Think for a moment and follow my line of thought - you will find out that it is perfectly logical. *protz*

Geändert von C-Wee (14.03.2003 um 01:34 Uhr)
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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:31   #19
Platinum Head
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tolle anal-yse
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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:39   #20
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von geek
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Original geschrieben von C-Wee
Think for a moment
I don't want to think about this crap any longer
I'm totally through with it.
I'm completely done.

...and confused

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Alt 14.03.2003, 01:47   #21
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*Harrrr* My plan is working...

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Alt 14.03.2003, 02:32   #22
Gold Head
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you don't look as evil as you actually are.
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Alt 14.03.2003, 02:42   #23
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Damn, I have been discovered...

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Alt 14.03.2003, 02:47   #24
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von geek
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and here, children, you can see the side effects of the deadly mixture of too many b-movies and cocaine.
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Alt 14.03.2003, 02:50   #25
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Alt 14.03.2003, 12:00   #26
Senior Head
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o na my teacher had a book saying weisst du comes from turkish. i thought it came from english. i will try to find the book since if i just talk out my ass it will be unsubstantianted. i like all the little slang words people have. my boyfriend is berliner so he confuses me too. all the "ick" instead of ich.

i talked to the linguist a my company and he said germany generally assigns the same gender to cognates that the german equivalent has for that word. so it is "das Handy" because it is also "das Telefon"

so i would guess "der Step" would be so because you say "der Schritt" like "der Salsa Schritt" right?

another weird thing is i never knew why light (licht) in english is the same as the word light (leicht) in english. but if you look at the german it is obvious what could have happened
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Alt 15.03.2003, 20:27   #27
Gold Head
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italian: caldo = "heiss" (german)
german: "kalt" = "fredo (italian)
german: "heiss" = "hot" (english)
english: "hot" also "scharf" (german)
german : "scharf" also "sharp" (english)

you know, its good for the development of intellectual skills, when children grow up with two mothertonques...but guess what: recent studies say, that growing up with three different languages has an inhibting effect on all three of these, so that children never learn any of these languages properly......I know why (see top).....
....drumandbass for body & soul.....

....on/offline culture & party community (R.I.P.)....
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Alt 15.03.2003, 20:56   #28
Gold Head
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well i can understand why but...i don't think that it happens all too often that a child actually grows up with three different languages at once.
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Alt 15.03.2003, 21:18   #29
Platinum Head
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Original geschrieben von geek
yes... here is it once again.
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Alt 16.03.2003, 17:10   #30
Senior Head
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Original geschrieben von Valerian

you know, its good for the development of intellectual skills, when children grow up with two mothertonques...but guess what: recent studies say, that growing up with three different languages has an inhibting effect on all three of these, so that children never learn any of these languages properly......I know why (see top).....
I knew a German chick from Hamburg who grew up with Chinese (cantonese) and Vietnamese and German all at once just fine.

it was interesting because she said being trilingual is normal in east Asia but it doesn#t have the same association with intelligence and upper classedness that it does in the west. people don't perceive speaking 3 languages as something a smart person does, it's just something people do because everyone does it.

but anyway, now we move on to jamaican or jamaican brit english. so like, reggae is feminine since it is reggae (-musik)

die reggae
die ragga
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