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Alt 16.03.2004, 11:37   #61
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
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Checkt mal die Pics vom Capitol ab wer noch nicht dort gewesen ist! Ist eine Hammer Location mit einem Fetten Balkon! Looks like Aladin & Tivoli in Bremen, perfekt für einen Hammer Rave!!!


Klikt Euch mal durch die Seite, da findet Ihr alle Infos zur Location!
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Alt 16.03.2004, 13:28   #62
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 08.05.2001
Beiträge: 744
Original geschrieben von beyond
kann man da eigentlich auch gut parken...???

PARKHAUS IN DER FEUERWACHE benutzen!! Von dort sind es nur 2 Minuten zu Fuß!!


02.10.2006 "DETONATION" BACK @ HALLE 02 HD
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Alt 16.03.2004, 20:49   #63
monnema bu
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Ort: Illvesheim
Beiträge: 589

komm grad einen tag vorher aus italien zurück und kann dann am nächsten tag gleich feier gehn

.....mmmh-- gibts da nen timetable????
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Alt 16.03.2004, 22:09   #64
monnema bu
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Ort: Illvesheim
Beiträge: 589
Original geschrieben von beyond
kann man da eigentlich auch gut parken...???
ja alte feuerwache ist ein parkhaus (unter carl benz- und werner von siemens schule)
am besten die schulparkplätze benutzen!!

das beste an der ganzen sache ist: parkplätze für umme!!!
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Alt 17.03.2004, 10:00   #65
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 08.05.2001
Beiträge: 744
Re: ...

Original geschrieben von monnema bu
komm grad einen tag vorher aus italien zurück und kann dann am nächsten tag gleich feier gehn

.....mmmh-- gibts da nen timetable????
bitte schön:

22:30h - 00:30h Phunkz Crew b2b

00:30h - 02:00h DJ Phantasy + Ragga Twinz

02:00h - 03:30h DJ Trace + Riddla, 5ive-O

03:30h - end DJ Ray Keith + Raggaz, Riddla, 5ive-O

hoffe mal das es Euch so gefällt!!

c u all @ CAPITOL MANNHEIM to fuck up the place!!


02.10.2006 "DETONATION" BACK @ HALLE 02 HD
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Alt 17.03.2004, 10:40   #66
Man on a Mission
Beiträge: n/a
Supergeil, das Jump Up Gedudels zum Anfang und dann klepperts. So ists schön
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Alt 17.03.2004, 11:01   #67
Man on a Mission
Beiträge: n/a
Mein damit Phantasy. Hehe
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Alt 17.03.2004, 20:01   #68
monnema bu
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 20.11.2003
Ort: Illvesheim
Beiträge: 589

danke schön herr sevemir
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Alt 18.03.2004, 09:35   #69
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 15.02.2003
Beiträge: 2.574
Talking Re: Re: ...

Original geschrieben von svemir
03:30h - end DJ Ray Keith + Raggaz, Riddla, 5ive-O
das wird bestimmt lustig...
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Alt 18.03.2004, 11:02   #70
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 08.05.2001
Beiträge: 744
Wink Re: Re: Re: ...

Original geschrieben von beyond
das wird bestimmt lustig...

aber auf jeden!!
02.10.2006 "DETONATION" BACK @ HALLE 02 HD
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Alt 24.03.2004, 13:44   #71
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von ace
Registriert seit: 10.02.2004
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Wcikeda wickeda wickeda selecta das wird bestimmt ober fett absolut chillig mit den extrem vielen sitzen oben viel viel platz nur der boden wird schnell zur rutschparty.
aber oberfett und ein tag vorher RATPACK das wird das wochenende des jahres ( na ja kings könnte vielleicht, aber nur vielleicht noch besser werden)
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Alt 24.03.2004, 20:13   #72
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Dann geht die Party ab und die Party geht ab!!!
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Alt 25.03.2004, 16:40   #73
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
NUR NOCH 9 TAGE!!!! Nochmal alle Infos zur Ram Jam Session im Capitol!

03.04.04: DEVOTION vs. ROYAL RUMBLE - The Big Rumble in the Jungle@Capitol,
Samstag der 03-04-04
Waldhofstrasse 2 / 68169 Mannheim

Royal Rumble and WickedVibes.de
in conjunction with:

-The Big Rumble in the Jungle-

(DSCI4 Rec. London UK)
(Dread Rec. London UK)
(Easy Rec. London UK)

plus Special Guest DJ from the UK

(Royal Rumble & Magic Rec. HD)
(WickedVibes.de & Phunkz MA)

MC Riddla
(Fully Loaded London UK)
MC 5ive-O
(V.I.P. Crew London UK)
The Ragga Twins
(Royal Rumble V.I.P. Crew London UK)

Samstag der 03-04-04

Capitol Mannheim

22.30 Uhr

15,-€ an der Abendkasse

Hotline & Ticketreservierung unter:


Capitol Hotline:
+49-(0)621-40 17 14 0

Mit der Stadtbahn:
An der Haltestelle "Alte Feuerwache" halten die Stadtbahnlinien 1, 2 und 3. Vom
Hauptbahnhof Mannheim ist das Capitol mit der Linie 1 (Fahrtrichtung Schönau)
und mit der Linie 3 (Fahrtrichtung Sandhofen) zu erreichen.
Klicken Sie in das Bild am Ende dieser Seite, um eine druckfähige Version des
Netzplanes (300dpi) zu erhalten.

Mit dem Auto:
Sie können sich durch klicken auf Stadtplandienst <../Stadtplan_Mannheim.htm>
verbinden lassen, um die schnellste Strecke zum Capitol anzuzeigen. Weiter unten
finden Sie ausführliche Anfahrtsbeschreibungen aus allen Himmelsrichtungen.
Sie finden uns im Mannheimer Stadtteil Neckarstadt, Waldhofstraße 2:

Aus Fahrtrichtung Saarbrücken:
Von der A6 über die Abfahrt Mannheim-Sandhofen immer geradeaus bis zu einer
abknickenden Vorfahrt. Nicht der Untermühlaustraße folgen, sondern direkt
geradeaus in die Waldhofstraße einfahren. Das Capitol liegt in dieser
Fahrtrichtung am Ende der Straße.

Aus Fahrtrichtung Frankfurt:
Über A6 und A67 bis zur Abfahrt Mannheim-Käfertal. Der B38 in Richtung
Innenstadt folgen. An einer großen Kreuzung, wenn links das
Ludwig-Frank-Gymnasium erscheint, nach rechts in die Käfertaler Straße abbiegen.
An deren Ende um den Alten Meßplatz herumfahren. Das Capitol finden Sie um die
Ecke des McDonald's-Restaurants in der Waldhofstraße.

Aus Fahrtrichtung Stuttgart:
Über die A6 und A656 bis Abfahrt Mannheim-Mitte. Am Planetarium geradeaus in die
Augusta-Anlage hinein. Um den Friedrichsplatz/Wasserturm herum und rechts
halten. Rechts abbiegen und dem Mannheimer Innenstadtring folgen bis zum alten
OEG-Bahnhof. Hier rechts abbiegen, den Neckar überqueren und um den Alten
Meßplatz herumfahren. Der Schriftzug "Capitol" ist auf einem der Häuser
linkerhand schon zu sehen.

Aus Ludwigshafen:
Über die Kurt-Schumacher-Brücke (neue Brücke), an deren Ende links abbiegen, auf
dem Ring auf der rechten Spur einfädeln und der Straße folgen, bis zum
Kurpfalzkreisel. Dort Richtung Weinheim einfädeln und den Neckar überqueren. Um
den Alten Meßplatz herumfahren. Der Schriftzug "Capitol" ist auf einem der
Häuser linkerhand schon zu sehen.

Park and ride:
Am Capitol angekommen, sollten Sie wegen der verworrenen Parkplatz-Situation auf
unseren Park-and-Ride-Service zurück greifen. Als Besucher des Capitols haben
Sie die Möglichkeit, die Stadtbahnen der MVV zwischen dem Großparkplatz “Neuer
Messplatz” und dem Capitol (2 Stationen, 3 Minuten Fahrtzeit) kostenlos zu
nutzen. Der Neue Messplatz liegt etwa einen Kilometer vom Capitol entfernt in
der Waldhofstraße. Einzige Bedingung: Sie müssen vor Ihrem Besuch im Capitol im
Besitz einer Konzertkarte sein.
Die Bahnen fahren ca. im Fünfminuten-Takt. Nähere Infos unter www.vrn.de &
www.vrn.de- “Fahrpläne” anklicken (Haltestellen: Neuer Messplatz (=Parkplatz)/
Alte Feuerwache (=Capitol)

Presse & Flyer Text:
A Yo Massive and Crew,

Royal Rumble & WickedVibes.de in conjunction mit Sir Benni Miles präsentieren
Euch am Samstag den 03-04-2004 im Capitol Mannheim (remember BLAZE DEM Pt.2
24-10-03!!!) ein weiteres Highlight der Drum´n´Bass Szene:

-The Big Rumble in the Jungle-

Die Vereinigung zweier Top Events zu einem Big One!!!
Speziell zu diesem Anlass wurden auch nicht alltägliche Artists eingeladen.
DJ Ray Keith(Dread Rec.) & DJ Trace(DSCI4 Rec.) spielen zum erstenmal seit
langem wieder in Mannheim, und stehen für speziellen Technischen Drum´n´Bass
Sound, der Liebhaberherzen höher schlagen lässt. Außerdem wird sich Devotion &
Easy Rec. Chef DJ Phantasy die Ehre geben um mit seinem typischen Jump Up Sound
der Partycrew kräftig ein zu heizen.

Als MC haben wir den Altmeister 5ive-O am start der mit seinem Original Lyric
Vibe die Masse zu bewegen weiß:“Ding Ding - Seconds Out - Round One“!!!
Zusätzlich werden die Ragga Twins Ihre erste Performance in diesem Jahr in
Mannheim zum besten geben und das Capitol & die Party Crowd in Ihrer Art und
Weiße Rocken, die beiden sind immer ein High-Light jeder Party!
Um das ganze abzuruden an Lyrics wird MC Riddla diesem Abend seine besondere
Note verleihen und aufsetzen! Er ist das erste mal seit über 9 Monaten wieder in
Mannheim. Fully Loaded is in the house!!!

Als Deuschen Support werden Mr. Smood & Humpty C & RBF & Funksta zeigen,
das unsere Local Heros es ebenfalls krachen lassen!

Dieser Event spricht für sich und wird an die Blaze Dem Pt.2 im letztes Jahr
anknüpfen und wird das ganze noch Topen, Word! Wer die letzte Party im Capitol
verpasst haben sollte, darf sich diese nicht entgehen lassen. Das Alte Kino mit
seiner Empore bietet genug Platz zum Steppen, Tanzen und Chillen. Die PA wird
wieder gewaltig sein und die Lightshow wird keine wünsche offen lassen.
Die Securitys sind freundlich die Getränkepreise sind angenehm.

Let´s get Ready to Rumble Germany,
see you at Devotion vs. Royal Rumble,
Saturday the 03-04-04 @ Capitol, Mannheim!
This one is only for you, Party Crew! Don´t miss it!!!


Infos zu Devotionm Party & den Artists:

MC Skibadee & DJ Phantasy joined forces a few years ago to start up a club night
called DEVOTION. Wanting to do something a little different, Skibadee & Phantasy
decided to try create a party vibe by playing all forms of Drum n Bass in one
room. All of the DJ's playing were told to play what they wanted, as long as it
made the crowd jump up. The opening night was amazing with Residents Phantasy,
Skibadee, Probe, Filthy Dirty Rich & R-Type slamming down some phat beats with
Guest DJ's Brockie & Nicky Black Market alongside MC Det & Shabba D. The opening
night was also dedicated to the late great Stevie Hyper D, with a big screen
playing footage of the legend himself. The vibes were set.

Devotion's first home was the club with the pool, The Aquarium, Old St, London.
After being there for a while, they were asked if they could host a room at
Bagleys in Kings Cross, London. They thought they would give it a try and on
their first night there, they were absolutly buzzing when they saw the Drum n
Bass room jammed to the rafters and everyone having a wicked time. The promoters
of the night had never seen a crowd at their event so up for it, with whistles
and horns, loving the vibes and the music. Since that night, Devotion hosted the
Drum n Bass room at that event and are glad to say that the vibes were still the
same until we left at the end of 2001.

Also ready to go is the merchandising range. DEVO WEAR is the brand name being
used and the limited edition clothing line is being well supported by the DJ's &
MC's within the Drum n Bass scene. All of this is available by clicking here.

We would like to thank everybody who made it down to our Carnival Back2Back
Special on Friday 23rd August. All of you made it a very special night & we have
got a brand new venue lined up for next year to continue bringing you the
electric vibe. Thanx to MTV for supporting the event & watch out for the show on
MTV soon.


WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Devotion is a Party. If you want to Party, then you know where to go! Devotion -
True Skool Sessions.


Easy Records was started by DJ Phantasy in 1995. The label was started because
Phantasy was releasing tracks on white label or on other peoples labels and
there was no continuity to them. After much deliberation, Phantasy decided to
start Easy Records. The name came from the fact that every time Phantasy met
someone or spoke to them he would greet them by saying "Easy". He seeked advise
from DJ Hype, Danny Breaks and a few other DJ's/Producers and they thought that
it would be appropriate. The Artists that have appeared on Easy since it was
launched are DJ Hype, Pascal, Alex Reece, Ray Keith, Hopa & Bones, DJ Probe, MC
Fats, DJ Gemini, Disruptaz, Stakka & Skynet, DJ Reality, Mikee B (Dreem Teem),
Jack Smooth and Sonia Redd. There have been other guest appearances but too many
to mention.

Working on Album projects for 2003, things are really hectic in the Easy
stables. The first Album will be an Easy Records Old Skool Album, which will
contain classics such as 'Hippodrome' and '44 Mag'. The following Album will be
a new Drum n Bass Album where all Easy Artists will be looking to slam down some
new badboy rhythms. There will also be collaborations with other Drum n Bass
Artists like Skibadee, Shabba D, IC3 plus many more. So next year looks exiting
already and this year hasn't even finished yet. With the label moving the Drum n
Bass sound forward, we have more vocal tracks coming & also we have some live
shows planned for next year, under our sister guise, DEVOTION.

Look out for a World Tour that is being organised for 2004!


DJ Phantasy has come a long way since the hazy days of '89, and is one of only a
handful of deck controllers present at the advent of modern dance music who are
still active in the year 01. A major player in dance, he's graced 1210's in
Europe, the U.S.A, Canada and even Australia as a roving ambassador of Drum n

Not content to merely play other's records, Phantasy has been producing music
for the past 12 years, collaberating with artists and producers that include
Carl Cox, DJ Hype, Pascal and Alex Reese, to name just a few. He's owned and run
his own label Easy Records for the last six years, during which time he's built
up an impressive body of work.

Having survived the many changes in dance culture since '89, Phantasy has stayed
true to his Drum n Bass roots, but branched out into many areas, experimenting
with a wide range of styles. His love of DJ'ing has never diminished, and he
approaches his sets with the same enthusiasm that first brought him to the
public's attention. Anyone who's heard Phantasy play live will know that his
trademark is creating a sonic journey for clubbers, that takes in Drum n Bass,
hardcore, breakbeat and even hip-hop. Many regard him as a veteran of the Old
Skool, but he prefers to be known as a pioneer of the Tru - Skool ........

Of all of Phantasy's Drum n Bass recordings, he's perhaps best known for the
seminal dance track " Hippodrome " and the groundbreaking concept album "
Elements of Freedom ". Fast forwarding to 2001, he is currently hard at work on
several label projects, and current collaberators include MC Skibadee, DJ Probe,
MC Shabba D, Pascal and IC3, so far from taking things easy ( pun intended )
he's now busier than at any time during his long career in music.One of Drum n
Bass' best kept secrets, DJ Phantasy remains as open minded and committed to
finding the perfect beat as ever, pushing the boundaries of the genre to their
limits, and continuing a deep love of the music he describes as " Poetry In
Sound " .....


DJ Trace (DSCI4)

Dj trace aka Duncan Hutchison wasborn in hammersmith West London in 1974.
Trace came from a artistic family and was sent to a creative art boarding
school in the English home countys at 11 years old. When trace reached the
young age of 13 he was taken to a acid house club in London charing cross
area by a friend. "this was my first club experience" The club was "rage"
and dj's that night were Grooverider,Fabio,Colin Favor,Evil Eddie Richards
and Colin Hudd "I went every week after that until the night shut down"
Shortly after attending 'rage' , Trace got a job working there selling
records for Zoom records stand. "It was there that I met the dj's and
chatted to the ravers" This was the start of getting to know people on the
scene as Trace had decided that this is what he wanted to do , be involved
in this scene. Trace went to the big outdoor raves of 1989 'summer of love'
"this is where the dj's schooled me with the sounds of European Techno and
hip hop dubs' A year of so later and Trace had made his first production ,
'Inception' sold 1000 white labels in the first day and went onto enter the
national charts on Orbital records . Following inception Trace went on to
collaborate with the infamous Ltj Bukem with a limited release entitled
"teach me to fly" It was then in 1992 that trace decided that Amercia was
the next place to take the music to. So in summer 92 on a self funded
mission Dj trace and Ryme Tyme headed off for Us soil. It was here that they
were surprise guests at the legendery clubnight N.A.S.A "that night was the
infusion of ourl ives" N.A.S.A's DB and Scotto are to blame for the success
of Dj Trace in America "they gave me the chance I could only have dreamed
about at 17 years old" Trace has gone on to play at almost every destination
across Nothern America and now the world. From mid 96 Trace had been heading
a different direction from the jump up jungle With the tracks he made with
Nico on the No u Turn label Trace had without meaning to created a new genre
"tech-step" "I had always come from a techno background and when I said the
words tech-step it sounded neat" This style of production acted as a
catalyst for a whole new breed of darkcore style producers to emerge, and
gave the scene a new direction to head in. Trace most recently can be seen
collaborating with Bad company with "thumpa" and "nitrous" Bad company a
crew that grew in strength during the tech step days With his Label Dsci4
now underway with 6 single releases and 2 EPS 1 LP and a second LP about to
drop featuring the new wave of exciting and innovative dsci4 artists from
obscure international locations . www.dsci4.com and the infamous DSCI4
STREET TEAM @ www.negativedesign.com/forum are worth checking out !


Riddla found himself hooked on the scene back in 91' it was shortly after that
he decided to make an impact on the scene by writing lyrics and being one of the
countries best M.C.s.By '95 he started a long but triumphant road to
success.With this Riddla had 2 monthly residencies for Subbass and Evolution
which was a huge rave at the Sanctury. By 96' Riddla had exploded with his new
found talent. New years eve going into '98 Riddlas official debut @One Nation,
This was the moment which sent Riddla into his professional M.Cing career. He
was booked forDesire & Telepathy and european gigs in France & Germany and had a
residency in Bristol for Fire &Ice. He also received a special guest show on
London's,Kool FM. Riddlas is famed for his explosion of lyrics which has placed
him up there with the best of the best in the U.K.


Ray Keith Biography
Ray Keith, born in the heart of Essex, in the historic town of Colchester,
started his career in the Dance music scene back in early 1989. Having an
immense passion for underground music as well as funk and soul, lead him to buy
some turntables and mix the music he enjoyed listening to. He eventually managed
to get to know the then owners of a nightclub called Oscars in Clacton-on Sea
(Buster Brooker) and they let him play his first professional gig, which he
enjoyed it so much that he was hooked for life! This moved him on to local raves
like L’aristos, The Venue, The Works and Andromeda and not forgetting the
Hippodrome in Colchester. These venues were regularly visited by Ray in the
early stages of his career and gave him the experience of what all DJ’s know –
hard work, unpredictability of the job and crowd satisfaction.

Before moving to the London club circuit, Ray held a residency at Cinderella’s
in Ipswich, giving him an idea of what the masses wanted at that time. The
underground music scene was exploding and clubs were popping up everywhere in
London and in the South East. The Crazy Club asked him to be a resident giving
him knowledge of the London underground scene, and then went on to play for
Future and Innocence at Lazerdrome in 1990-91.

Late 1992 saw Ray enter the world of music production, remixing tracks for Moby,
Shades Of rhythm, St. Etienne and Orbital. This gave him the ‘know how’ to work
with other labels in the scene like Labello Blanco and Moving Shadow. During
this period Ray worked for Dave at City Sounds in Holborn, moving onto Black
Market Records in Soho where he is currently today, keeping one ear to the
ground, in charge of the buying department.

After a time of producing and re-mixing tunes, Ray decided to start his own
label in early 1994 called Dread Recordings, followed by Penny Black and UFO
Records later. With prolific tracks like ‘The Chopper’, ‘You Got Me Burning Up’,
‘Yes Yes’ and Something Out There on Dread he also managed to create another
anthem for the Drum and Bass archives; ‘The Renegade Terrorist’ on Moving Shadow

Ray is at the cutting edge of Drum and Bass, securing a regular show currently
on Vibe FM and an occasional appearance on Kiss FM, covering the whole South
East. Playing at all major parties such as Planet V, Innovation, World Dance,
Helter Skelter, Slammin’ Vinyl and a residency at Movement at Bar Rumba on
Thursdays. His schedule is hectic with a string of worldwide tours in America,
Europe, Asia and Australia under his belt.

In the latter part of 2002, Ray completed some major projects that involved
working with chart toppers ‘Big Brovaz’, remixing known tracks as, ‘Ok’ and
‘Ring a Ding’. He also remixed a beautiful vocal piece called ‘Don’t Get Me
Wrong’ on AK Records, which is still present on most dance floors. For Dread,
‘The Latin Thing’ was a monster single to end the year off. Twisted Anger feat.
Danny C one of our main producers on our label constructed this track on a
Latino vibe, unusual for the renowned releases on Dread. This went amazingly
well that Ray continued the sound by making ‘The Latin Quarter’ at the end of
2002 ready to feature on the V Recordings Drum and Bass Fiesta that was released
in April 2003 and later on Dread in August.

2003 was a very busy year for Ray and Dread Recordings. Starting with our first
release from our increasingly recognisable producer John Rolodex with his second
instalment, ‘The Soldiers EP’ which had such a magnificent response from our
worldwide Dread fan base that he’s back at the end of the year with ‘The
Industries EP’.

We continued production by releasing ‘The Vintage Dread II’ Album and Sampler in
April, featuring Ray’s selection of tracks from the Dread vault spreading the
last ten years. Available on CD and Vinyl format, this album has had major
exposure and featured on the Grooverider show with Ray attending at the end of

Another personal project close to Ray is the cover of ‘No No No’, originally
written by Dawn Penn, Teaming up with MC Navigator and the luscious lyrics of
Alexander, I & I’s main singer, this track takes Dread Recordings on a different
level completely. This soulful piece is a favourite with the ladies and a change
from the dark and tearing sound of Dread, showing Ray in his versatile mode.

We set up a website about Ray Keith, Dread, Penny Black and UFO recordings and
the artist who contribute to the labels. We have an active forum and on line
shop selling promotional material, exclusive and commercial releases. This is a
big hit with the entire dread fan base out there.

Towards the end of 2003 Ray started his own DJ agency, The ‘Dread Entertainment
Agency,’ and it is currently very successful and hoping to expand this year with
more DJ’s and MC’s.

2004 is the big year for Ray Keith and Dread Recordings, it is Ten Years of
Dread and Ray is celebrating this with a four part EP called Decade of Dread
‘Still Standing’ with fresh new tracks form Ray Keith and remixes of the real
classic of 1994.

Also to go along with the celebration is the re- launch of Penny Black Records.
This pinnacle label has been recuperating for two year and is back with new
artists and new look for a new year.

There is no end to Ray’s talents; he is religiously in the studio every week
producing and remixing tracks, constantly moving on to new ideas and looking to
the future. Keeping a strong working bond with his engineer Nookie from Good
Looking Records for the last ten years, contributes to making these talented
individuals into a formidable team.

An album could be on the cards next year, but with many tracks to complete,
remixes and DJing every weekend around the U.K. you start to wonder if he has
time to breath with the amount of work Ray gets through, leading me onto Rays
motto ‘hard work didn’t hurt anybody’ proving that he is one of the most
hardworking artists in this scene.


Ragga Twins short info
Deman Rockers & Flinty Badman, are brothers who started out on UK sound systems
(Unity Hi-Power). Signed to Shut Up & Dance in 1990 & released a series of
singles like “Spliffhead” & “Hooligan 69” that brought the ragga flavour to the
rave scene. The album “Reggae owes me Money” gave them international
recognition. EMI released their US 3 produced album “Rinsin’ Lyrics” in 95 &
they are still popular on the Jungle/D&B scene today.


Upcomming Events 2004:

03-04-04 Trace, Ray Keith, Phantasy, 5ive-O, Riddla, Ragga Twins @ Capitol MA
21-05-04 "Progression Session" LTJ Bukem & Conrad @ Halle02 HD
26-06-04 R.R. 6th Anniversary @ Halle 02 HD feat. Jan Sirup, Tease uvm
24-07-04 Royal Rumble Summer Fever(tbc)
04-09-04 Royal Rumble vs. Innovation @ Capitol MA
30-10-04 Royal Rumble @ Halle 02 HD
06-11-01 Royal Rumble (tbc)
04-12-04 Winter Fever Part II @ Halle 02 HD
17-12-04 Royal Rumble X-Mass Dreams(tbc)
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Alt 28.03.2004, 16:55   #74
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 15.02.2003
Beiträge: 2.574
Question Re: 03.04.04: DEVOTION vs. ROYAL RUMBLE - The Big Rumble in the Jungle@Capitol, Mannheim

Original geschrieben von Mr. Royal Rumble
plus Special Guest DJ from the UK
ja wie...????
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Alt 28.03.2004, 17:52   #75
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
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Re: Re: 03.04.04: DEVOTION vs. ROYAL RUMBLE - The Big Rumble in the Jungle@Capitol, Mannheim

Original geschrieben von beyond
ja wie...????

Es wird ein Special Guest von Devotion werden,
welche es ist hat Phantasy noch nicht verraten!
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Alt 28.03.2004, 18:06   #76
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 14.06.2003
Ort: speyer
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aight ,is ja auch egal ,nächste woche gehts rund ,marky war am freitag ne gute einstimmung ,hab ich zwar nich viel mitgekriegt weil ich anders beschäftigt war aber das wird am samstag nich der fall sein !
->BIG Rumble in the JungLe<-

foooor reaaal ;]]
i was sitting in my yard all week
got myself some paper and gotta have myself a new technique
tickity bow somethings enter my head
i rewind the tape and this is what i said.....
PLaTunE-67 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29.03.2004, 10:53   #77
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
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Original geschrieben von PLaTunE-67
aight ,is ja auch egal ,nächste woche gehts rund ,marky war am freitag ne gute einstimmung ,hab ich zwar nich viel mitgekriegt weil ich anders beschäftigt war aber das wird am samstag nich der fall sein !
->BIG Rumble in the JungLe<-

foooor reaaal ;]]

Von usere Seite aus wird es ein großes Fest werden!
Hoffe bei Euch allen hier auch!

Sonst noch fragen???

In 6 Tagen gehts rund!!!

Greetz an die RR Crowd Mr. PLaTunE-67 und den Rest im Forum!
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Alt 29.03.2004, 14:07   #78
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 15.02.2003
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Original geschrieben von Mr. Royal Rumble
Sonst noch fragen???
ja... komm ich für umme rein...

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Alt 29.03.2004, 15:48   #79
Mr. haNkey198
Silver Head
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Re: Re: ...

Original geschrieben von svemir

02:00h - 03:30h DJ Trace + Riddla, 5ive-O
Sauwa! Trace ohne die Raggaz

I can´t sleep clowns will eat me....
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Alt 29.03.2004, 15:57   #80
Platinum Head
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ey sandro... kommsch auch...?? GEIL... höhö...

ich geb einen aus...
beyond ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 29.03.2004, 16:08   #81
Mr. haNkey198
Silver Head
Benutzerbild von Mr. haNkey198
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freu mich!
I can´t sleep clowns will eat me....
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Alt 29.03.2004, 20:07   #82
Man on a Mission
Beiträge: n/a
Re: Re: Re: ...

Original geschrieben von Mr. haNkey198
Sauwa! Trace ohne die Raggaz

Die da wahrscheinlich aus dem Tritt kommen würden
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Alt 29.03.2004, 23:09   #83
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Re: Re: Re: Re: ...

Original geschrieben von Man on a Mission
Die da wahrscheinlich aus dem Tritt kommen würden

Wie meinen Sie das?????
Zu schnell für Trace?
Funny Greetz zu meinem man on a Mission!

Kanns kaum erwarten bis Saturday!!!!!!!
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Alt 30.03.2004, 23:05   #84
Man on a Mission
Beiträge: n/a
Freu mich auch. Allein der Altmeister am Mike. Hab ihn glaub ich seit der Meditation in de Eberthalle (oder ???) nimmer bewusst gehört. Endlich mal wieder Capitol. Prächtig.
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Alt 31.03.2004, 12:01   #85
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Original geschrieben von Man on a Mission
Freu mich auch. Allein der Altmeister am Mike. Hab ihn glaub ich seit der Meditation in de Eberthalle (oder ???) nimmer bewusst gehört. Endlich mal wieder Capitol. Prächtig.

Anbei nochmal der Timetable für diejenigen die Ihnnoch nicht gesehen haben! Ich bin raus, bis Samstag!!!

22:30h - 00:30h
Phunkz Crew b2b

00:30h - 02:00h
DJ Phantasy + Ragga Twinz

02:00h - 03:30h
DJ Trace + Riddla, 5ive-O

03:30h - end
DJ Ray Keith + Raggaz, Riddla, 5ive-O
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Alt 31.03.2004, 15:39   #86
Metal Head
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Alt 31.03.2004, 22:36   #87
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Original geschrieben von Weed'a'holic

Danke für die Probs!
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Alt 01.04.2004, 09:24   #88
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 07.03.2004
Beiträge: 350
Freu mich schon total auf Sa^^ Endlich wieder ne geile Party am Start und Five'O is eh der burner *g*
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Alt 01.04.2004, 22:27   #89
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 14.06.2003
Ort: speyer
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BOUM .original run di country
BOUM .original run di country
BOUM .original run di country
i was sitting in my yard all week
got myself some paper and gotta have myself a new technique
tickity bow somethings enter my head
i rewind the tape and this is what i said.....
PLaTunE-67 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 02.04.2004, 10:35   #90
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Original geschrieben von PLaTunE-67
BOUM .original run di country
BOUM .original run di country
BOUM .original run di country

Noch einmal schlafen und dann wird das Capitol gerockt!

Daher lasst es ruhig angehen heute damit Ihr alle morgen die Bombe zünden könnt!


Euer Royal Rumble Team!!!
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