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Alt 16.06.2009, 15:07   #1
daniella downs
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 11.03.2008
Ort: Washington, DC
Beiträge: 23
Pre-order the brand new FFS CD & get free tracks instantly!!

The brand new album from Future Funk Squad 'Disorders of Skill' is available now to Pre-Order on CD from the en:vision shop...


For a limited time (until the release date of the 3rd July) once you have pre-ordered the un-mixed 12 track CD (the digital release will be 10 tracks) you will receive an instant email with a link to a zipped file containing the following free 320mp3s!!

1. Blue Song (FFS Remix) - Mint Royale [previously unavailable]
2. Break Da Mould - Valve Man [FFS Alias, previously unavailable]
3. Da Funk Squad [FFS Breaks Bootleg]
4. Gorecki (Breaks Mix) - Lamb [Hacker Release]
5. Impact (Breaks Mix) - Orbootal [Hacker Release]
6. Mr Breakside - The Killers [FFS bootleg of Mr Brightside, previously unavailable]
7. My People (DIM/FFS Breaks Edit) - The Presets [previously unavailable]
8. Protection (Breaks Mix/James Zabiela Re-Edit) - Massive Attack [Hacker Release]
9. Raven (FFS Breaks ReEdit) - Proxy [previously unavailable]
10. Satisfaction (Breaks Mix) - Benni Benassi [Hacker Release]
11. Your Not Alone (Breaks Mix) - Olive [Hacker Release]

So what are you waiting for? head over to the en:vision shop now!!!

ian aka daniella downs
daniella downs ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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