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Alt 21.04.2010, 22:01   #1
Registriert seit: 19.10.2009
Beiträge: 4
[lbr03] Kultür : A Wicked Tune (2010)



KULTÜR is back with this new update to Logico Beatz Records label, a complete release close to Tech-Funk that the Spanish producer presents under the name A WICKED TUNE. The original work is composed of two Tech Breaks versions with Funky aesthetics, with acid touches and a big predominance of synthetic sequences that so good results have reaped on the dance floor. Completing this LBR03 we find two remixes by BLITZ and BARTDON, both prolific producers in the Southern Spanish Breaks scene, who have known how to adapt the original to their respective styles, enabling us to enjoy the Trancey touches and devastating sub basses made by BLITZ, as well as the rolling bass lines from BARTDON’s version.


Stronger version of the release provided by KULTÜR. Its powerful drum pattern defines perfectly an engaging and danceable Funk rhythm at the same time intoxicating, consisting of a great melodic breathing sequence, and a powerful combination of psychedelic acid and leads.


The other side of the coin. Dynamics drums, catching acid sequences, and a striking synth to accompany this time the main melody, making this Take 2 in the perfect antidote to a dance floor without movement.

LBR03-3 KULTÜR : A WICKED TUNE (BLITZs Invassive Remix)
Sensational remix by BLITZ which starts in Logico Beatz Records showing his Trancey and Progressive side in a Breaks style track, full of magical pad sequences and melodic arpeggios. Purely Southern Spanish Breaks in one of the best productions by BLITZ in this 2010.


This very first collaboration made by the Spanish producer BARTDON under the label shows a remix with a peculiar juxtaposition of Funk rhythms in the sequences, and NuSkool touches in the sounds, that make up their rolling bass-lines.


Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 2)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: Full support on full release !!

Colombo (iBreaksFunk / Metamorph Muzik) Spain

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (Take 1)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: It is hard to have to choose just a sample of this release, the truth is that all cuts are high quality and each one has something I like. Probably the incredible "lead" at the original is what fascinates me, besides the remix of Blitz, which I think is superb. Very catchy and danceable tracks, you have my support!

Pre:amp (Metamorph Muzik) Spain

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 2)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: Cool release again from Kultur - Take 2 is my favourite

LuQas (Dead Famous) UK

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 1)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: take 1 is awesome.

Ian (Dead Famous) UK

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 1)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: It's wicked, wicked, wicked!!! Massive!!!

Jaurelio (Wicked Style / Neural magazine) Italy

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 2)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: A wikked acidic Breaks tune indeed! Take 2 is my favorite with it's killer bass, phatt beatz, proggy melodies and acidic drops! Also BLITZ has done a killer Tech-breaks drivin remix ideal for the dancefloor! Excellent release!!!!

Pale Penguins (VIM Breaks) Greece

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (BARTDON remix) edited
Rating: 5/5
Comments: Great package! BARDON Remix is really my cup of tea!!!! Awesome rhythm!

BreakZhead (Subtribe) Russian Federation

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (BARTDON remix)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: I take Bartdon Remix.

Detach (Subtribe) Russian Federation

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (BLITZs invassive remix)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: Cool stuff! love it!!

Breaking News (Dusted Breaks / Subtribe) Russian Federation

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (BLITZs invassive remix)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: I like Blitz rmx

Josef Sedlon (Radio 1 Prague) Czech Republic

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 1)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: Absolutely love "Take 1". Power, drive, catch, groove - all mine Will support.

Yreane (XSSR Music / Scarcity) Russian Federation

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 2)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: Nice acid sounds in this

Retroid (Morphosis / Ego Shot) Hungary

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 1)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: As the title says, yet another awesome release!!!

SK-2 (NuBreaks) UK

Favourite Track: KULTÜR : A Wicked Tune (take 2)
Rating: 3/5
Comments: i support 'take 2'

Cosmonaut (MegaBeat) Russian Federation

Available now on your favourite music retailer:

Junodownload: http://www.junodownload.com/products/1566428-02.htm
Trackitdown: http://www.trackitdown.net/genre/bre...k/2149504.html

More Information:
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