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Alt 27.09.2007, 14:00   #1
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Dutch Drum 'n Bass Awards 2007



The annual Dutch Drum 'n Bass Awards are coming soon! Friday the 28th of december the whole scene will gather at the Paard van Troje in The Hague. Just like last year, SLAM and the Paard van Troje have collaborated to organise an awards ceremony and a slammin' party. During the ceremony, all focus will be on the most active, original, artistic, succesfull and promising actors of the Dutch drum 'n bass scene. Who will become Best DJ, DJ, Best MC en Best Producer this year???

Afterwards, it's party time, guaranteed by our Dutch all-star line-up.

Drum 'n Bass is a full-fledged music genre in the Netherlands with a stable core of crews, artists and big parties. Events such as Major League, Blackout, PRSPCT and Ici One are attended by people from all over the country. Noisia, Black Sun Empire, Martyn, Limewax and Icicle are well-known international names that performs globally. This core is surrounded by an ever growing network. Several high-quality smaller events have arised in 2007 with a growing number of DJ's representing all sub-genres of Drum 'n Bass.

The Drum 'n Bass Awards are the annual occasion to put the Dutch scene in the spotlight. The scene cannot exist without an active group of promotors, graphic designers, record shops, labels and all other members. Because of the efforts of this group 2007 was packed with proper Drum 'n Bass events, DJ-sets, flyers, record releases etc. The Drum 'n Bass Awards invites this group of people and puts them in the spotlight. Just like last year, the Paard van Troje is going to be the meeting point on the 28th of december. The Dutch Drum 'n Bass Awards offers the public a chance to witness a representation of the scene as a whole, at one location, on one party. In addition, the 2007 Drum 'n Bass Awards winners are announced during this event.

- To decide this years nominees and winners we need YOUR help! -

Just like last year the Awards organisation together with Drum 'n Bass insiders from all over the county will point out the nominees. However, we will not do this without asking you about your ideas and suggestions. From october 1st until the 15th you can email your personal list of nominees to us at: nominees@dnbawards.nl

On our website you can find this years categories. We are curious about your ideas! Voting takes place between mid november and mid december via our website.

More info about the Drum ’n Bass Awards: www.dnbawards.nl
More info about SLAM: www.slam.nu
Contact: info@dnbawards.nl

UDG, Ultimate DJ Gear, is the official partner of the Dutch Drum ‘n Bass Awards 2007.
More info at www.ultimate-dj-gear.com
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Alt 22.12.2007, 21:31   #2
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