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Alt 30.04.2011, 12:42   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 28.11.2010
Ort: london
Beiträge: 59
Dj Twista Live @ The Vinyl Touch party london (breakbeat)

Dj Twista with Mc Cutter & Chucky
Live @ The Vinyl Touch & Nu-Rave.com Sell Out party
Rhythm Factory London April 2011



Ellis Dee & Twista - Rockin To the Music
Boomzers - Rowenta (Far To loud Remix)
Porter Robinson - Say My Name
Underworld - Born Slippy (Refracture Remix)
kid digital feat. kyla - feel it (destroyers and aggresivness remix)
Afghan Headspin - Acid Signal - DaVip Remix
bill vega and new decade - life eats life (destroyers and aggresivness remix)
Harmonee & X static - The Rolla
i blame coco - quicker (racknruin remix)
rack n ruin - Mindscape
chase and status - time
dom almond - rinse out live
pyramid - cruel
rack n ruin - Pull Up That
The Flashback Project feat. Twilight & Dennean - 'Release Me Now' (Breakbeat Mix)
Rhythm Section - Atomic (Ellis Dee & Twista Remix)
Sy Kick - Nasty (DJ Twista Rave Breaks Remix)
Cut & Run - No Good
Ramos & Supreme - crowd control (Harmonee Rave Breaks Remix)
Mind Electric - Dirty Cash (Shimano Remix)
cassius - i 3 u so (skream remix)

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