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Alt 26.04.2012, 23:07   #1
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Schlusenbaker
Registriert seit: 29.11.2004
Ort: Esslingen
Beiträge: 429
Dj Schlusenbaker - Verao do Brasil

XRS Land - Caio na Gandaia [Cuadra]
Fernanda Porto - So tinha de ser com voce (Dj Patife rmx) [Movement]
Syncopix - Smile [Sync:Saphir]
Nicola Conte presents Rosalia de Souza - Maria Moita [Som livre]
Dj Marky & XRS - Highlights [Innerground records]
Drumagick - Easy Boom [SambaLoco Records]
Fernanda Porto - Sambassim (Dj Patife rmx) [V Recordings]
Dj Suv & Dj Patife feat. Tali - Inta Outa [V Recordings]
Roberto Carlos - O Calhambeque (XRS Land rmx) [G-Stone Recordings]
Zero 7 - In the waiting line (S.P.Y rmx) [White]
Total Science & S.P.Y feat. Riya - Piano Funk [Toolroom records]
Dj Marky & XRS - LK (M.I.S.T rmx) [V Recordings]
Ghostface feat. NeYo - Back Like Dat (DJ Marky & Bungle Remix) [White]
Marcus Intalex feat. S.P.Y - Paulista Dub [Soul:r]
Dj Patife feat. Cleveland Watkiss & Cortejo Afro - Made in bahia [Trama]
Drumagick - Malandragem [Schema]
Dj Roots - Shining Down [Free MP3]
Dj Marky & XRS feat. Jenna G - Sunshine touch me [Soul:r]
Dj Marky & S.P.Y - Mystic Sunset [Innerground records]
Drumagick - Class A [Beatmasters Recordings]
Dj Marky & XRS - Rotation [Innerground records]
S.P.Y - Seconds to midnight [Hospital]
MJ - Human Nature (Dj Roots rmx) [Free MP3]
DJ Marky & Bungle - No time 2 love [Innerground records]
Bungle - Too late [Critical]
Arsenal - Saudade (Dj Marky & S.P.Y rmx) [Radar Records]
J Majik & Gil Felix - Capoiera [Infrared]
S.P.Y - By your side [Spearhead Records]

Verao do Brasil
Drum & Bass Mix by Dj Schlusenbaker
1h 21min, 127 MB, 220 kBit/s vBr, mp3

Download Verao do Brasil

Geändert von Schlusenbaker (15.04.2014 um 17:03 Uhr)
Schlusenbaker ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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brasil, d&b, dj schlusenbaker, drum and bass, liquid funk

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