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Alt 02.03.2011, 18:40   #1
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Shed
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Music State Of Mind - Nil By Ear - Album (SOM Music)

Nil by Ear is State of Mind's third studio album, the first two being Take Control (Uprising) & Faster Than Light (SOM).

"This album represents the peak so far of our technical skills, it's carefully produced from start to finish," says group member Stuart Maxwell. "A lot of thought has gone into the flow of the album. This is one that can be listened too from beginning to end, as opposed to a collection of singles."

However that doesn't mean that State of Mind have forgotten about the 3am raver, almost all of the tracks have all been smashing it up world wide over the last six months in their own right.

Collaboration wise, the album features several of NZ's most talented vocalists including Shapeshifter's P.Digsss, Thomas Oliver, Sacha Vee, MC Woody & PNC, as well as American singer 3pm. The only production collaborators are Nymfo and DNME. Several other collaborations were planned for the LP, but in the end were unable to fit; these will be released as bonus tracks.

Nil by Ear is due for global release on April 11th. There will be a strictly limited number of CD / EP shrink-wrap bundles, and a follow up EP including some remixes and some more album cuts. Check out youtube.com/stateofmindnz for videos, trailers, and generally interesting stuff.



1. State of Mind & P.Digsss - Vega
2. State of Mind feat Mc Woody - The Downward Spiral
3. State of Mind & T.Oliver - Parasomnia
4. State of Mind - Temporal 96
5. State of Mind & PNC - Return of the Prophet
6. State of Mind - Deeper Stories
7. State of Mind - Novocain Dub
8. State of Mind, Nymfo & DNME - Keep it Simple
9. State of Mind & Sacha Vee - Three Dimensions
10. State of Mind - Fucking Sellouts
11. State of Mind, Subsonik & 3pm - Somebody Stop Me
12. State of Mind - Punkd


1. The Downward Spiral feat MC Woody
2. Vega feat P.Digsss
3. Keep it Simple feat Nymfo & DNME
4. Punkd

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Alt 17.05.2011, 00:35   #2
Herr "Molf"
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 15.06.2009
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Schöne Scheibe! 8/10
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Alt 17.05.2011, 00:37   #3
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 20.04.2005
Ort: HB
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Thumbs up

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Schöne Scheibe! 8/10
Jau, würd ich auch so bewerten. Geht mir gut rein Nice!
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Alt 17.05.2011, 08:26   #4
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Arsonist
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MA-Neckarstadt-West
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kann man sich echt antun!
facebook.com/dnbarsonist /-/ soundcloud.com/arsonist /-/ soundcloud.com/spinning-time /-/ mixcloud.com/arsonistarsidub
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Alt 17.05.2011, 18:10   #5
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 14.11.2001
Ort: KA
Beiträge: 2.858
find ich etwas besser als ihre letzte lp.
temporal 96, deeper stories, three dimensions und punkd hab ich gekauft.
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Alt 18.05.2011, 10:47   #6
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Digga
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nach ein paar Anlaufschwierigkeiten gestern abend, Album komplett gezogen

seeehr naisss !
Man muss nur die richtigen Knöpfe drücken ...
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Alt 19.05.2011, 17:22   #7
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Shed
Registriert seit: 24.06.2010
Beiträge: 433
Meine Favoriten:

1. Parasomnia
2. Temporal 96
3. Novocain Dub
4. Keep It Simple
5. Deeper Storys
6. Vega
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