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Alt 22.02.2005, 18:03   #1
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von cygn
Registriert seit: 03.07.2003
Beiträge: 4.483
mp3 Paul Reset - ICR Showcase Mix (22.02.05)

ICR showcase mix...mixed by Paul Reset...

Well, I've been hearing ICR's work for quite a while now - and IMO he's one of the best producers around in dnb at the mo - effortlessly covering each little sub genre of dnb effortlessly - from liquid rollers to deep n dark bizness right up to hard as ya like smashers…so I decided to put this mix together to showcase some of his work - with his blessing of course…check it out if you get a mo - and let us know what you think

For more info on ICR and releases etc - http://www.drumandbass.hu/icr/

Thanks to DJ Jason for the hosting and thanks to ICR for all the brilliant tracks!!

42 mins - 112kbps MP3 - 33MB


Tracklisting - all tracks written by ICR

"Two Steps Backwards"
"Whales of August"
"Every End"
"All Your Secrets"
"Hold It Down"
"Snowdrop (rmx)"
"Second Chances"
"Magic Man"
"Dislike" (set for release on Covert Operations)
"Fill The Sky"

ICR Biography

Zoltán Gál aka ICR is the latest of the young hungarian
producers shaping the futuristic sounds of drum & bass.
He has been a key figure in the local scene for a while as
he is the originator - and now co-editor - of the country's
only, well-respected urban music Internetmagazine,
Impulsecreator (http://www.drumandbass.hu) that hit
the web in 1999. After numerous mp3 releases on the
self-established Internet label (that also consisted
such dnb stalwarts like SKC or Chris.SU) he immediately
found himself as an upcoming producer with tunes played
out by DJs in the States, Canada and Germany.
"Very unique and definately running, but deep at the same time" - as the critics said.

ICR's debut 12" release came out in march 2003 (at only the age of 20) on America's main man for d&b: Breakbeat Science. "Both Rock The Sky and Stolen Symmetry master the fine art of balancing dance floor sensibility with colorful musicality." Both featured on DJ Dara's Breakbeat Science: Exercise.01 mix CD and the vinyl was charted and played out by the likes of Future Engineers. Shortly after the Orgone debut single he also contributed a track (Wide Awake) on Germany's Basswerk - voted best national label 2003 - compilation CD and vinyl alongside one of his ideal of producers, The Green Man. "ICR manages to bring in a musical touch as if doing a d&b remix of Dead Can Dance."

Since as his style and production developed, he has been noticed by the likes of LTJ Bukem, ASC, Klute, Pendulum or Fellowship and getting good responses commonly saying that his music is just very clean and original - something deep to whatch out for.

For the end of the year he already put out an online single with Nerve ("Tough, dancefloor dnb with a slightly deeper edge"), remixed by atmospheric master ASC for leftfield specialist Offshore and featured on LTJ Bukem's prestigious Progression Sessions 10 . The year 2005 hopefully brings more chance to emerge his talents.

doa thread
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Alt 23.02.2005, 09:35   #2
hustlin l.
Hardcore Head
Benutzerbild von hustlin l.
Registriert seit: 17.09.2003
Beiträge: 8.959
ICR ist einfach nur willenlos.
hatte mir auch letztens überlegt mal ein artist mix von ihm zu machen...
der junge hat so viele tunez geschraubt, die man einfach der Aussenwelt zugänglich machen muss!

Zieht euch den Mix. Ganz grosses Kino inside!
The year 2005 hopefully brings more chance to emerge his talents.
hustlin l. ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18.04.2006, 17:04   #3
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.08.2004
Ort: Mannheim Backwoods
Beiträge: 2.006
Paul Reset (Nerve) - ICR Showcase Mix + Free LP

"Well, I've been hearing ICR's work for quite a while now - and IMO he's one of the best producers around in dnb at the mo - effortlessly covering each little sub genre of dnb - from liquid rollers to deep n dark bizness right up to hard as ya like smashers so I decided to put this mix together to showcase some of his work."

01 Two Steps Backwards |
02 Whales of August |
03 Every End |
04 All Your Secrets |
05 Heartbroken |
06 Roundabout |
07 Pointless |
08 Hold It Down |
09 Snowdrop (rmx) |
10 Second Chances |
11 Magic Man |
12 Dislike (set for release on Covert Operations) |
13 Fill The Sky (set for release on Nerve)


ICR - Empty Pages (free LP)

(00:00 ) page 01 - theme
(07:12 ) page 02 - icr & sdd: smooth breakdown
(10:44 ) page 03 - self-saved
(12:44 ) page 04 - false light
(16:33 ) page 05 - chased as rainbows
(21:52 ) page 06 - changing lanes
(28:26 ) page 07 - so small
(30:33 ) page 08 - true what
(34:18 ) page 09 - walk with you
(37:29 ) page 10 - then just say goodbye
(40:37 ) page 11 - moody up
(43:19 ) page 12 - three some
(46:39 ) page 13 - night and day
(49:36 ) page 14 - melting point
(52:58 ) page 15 - (don't) have to be alone
(58:12 ) page 16 - miles and smiles
(62:49 ) page 17 - a leap of faith
(63:35 ) page 18 - uncertain end

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