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Alt 30.04.2021, 23:52   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 12.11.2015
Ort: Detroit, Michigan
Beiträge: 235
Mizeyesis-Exclusive Mix

01. Shiken Hanzo - Book of Soyga (Inperspective Records, 2021)
02. Mecca - Bottom of my heart (Subtle Audio, 2017)
03. Sicknote & Dissect - Humming Bird (Stereocilia Recordings, 2021)
04. Harmony - Piano Soul (Deep Jungle, 2021)
05. Coco Bryce - Deep into the jungle (Lobster Theremin, 2020)
06. Earl Grey - Mime Jar Lens (Inperspective Records, 2020)
07. Seki - Control Signal (2021)
08. Friske - Deeper Understanding (Requisite Music, 2021)
09. Quartz - Folding Water (ft Artilect) (Metalheadz, 2021)
10. Section - Grounded (Locked Up Music, 2021)
11. Kyam - Fernweh (Subtle Audio, 2021)
12. SB81 - Future Point (Metalheadz, 2021)
13. Earl Grey - Lessons Learnt (Inperspective Records, 2020)
14. Sicknote & Dissect - As time goes by (Sterercilia Recordings, 2021)
15. Scape - Vision of the future (Lossless Music, 2018)
16. Harmony - Up in smoke (Deep Jungle, 2021)
17. Nickynutz - Narco Squad (2021)
18. Friske - Rigged System Remix (Requisite Music, 2021)
19. Sully - Swandive (Astrophonica, 2020)
20. Kid Lib - Zoot A Day (Champa B Remix) (Green Bay Wax, 2014)
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amen, drum & bass, drumfunk, jungle, mix

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