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Alt 22.06.2024, 12:33   #1
Silver Head
Benutzerbild von c-mon
Registriert seit: 19.04.2002
Ort: Berlin-Freedrinkshain
Beiträge: 574
28.06.24: DNO /w The Untouchables, Clearlight, Yoofee, Torn @ Panke, Berlin

After 16 physical releases since the launch of DNO Records,
we are extremely happy to announce that our label’s first-ever link-up
is finally happening at the end of this month!

We are meeting with DNO Records family on the 28th of June in Berlin at Panke with the line-up of artists
who refuse to be confined by genre or tempo, consisting exclusively of the current & the future label signees,
who will take you on the sonic journey across the experimental bass music spectrum.

The Untouchables (DNO Records/ Samurai Music, BE)
Clearlight (DNO Records/ Foundation Audio, BE)
Torn (DNO Records/ Samurai Music/ Horo, RU)
Marka San (DNO Records/ Foundation Audio, SVN)
Yoofee (DNO Records/ White Peach, DE)
DJ Detox (DNO Records/ Uncanny Valley, DE)
DUKU (DNO Records, UK)
Howman (DNO Records)

Gerichtstraße 23
Hof V
13347 Berlin - Wedding
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Alt 28.06.2024, 12:34   #2
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
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