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Alt 19.02.2024, 09:34   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 23.08.2014
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solarcube - retrofuturism 001 mix


A new mix series following the Open Podcast, which is a tribute to Drum and Bass, which has been accompanying my life for at least 25 years now. It doesn't matter if it's Neuro, Jump up, Liquid, Jungle, old or new hits, abstract or anything else precisely, the essence is that they all 'come from the same mother,' and when I'm 60-70 years old and reflect on how much I am indebted to the broken beats, it will be enough to start one of these mixes to rediscover the cherished music and artists of that particular period for me, and to have the feelings of that time surround me again, embracing me with their arms, so I can experience again what I was grateful for to the music, and I can breathe in those feelings again and again that I owed to drum and bass."

Solarcube - Retrofuturism 001

01 Sereni7 - Nocturnal
02 Dub Motion - Feeling U
03 DNMO & Cammie Robinson - Don't Let Me Go
04 Bou - Overthinking (feat. Haribo)
05 Pharuk - I Walk Alone
06 Quadrant ft. Cease - Rage & Rapture
07 Buunshin - Descended
08 Elipsa - Survival
09 Data 3 - Losing Myself
10 Nuvertal - Shiva
11 Voltage - Love Is Calling
12 Data 3 and Bassi - Qubit
13 K Motionz, Comma Dee - Step It Up
14 S.P.Y - Shelter
15 K Motionz - Back Trackin
16 DC Breaks - Gambino
17 Upgrade (UK) - On you
18 Mark System - Love Dub
19 Rameses B ft Veela - Echoes
20 Command Strange - Double One
21 K Motionz - Infinite (Freedom)
22 Buunshin and Lottie Jones - Different Tomorrow
23 DLR - Leave behind (feat. Rider Shafique)
24 Carmelle Cox, Calibre, ST Files - Grow
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