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Alt 09.04.2023, 09:46   #1
DJ Mix
Silver Head
Benutzerbild von DJ Mix
Registriert seit: 15.12.2010
Ort: www.hearthis.at/djmix
Beiträge: 747
DJ Mix - Krone & Strago (chapter1, take1) @ private legal Corona-Session (2021-08-07)


Download (320 kbps):

01. kRoNe - "Designed Dreams" [Fokuz FKZLTD025 2011]
02. kRoNe + Xonora - "Ecstasea" [Spun SPUNDD002 2011]
03. kRoNe + Mav + Xonora - "The Meaning" [Fokuz 048 2011]
04. kRoNe - "DMT" [Melting Pot DIGIPOT06 Contact EP 2009]
05. kRoNe - "Phantom Magnet Carnival" [Melting Pot DIGIPOT06 Contact EP 2009]
06. kRoNe - "Th3 Sourc3" [Fokuz FKZLTD029 2012]
07. kRoNe + Strago - "Evolution" [Mutacube MCB002 2007]
08. kRoNe - "Anunnaki" [Mutacube MCBDIGI002 Dreathms EP 2010]
09. Strago - "Dreathms" [Mutacube MCBDIGI002 Dreathms EP 2010]
10. kRoNe - "Irruption 2012" [Vampire VAMPCDLP1UK001 Once Bitten Twice High 2009]
11. Strago + V.U. - "Lost Highway" [Melting Pot DIGIPOT74 10 Years Anniversary 2015]
12. Implex - "Pi" [Mutacube MCB002 2007]
13. Aquatek - "Shades Of Orange" (original) [Full Force unreleased]
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