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Alt 03.11.2022, 15:47   #1
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
Cool [NSF] DJ Sickhead & MC Stagerocka live at Neurotic Breaks Bermudafunk 23.10.22

Kalo mina and Happy Happy Halloween Folkz ...
We ll start this month with a amazing mix from DJ Sickhead [N.S.F.] [DubWars] [DigiBeatMusic] [RingeRajaRecords]
aka Disco Devil ls Stagerocka aka Disco Rebel at Neurotic Breaks Radio Show hosted by Dj Sykes.
This one is pure fajahclaaaht, njoy and show us some <3



01. Morphy & The Untouchables - Treat this Land (45Seven)
02. Thing - Dubwize (Dubthing Records)
03. Flatliners - Kangroo Dub (Break-Fast Audio)
04. Psycho Mantis - Mind Control Music (DUB)
05. Dub Monger & LXC - Dread this Land (45Seven)
06. Thing - Marching Dub (Dubthing Records)
07. Rainforest - Dub The Jungle (45Seven)
08. Ahmad & Akinsa - Delusions (Rupture London)
09. Gremlinz & Jesta - Untitled (Responsible) (Rupture London)
10. Mark Theory - Rastafari (Rupture London)
11. Greenleaf - Time (Rupture London)
12. Overlook - Gumshoe (Rupture London)
13. Marlon Sterling Equinox - Ital Lion Tuff Head (Intasound)
14. Dave Sims Nucleus & Paradox Alaska - Love Her rmx. (Esoteric)
o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html

Geändert von DJSICKHEAD (09.01.2023 um 17:46 Uhr)
DJSICKHEAD ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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bermudafunk, djmix, djsickhead, djsykes, mcstagerocka

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