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Alt 10.10.2023, 17:36   #1
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
Cool The Anunnaki - The Prophecy Will Come

Here we go again with a new mix by The Anunnaki aka Sick & Amber. The mix premiered last Saturday at Polska's radio show Skeptic Tank on jungletrain.net. Big thx and ❤ 2 Polska & Jungletrain Crew and all the other supporters!!! njoy and show us some \m/

01. [NSF] Sativa - That Amen Tune
02. Alaska & Paradox - Out of Darkness
03. New Koncept Vs Bumpin Uglieez - Brotherhood
04. Nebula - Bound By Secrets
05. Cryogenics- Interstellar Clouds
06. [Sub] - Crystal ([NSF] Sick & Destroy Vocal Dub rmx)
07. Alaska & Paradox - Nostalgia
08. Kasious - Prometheus
09. Cryogenics - Polar Opposites
10. Equinox - Antarctica
11. DJ Trax - Reflection
12. Antares - Ashes

INSTAGRAM: needsomefunk68
o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
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amber, amen, anunnaki, mix, sickhead

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