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Alt 01.02.2007, 23:27   #1
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Robyn
Registriert seit: 28.02.2006
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 3.302
Martsman, Code & Chris Inperspective - Live at Nu Killa Beats (Januar 2007)

Martsman - 1hour 24mins


Sumone - Paranoid Delirium
Fracture & Neptune - Ups and Downs (Offshore)
Cycom - Control
Rufige Kru - Special Request (Metalheadz)
Sumone - edge of the solar system
Lemon D - Static (Test)
Martsman - Jump Funk
Graphic - I am Metal (Martyn remix) (Offshore)
Martsman - Step up (Berlin) (Bassbin - unreleased)
Genetic Sequence - Weirdo (Transmute)
Bad Matter - ???
Macc - Boomer (Martsman Rmx)
Paradox - The unspoken Divide (Paradox Music)
The Fix - 8 billion stories (Breakin)
Digital - Natty Dread (Reinforced)
Martsman - Worst Case Scenario

Code - 54 mins


1 ) Sonic & Silver - "Can You Feel It" (Science Fiction)
2 ) Naibu - "???" (Unsigned)
3 ) Teebee & Noisia - "Moon Palace" (Subtitles)
4 ) Sub - "ID" (Innsbruck Land)
5 ) Icicle & Switch - "Secret Temple" (Unreleased)
6 ) Twisted Anger - "Five O'Clock" (Penny Black)
7 ) Naibu - "Spiritual" (Unsigned)
8 ) Sabre - "Colony Assault" (Lucky Devil)
9 ) Tertius - "Structure" (Deep Blue Remix) (Partisan)
10 ) Vertigo - "The Drained" (Droppin' Science)
11 ) Stuart Haxton - "Miss Sunrise" (Fracture & Neptune Remix) (Knowrex)
12 ) Zero - "????" (Unsigned)
13 ) Macc & Duffah - "Messier 51" (Subtle Audio)

Chris INP 1hour 7mins


Bloc Party - Positive Tension (Shotgun Camel Remix)
Chris Inperspective - Big Mouth
Chris Inperspective - Spud Muncher
Chris Inperspective - Brockley Cross
Chris Inperspective - Love Lost (Mod Urban Jazz)
Chris Inperspective - Herb Minus (Nu Directions)
L.I.S - Apple Fingers (Play:Music)
Chris Inperspective - One we were
Chris Inperspective - Nowhere Fast
L.I.S - Pheasants & Dragons (Horizons Music)
Acen - Trip to the Moon (Shotgun Camel "I love Spirit" Remix)
Chris Inperspective - Davecat's Doll
L.I.S - New Path (Horizons Music)
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