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Alt 13.07.2008, 22:39   #1
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
FRE4KNC & [NSF] SICK & DESTROY @ jungletrain.net

das set könnt ihr hier saugen




Resound & Cyberworm - Initiation [break-fast audio dub]
Fanu - Ninja Chicks [darkestral ice]
[NSF] - Forgotten Breaks [dub]
Spotless - With The Friend The Shadow [outsider]
The Response Collective - Martins Dead (Madcap & Wilsh Remix) [dub?]
Cartridge - Just Let Go [counter intelligence]
Q-Project - Strategy [cia]
Electrosoul System - Goa [phuturo]
Break & Silent Witness - Dog Soldier [dnaudio]
Matrix - Convoy [prototype]
Natural Mystic - Got To Have Ya [moving shadow]
Source Direct - Snake Style [source direct]
Fallen Angels - Frequency VIP [moving shadow]
Natural Mystic - Slow Waves [moving shadow]
ASC - Windchime (Remix) [covert operations]
Instra:Mental - Rogue [darkestral]
Amplicon - Untitled [dub]
Danny Breaks - Solar Funk [droppin'science]

[NSF] Sick & Destroy

[NSF] - Feel (unsigned)
[NSF] - Horizon (unsigned)
[NSF] - Keep On (unsigned)
[NSF] - Sometimes (unsigned)
[Sub] - Crystal ([NSF] destroy2k rmx) (syncopathic rmx ep)
[NSF] - Sanctified [break-fast audio dub]
[NSF] - Blackout [break-fast audio dub]
[NSF] - Soundbwoy [pinecone moonshine]
[NSF] - Dub My Day (unsigned)
[NSF] - Flyin Dragon (unsigned)
[NSF] - Soul Cooper [pinecone moonshine]
[NSF] - Fireeater [tentative]
[NSF] - Curtis (unsigned)
[NSF] - Flyin Fist of Fear (4th dimension dub)
[NSF] - Come Back [syncopathic dub]

o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
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Alt 13.07.2008, 22:43   #2
Senior Head
Benutzerbild von J.Bostron
Registriert seit: 22.02.2008
Beiträge: 220
on the dl
http://myspace.com/djbostron | Audio Bullet | Raw Recordings | Sound Solution | JunglistDownload | HFD | Dub Chamber | Jungle X | One Foot Skankin | Bad Dog Jungle
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Alt 13.07.2008, 23:20   #3
dj sykes
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von dj sykes
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: mannheim
Beiträge: 2.607
saubere sache!!!

www.secretoperations.com , www.baesse.de, www.jungleraiders.ch
Radioshow- "Neurotic Breakz"- Bermudafunk 89.6mhz/ kabel 107.5 every 4th sunday of the month 22h-00h
"Das, was für dich richtig ist, ist "Real"" (Bates)
***Nur noch SEBA & PARADOX***... I think, I'm a bit afraid
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Alt 14.07.2008, 00:54   #4
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von niko
Registriert seit: 28.12.2003
Ort: Ort: Ort? Ort!
Beiträge: 1.130
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saubere sache!!!

dem kann ich nur zustimmen...n rundes ding!
let the music speak for itself...
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Alt 05.04.2009, 21:20   #5
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von stardust29
Registriert seit: 11.03.2007
Ort: techno city
Beiträge: 2.102
auf jeden Fall auch was für mich
the true "Fangirl"

♥ Hard-Techno-DNB ♥ Detroit Acid Tribal Dub Techno Ragga/Jungle Dnb Drumfunk Neurofunk
Tech Dubstep French Industrial Break Dark Hardcore IDM Ambient EBM Electro Experimental
Glitch Hip-Hop...

http://www.tilt-recordings.com ♥ http://t3kdnb.de ♥ http://techno-dnb.com ♥ http://usb.unitedsb.de
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Alt 08.04.2009, 11:46   #6
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 12.04.2003
Ort: DoubleD-Town
Beiträge: 74
endlich auch mal wieder was nach meinem geschmack! DAAANKE!!!! geht runter wie butter.... :]
www.DoubleD-Town.de | Dub, Breaks and Drum`N`Bass
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Alt 08.04.2009, 14:16   #7
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 16.06.2006
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 495
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[NSF] Sick & Destroy

[NSF] - Feel (unsigned)
[NSF] - Horizon (unsigned)
[NSF] - Keep On (unsigned)
[NSF] - Sometimes (unsigned)
[Sub] - Crystal ([NSF] destroy2k rmx) (syncopathic rmx ep)
[NSF] - Sanctified [break-fast audio dub]
[NSF] - Blackout [break-fast audio dub]
[NSF] - Soundbwoy [pinecone moonshine]
[NSF] - Dub My Day (unsigned)
[NSF] - Flyin Dragon (unsigned)
[NSF] - Soul Cooper [pinecone moonshine]
[NSF] - Fireeater [tentative]
[NSF] - Curtis (unsigned)
[NSF] - Flyin Fist of Fear (4th dimension dub)
[NSF] - Come Back [syncopathic dub]
so soll 'ne tracklist aussehen
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