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Alt 07.05.2004, 01:49   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 27.11.2002
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 166
Homebass - Berlin

Berlin's drum & bass has its foundation in the illegal basements and warehouse raves that rocked to a techno, breakbeat, digital hardcore, gabba, punk rock concoction in eastern Berlin after the wall came down in November 1989. The city has maintained an almost mythical status in the last century for its left wing, non conformist culture and as the birthplace of alternative ideas in Germany. People flocked to Berlin after the wall and I was also drawn there three years ago looking for an experimental place to DJ and make music. The city is a curious underground paradise of possibility, which despite its industrial reputation is apparently the greenest city in Europe. The music is also surprisingly un-industrial, except the (fortunately) few noisy gabba influenced DJs with punk style MCing

The relatively small community and even smaller d&b scene is mainly run by word of mouth - when something is written about, people don't want to go anymore. The mass post wall exodus of the east left confusion as to ownership of empty spaces and in this time of freedom, Berlin exploded with creativity. "The music scene, especially techno discovered the eastern parts of Berlin as a perfect playground for illegal clubs and warehouse raves. Parties like Planet or Walfisch are legendary today," says DJ Metro, one of Berlin's d&b pioneers and head of high profile label Hard:Edged. "Before the wall came down, Berlin was politically and culturally completely different to the rest of Germany... left wing people who saw the outlaw status of being a West Berliner as a welcome freedom to live their own ideas of life."

Berliners couldn't vote in German elections and growing up in divided Berlin with American, British, French and Russian troops, many people felt international rather than German. "One reason to go there was to avoid military service, which Berliners didn't have to do," adds born and bred Berliner DJ Apollo. "This attracted lots of freaks, artists, musicians, gay people and so on."

The city which built itself almost from scratch after the Second World war is still a ferocious physical and cultural construction site, with skyline cranes, high unemployment and the city's current bankruptcy. However Berlin's idealist culture and DIY spirit ensures alternatives evolve constantly. Illegal squat parties are ingrained in Berlin's club culture and many d&b DJs started out at legendary squat Eimer. One such DJ is renowned underground DJ Stanislas, who played his first parties with Alec Empire (Atari Teenage Riot), Gabba Nation and Spiral Tribe, mixing hard techno with d&b. He explains how d&b broke in Berlin: "In late '94, we were all busy going to raves and preferred digital hardcore like ec8or, Moonraker and Spiral Tribe free parties. When jungle switched to d&b and became more instrumental, more people got involved and started the first d&b parties around '95. The big breakthrough came in '96, when labels like No U Turn produced more techno based tunes and many ravers bored of techno turned to d&b."

It was in '94 in the midst of illegal raves and digital hardcore that jungle arrived. "In the beginning, the breakbeat scene was closely linked with house/techno", says Metro. "Later, around '94 when jungle came, the scene split from its old links and developed as a parallel to the hip hop/reggae scene. The audience also changed at this time - people from different backgrounds discovered the music."

With reggae/dancehall's revered status in Berlin, there are still many die-hard junglists around. The first jungle party, Junglemania, was held at a small community run basement Acud, relocating when promoter Lars opened Icon club in '97. Recycle at Icon is now the major destination for d&b on Saturdays with residents Apollo, Emisz, N'Dee, Obiwan, MC Mace plus a Full Cycle and Doc Scott residency.

The dynamite in the d&b explosion in '96 was in the Hard:Edged parties at WMF club. "We had an open air area in the club and set up a huge soundsystem throughout the summer," Metro remembers. Hard:Edged (despite the name, the music's not that hard) now have their own club Watergate with international and national guests and undoubtedly the best location in town. The glass fronted basement takes in views of the river and the sunrise!

With almost non existent licensing laws, Berliners enjoy extreme freedom. Clubs and bars close when people leave, there are no security searches and you can smoke joints inside. The long late partying and techno foundation create some differences on the Berlin style. "We like to dance in a steady flow, we don't need rewinds," Stanislas explains. "We don't finish parties at 5am, so there's no need to get hysterical, whistle horns or get too sweaty as we can choose from different after hours which sometimes last till Monday morning."

Drum & bass is sometimes a warm up to techno so Stanislas, like other DJs have got used to cleverly switching between d&b and techno with a breakbeat techno fusion. "People come up to me and ask, 'Wow what kind of music is this?' They don't realise it's d&b!"

DJ Marusha, renowned techno DJ/producer elaborates: "The broken beats and speed confuse people, as Germany is techno and industrial educated, but there is a new generation of DJs who were raised on hip hop as opposed to techno who understand d&b in the way the UK does." His diverse weekly radio show Rave Satellite is unique in occasionally airing d&b. Her d&b love affair began with early happy hardcore B-sides and secretly played d&b on the side. She recently celebrated Rave Satellite's 12th Anniversary at Tresor including a d&b floor.

Apart from the established clubs like Hard:Edged, Icon and DJ Bym's Monday night ElectroLounge, there are many up-and-coming or underground crews like High Tek, Uppercut, jungle pioneer Tricky D's breakbeat/jungle nights, renowned Hard:Edged MC Santana and Hek 187's Heavy Rotation and Max Dynamix, promoting by word of mouth or internet.

"As there's hardly any media who care about d&b, the internet has become important for the scene," says Metro, whose Hard:Edged forum is a focal point for links to EZines, internet radio and downloads of up-and-coming producers like Current Value, Saiba, Hek 187 or Young Ax.
Berlin is a city that makes a real DJ out of you... One-and-a-half hour sets just don't exist, especially if you don't beware the "fruit" punch they greet you with at the door...

WORDS Electric Lane

A-Z of Berlin drum & bass

Acud Basement
Site of first jungle party - Junglemania.

D&b crew: www.audiomassive.de

Atari Teenage Riot
Influential band founded '92 by Alec Empire as musical weapon against rising racism after German reunification and counterbalance to escapist techno scene.

Renowned resident DJ at Icon and Hard:Edged.

Club in Prenzlauer Berg, hosting some d&b nights.

Current Value
Up-and-coming producer, releases on Don Q, Phantomnoise and Position Chrome.

Electronic music magazine

Legendary after hours warehouse on river with a bonfire surrounded by sofas. Luckily Maria took over the location (minus bonfire, but the vibe is in the walls).

Dig A Little Deeper
Record shop with great d&b selection

Dose D
Hardcore industrial noisy DJ and collaborator with Panacea.

Dubplates & Mastering
Berlin DJs cut their very high quality plates here!

Influential techno metal hardcore duo.

Legendary squat where many d&b DJs started.

DJ Bym's long running Mondays at Roter Salon.

First Berlin (maybe German) live jungle band included Tricky D as bass payer, co producer and DJ.

Magazine for new electronic music.

Ambitious label and crew with big following. Owners of new club Watergate: www.hardedged.de

Good quality record store in Kreuzberg.

Hek 187
Dj/producer/promoter AKA Sneakass: www.heavyrotation

Up-and-coming crew consisting of Lars Lavendel, DeFraq and DJ Scamp: www.hightek.net

Hosts much loved d&b Saturday night Recycle.

Venue on tiny island in eastern district Treptow.

Berlin d&b radio from Fire Crew.

Karneval der Kulturen (Carnival of Cultures)
Yearly parade including d&b soundsystems.

Koepi (Koepinickerstr. 37)
Imposing castle like community squat often hosting Mad Max like punk concerts with d&b in basement.

Licensing Laws
Places close one hour per day for cleaning. Bars close 3-6am and clubs anytime from 6am.

Love Parade
Yearly techno parade includes d&b parties.

Venue on River Spree with one-off d&b nights.

World famous techno DJ/producer and d&b fan, hosts weekly Rave Satellite show on Fritz radio.

MC Santana
One of Germany's most renowned MCs. Runs Heavy Rotation with Hek 187, releases on Gyration, Klein & forthcoming on Hiddentape Recordings.

Resident DJ and head of Hard:Edged label.

Max Dynamix
Launched '99 by Stanislas for hard bass d&b and jump-up techno.

Radio Massive
First official d&b show on Kiss until '99 by Case Invaderz crew Bass Dee and Feed.

Radio Nord
Record shop with d&b

Roter Salon
Venue with chandeliers adjoined to old political theatre Volksbuehne with Monday d&b.

Dj/producer. Alien Slang project with Current Value.

Spiral Tribe
Legendary and most influential soundsystem. Now disbanded and based in France.

Collectively run club in the back of a house in Friedrichshain, hosting late d&b/techno parties.

Underground DJ/promoter/producer

Steppaz Convention
Started '96 by Stanislas and Mannheim DJ Sinista.

Most famous techno club in the world.

Tricky Tunes
Tricky D's record shop: d&b breakbeat, reggae, dancehall & Spiral Tribe records.

Favourite record shop of MC Santana.

D&b posse (M Trick & Switch).

Legendary and famous club.

Club founded in 2003 by Hard:Edged.

Young Ax
East Berlin d&b producers.

Quelle: http://www.knowledgemag.co.uk

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Alt 07.05.2004, 12:26   #2
Gold Head
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www.keepitrollin.de - Das unabhängige DnB Forum für Berlin und Potsdam
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Alt 07.05.2004, 12:43   #3
hustlin l.
Hardcore Head
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Re: Homebass - Berlin

Original geschrieben von scamp

Steppaz Convention
Started '96 by Stanislas and Mannheim DJ Sinista.

wer isn des?
hustlin l. ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 07.05.2004, 15:05   #4
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Lomex
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Re: Re: Homebass - Berlin

Original geschrieben von hustlin l.

wer isn des?
music4ahardlife@radioX101.4fm www.radiox.de/Live/ jeden 4.samstag 23-2uhr
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Alt 07.05.2004, 17:43   #5
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 27.11.2002
Ort: Berlin
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aber in diesem text müssten noch sachen richtig gestellt werden

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Alt 07.05.2004, 18:38   #6
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von caress173
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Re: Re: Homebass - Berlin

Original geschrieben von hustlin l.

wer isn des?
müsstest du eigentlcih kenen..hat auf div. royal rumbles etc. gespielt... glaub ausm umfeld vom arsonist und so..
Nein, antworte nicht.
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Alt 07.05.2004, 18:43   #7
Beiträge: n/a
zumindest erwähnt endlich mal jemand Current Value udn DJ Saiba. die jungs habens schon lang verdient
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Alt 09.05.2004, 23:21   #8
Benutzerbild von kai@future-music
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Re: Re: Homebass - Berlin

Original geschrieben von hustlin l.

wer isn des?
Tja Hustlin, dafür bist Du leider zu jung, um die Jungs zu kennen.

Leo aka Stanislas und Andreas aka DJ Sinista haben früher in Ludwigshafen gewohnt (beide oder nur Andi?!), bevor sie nach Berlin gezogen sind.
In Berlin haben sie die Steppaz Convention Parties und z.B. auch die Party auf der Insel zur Love Parade vor paar Jahren gemacht.
Future - www.future-music.net

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Alt 10.05.2004, 00:57   #9
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 21.11.2001
Ort: Berlin
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ja die stappz convention ist legendär. gutes lineup in einer der seinerzeit besten locations berlins.

schade, dass es die alte maria nicht mehr gibt...
www.keepitrollin.de - Das unabhängige DnB Forum für Berlin und Potsdam
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