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Alt 21.03.2019, 13:22   #1
dr woe
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 27.10.2010
Beiträge: 36
Vinyl KEEP DA BASS ROLLIN` vol 9 - Emplate

emplate, based in Cleveland, Ohio, stands behind the decks since ´99 and was running different labels and Drum & Bass events. Now he concentrates on his weekly Dnbradio show and hosts different Podcasts. For over a decade, emplate has been known for his diverse selection of up to date releases, promos & unreleased tracks & plays accordingly to timeslot, crowd & vibe. You can read the whole bio in the track description. Check out this deep minimal, dark and rolling 90 minutes mix by emplate!

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Keep Da Bass Rollin´ links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepdabassrolling/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepdabassrollin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Basskeepa
HearThis: https://hearthis.at/keep-da-bass-rollin/


1. Brusten - Irregular Transmissions (Delta9 Recordings)
2. Pseudonym - White Bass (Rollerz{Free})
3. Colony - Sinister Step (Tesseract Recordings)
4. Blacklight - Enormous Machine (Subplate Recordings)
5. Alex SLK - Binary Funk (Dub)
6. Montesco & Novaglitch (ID - Dub)
7. Sinic - Regular Expression (Flexout Audio)
8. The Caracal Project - Was Like it Will Be (DNB France{Free})
9. Screamarts - Tribes (Delta9 Recordings)
10. Rizzle - Palisade (Dispatch Recordings)
11. Neve, Ephyum & Invadhertz - Zero Point Energy (Guidance)
12. Dub Elements - Insect (DEM Recordings)
13. Lavance - Ramp {Free}
14. Funkware - Overkill (Funkstuff Recordings)
15. Lockjaw - Empath {Sublimit rmx} (Dub)
16. Wingz - Hidden Principle (Overview Music{Free})
17. OaT - Responsible (Addictive Behaviour)
18. Tarz - Rise And Fall {Free}
19. Montesco & Maok Sevek (ID - Dub)
20. Slaine - Riser (Dub)
21. Horde & Reptile - Snobism (DNB France {Free})
22. DOt. - Mort (Lost Recordings)
23. Creatures & Extraction - Slinky (Delta9 Recordings)
24. HumaNature feat. CELO - Stalker (Hyperactivity Music)
25. Neve - Ping Pong (Guidance)
26. Septon & Cramz - Can't Stop (Fearless Audio)
27. Visuals - Ceaser (Lickwood & Gunshot Records)
28. Vital Elements - Transmission ([V2E] Recordings)
29. Danger - The Unknown (Bulletproof Records)
30. Saxxon - Insomniac (Natty Dub Recordings)
31. Verdikt & Warhead - Ice Cold (Born On Road)
32. DROMA - Duel Combat (Viral-Mental Records)
33. Martyn Nytram (ID - Dub)
34. Xeropoint - The Shadows (Locked Up Music)
35. Bungle - Once For All (Dirty Hole Music)
36. Mr.Pine - You Have (DNB Noise Records)
37. Khemikal - Wu Town (AFT Records)
38. DOt. - Misinterpreted (Skankandbass)
39. Trace - Opaque (CNVX)
40. Soul Connection - Dirty Hook (Exiled Recordings - Dub)
41. W2Wb - Reshape (Dub)
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Alt 22.03.2019, 19:41   #2
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von jipressure
Registriert seit: 17.06.2009
Ort: Germany
Beiträge: 495
Todd! 😂
If u don't know, u better get to know!
jipressure ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


darkside dnb, deep dnb, halftime, minimal drum & bass

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