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Alt 18.05.2010, 12:13   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 10.02.2007
Beiträge: 34
Forbidden Society Promo Mix 2010


1.Forbidden Society - Focus on Violence VIP ( Obscene Recordings )
2.Forbidden Society & Switch Technique - Shelter ( Future Sickness Recordings )
3.Forbidden Society & Lucio de Rimanez - Anarchy ( Perkussive )
4.Forbidden Society - Attack the Beatiful ( PRSPCT Recordings )
5.Forbidden Society - Parasite
6.Forbidden Society - The Hunt
7.Forbidden Society - Brutal Thoughs
8.Forbidden Society & Katharsys - Symerian ( Obscene Recordings )
9.Forbidden Society - The Master ( Remix ) ( Section 8 Recordings )
10.Forbidden Society & Cooh - The Gord ( Freak Recordings )
11.Forbidden Society - The New Cell ( Obscene Recordings )
12.Forbidden Society - The Pressure VIP ( Section 8 Recordings )
13.Forbidden Society - Reborn
14.Forbidden Society - Sad Truth ( SPL´s eleventh hour mix ) ( Algorythm Recordings )
15.Forbidden Society - Filth VIP ( Current Value RMX ) ( Freak Recordings )
16.Forbidden Society - Facing Extinction ( Current Value RMx ) ( Algorythm Recordings )
17.Eiton - Kopilot ( Forbidden Society RMX )
18.Forbidden Society - Shit Talker
19.Forbidden Society - Riotbringer ( Future Sickness Recordings )
20.Forbidden Society & DELTA 9 - Violent Outburst ( MASK05 )


2 tracks for free for the people who might like it :


bookings here ( BOOK MY ASS!!! ) : noize@seznam.cz

AIM : noizepunishment4


forthcomming releases :

Despised / Attack the Beatiful ( PRSPCT Recordings )

The Master ( Remix ) / Bjork - Dull Flame of Desire ( Forbidden Society RMX ) ( Section 8 Recordings )

The Pressure VIP / All Gone ( Section 8 Recordings Digital )

Facing Extinction ( Current Value RMX ) ( Algorythm Recordings )

Forbidden Society - Katharsys - Breaker - Silent Killer / Acheron ( Guerilla Recordings )

Sad Truth ( SPL RMX ) ( Algorythm Recordings )

Anarchy feat. Lucio De Rimarez ( Perkussive )

Riotbringer / Forbidden Society & Switch Technique - Shelter ( Future Sickness Recordings )

Filth VIP ( Current Value RMX ) / Forbidden Society & Cooh - The Gord ( Freak Recordings )

Forbidden Society & Katharsys - Symerian ( Obscene Recordings )

Drstrctv Look / Forbidden society vs DELTA 9 - Violent Outburst ( MASK05 )

+ alot more to come, collabs, rmxs!! so stay tuned mofos



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