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Alt 21.06.2006, 13:36   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 25.10.2004
Ort: Freak HQ
Beiträge: 84
Therapy Live Tonight 21/06 + Tourdates, Events, Big Dongs...;)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!!

Here's a bit of an update from the insane hotel of drum and bass nutters that is Anger Freak HQ..check out DOA for a video of the new DnB supergroup of The Panacea, Evol Intent, Limewax, SPL and Dylan (LOL) - search Dylan Super Group Movie...

..so you can see what I'm working with here - in studio last night attempting a musical 6 way LOL - will keep you posted!! hehehe

But TONIGHT live on www.bassdrive.com you can check out Therapy Sessions Live from London's Herbal from 10pm GMT!! We got your boy ready to show the London people how its done LOL he completley annhiliated the Bristol Therapy!!! Was sooo great, teeth, tunes, nuttiness and all, lol you would have all been proud

The* Panacea
Evol Intent b2b SPL

Hosted by Mc's AD and System


Our Therapys are spreading like little beacons of sweet evil across the globe, bringing some homegrown darkness from our family to yours!! Here are some of our non monthly events lined up for the next few months if you can catch them!

July 8th - Exit Festival, Novi Sad (stage.happynovisad.co.yu)
July 28th - Opera House Bournemouth UK
August 3rd - Bradford Rio, Bradford, UK
Sept 15th -* Ribarroja, Valencia, Spain (http://www.ritum.com/mdbf.html)
Sept 16th - 1st Birthday Party @ Arena!!* Vienna, Austria
Sept 30th - Manchester UK

If you haven't already peeped, you can check out amazing videos complete from our incredible St Petersburg and Latvian sessions (June 10th and 17th) at www.angeruk.net (thanks Radio Russia and Invasion!)

We have dates lined up for Therapy Tours in September - November in Belgium (whoo hooo), Latvia, Berlin (whooo hoooo), another disgusting Bristol Black Swan date, the US, and more!! To become part of our posse, don't hesitate to hit me up with Therapy as the subject

Last but not least, a little reminder of upcoming tour dates for internationals (now Dylan and myself being one for the next year) so you can plan in advance as these dates are so far only dates available before Spring 2007!!

Dylan: last date free on Sept 23rd until Jan 2007
Robyn Chaos and Counterstrike: touring October 13th - 29th
Evol Intent: Sept 16th (weekend before or after available)
Hive: Last two weeks of November

and of course, any queries for our European based artists such as Technical Itch, Raiden, Limewax, The Panacea, Audio, Bkey, Current Value, Vicious Circle, Outrage, Skitty, The Sect, Propaganda, Loxy, Ink, and many more, please don't hesitate to pop me a mail to robyn@angeruk.net!

Lots of love to my Germies - in the throes of football fever
xx Robyn
...come i'll keep you warm....
Robyn@AngerUK ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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Alt 21.06.2006, 13:44   #2
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 23.01.2003
Beiträge: 760
will be locked as every month..... keep it freaky over there at herbal....

and don't bum spl in the morning again
formerly known as aken-massive
skytec ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21.06.2006, 13:44   #3
Benutzerbild von Chris1202
Registriert seit: 25.07.2002
Ort: Frankfurzt
Beiträge: 8.646
Zitat von Robyn@AngerUK
But TONIGHT live on www.bassdrive.com you can check out Therapy Sessions Live from London's Herbal from 10pm GMT!! We got your boy ready to show the London people how its done LOL he completley annhiliated the Bristol Therapy!!! Was sooo great, teeth, tunes, nuttiness and all, lol you would have all been proud

The* Panacea
Evol Intent b2b SPL

Hosted by Mc's AD and System

nice i'm gonna listen to the first 90 minutes or maybe longer.

Einen Ohrgasmus erkennst Du am rhythmischen Zucken der Muschel beim Eindringen ganz spezieller Klänge.
Chris1202 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 21.06.2006, 18:47   #4
Silver Head
Benutzerbild von LakesideBreakz
Registriert seit: 05.06.2003
Beiträge: 801
Zitat von skytec
and don't bum spl in the morning again

LakesideBreakz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 22.06.2006, 18:16   #5
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 25.10.2004
Ort: Freak HQ
Beiträge: 84

oh my GOD!!! lol boy, do I feel like I have been run over.. absolutely awesome night - here's a small vid of Panacea mangling people at the end lol..(the sound's a taaaad distorted)


sorry but the internet in the club went down around 11pm - but pretty much all the sets will be posted online at http://www.angeruk.net/therapy/ in the next week...

now to wake spl.....
...come i'll keep you warm....
Robyn@AngerUK ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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