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Alt 23.06.2022, 15:22   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show w/ Jay Rome @ Bassdrive (16.06.2022)



Frank Lemon & Manta - Fountain (Blu Saphir Music)
Dub Elements, Sammie Hall - I Won't Let You Fall
Phentix - Glacier
Mefjus & Camo & Krooked - Sientelo
>>> Sub Focus - Timeless V.I.P.
Mefjus, Maksim MC - Twist Em
T>I & Critical Impact & Jakes - Sniper
Genic - Inspo
Audio - Tiptop
L-Side - Atomic
Neonlight - Bullhead
>>> U.K. Apachi - Original Nuttah
Dossa & Locuzzed - Play feat. Patch Edison
Oliver Heldens x Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) (Matrix & Futurebound Remix)- UKF
Sigma - Can't Get Enough (Sigma VIP) (feat. Taet)
Alix Perez - Evermore - 1985
NCT - Before I Go (Blooom Remix) - Liquicity
High Contrast - Return Of Forever (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus Remix)- Hospital
Break & Total Science - Aardvark
Drumsound & Bassline Smith - Galaxy Dub - Technique
L-Side - Inna Di Dance - V Recs
Rider Shafique/Liondub/Jah Boogs - Ever Blessed (Acuna Remix)
T>I & Trex - Return To Sender - TRUST030
Waeys & Molecular - Powerstream - Overview
Dr Meaker - The Neutron - SYMM044
Enei, Jakes - Omega - Critical
Screamarts - The Underground
Waeys - Two Note Wonder
Workforce, Leroy Horns - Reintegration
Future Cut - Busted
Voltage, Shy FX, Agent Sasco - Amazing
Serial Killaz - Euphoria
DRS & Javeon & EN:VY - Passenger
Command Strange - Krusty Fingers - V Recs
Fade Black - Barbed
Phentix, Alibi - Emperor
FD - Shawn Kemp
Submotive - Slippin
DLR & Break - Absolutely True - Symmetry Recordings
Command Strange & Alibi - Welcome to the Future - V Recs
Foreign Concept - China Plate
The Upbeats/Joe Dukie - Beams (Monty Remix)
ill truth - Close To The Edge
A Sides & King Kapisi - Step 2 The Fire
Kidsonic - Radar
Melonyx - Energy (Zero T Remix)(Explicit)
Atlantic Connection - Situations (DLR Remix)
QZB, III - Half Awake (feat. III)
Command Strange & MC Fats - Brand New Style (L-Side Remix) - V Recs
Molecular, Arkaik - Break the Habit
Sl8r - Grift
After Hours - Cease Fire
Kidsonic - Bring Me Down
L-Side - Point of View
Sudley - XTC (Molecular Remix)
Halogenix - Spice
Asura - Knocker Upper - Blu Saphir Limited Dub
Sudley - Ratchet
Workforce - Attention to Suffering
Winslow Note - Swing And Miss (Note Remix)
#비비 - BAD SAD AND MAD (Kuttin Edge Flip)
Mitekiss - FromU
Noisia, Halogenix - Wordless
Sudley & Tafe - Proximity
Arxiva - 2.0
Quadrant & Iris - False Spring - Innerground Records
Kuttin Edge - Bubble Gum
Dub Phizix - Jelly Smoke (Extended Mix)
Kimyan Law - Taproot
Nickbee - Choice Time (Arkaik Remix)
M-zine & Jumpat - Trepid (Spinline Remix)
Stokka - Camo
Waeys & Levela - Gasp
Zero T/ONJ/Terrell King - Some Type of Way
Lens - Feels Like
Furniss - Destruction
P Money, Whiney - Sorry I'm Not Sorry
Ninive, Incident - Spice
Minor Forms - Watch This
Midknight Moon - Buffering - Digital Blus
Data 3 - Molly (Gerra & Stone Remix)
Halogenix & Chimpo - Techy
Molecular & Amoss - Questionable
Document One and Duskee - Technology
Conrad Subs - Bump & Grind
Snik - Absence (Hatti Vatti Remix)


xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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