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Alt 19.05.2018, 20:34   #1
Junior Head
Benutzerbild von dj#9
Registriert seit: 26.02.2012
Ort: nyc
Beiträge: 14
dj9 new mix ragga jump up 90s classics mix

listen: https://www.mixcloud.com/deejaynumbe...-classics-mix/
download: https://dnbshare.com/download/dj9_ra...s_mix.mp3.html

dj9 - ragga jump up 90s classics
May 2018
1 Congo Natty - Stamina feat Conquering Lion and Buju Banton - 1994
2 Ninjaman, Bounty Killer, Beenie Man, and Ninja Ford - Bad Boy Lick A New Shot (Jungle Bullet) - 1994
3 Rude and Deadly - Lightnin and Tunda - 1995
4 Urban Shakedown - Arsonist Dub Beats - 1995
5 Remarc - Sound Murderer - 1994
6 Renk Crew - Passing Me By - 1994
7 XTC and DJ Keen Nottingham - Reload and Come Again - 1995
8 Remarc - RIP - 1995
9 The Source - One by One - 1996
10 Brainkillers - Loving Part 1 - 1994
11 Dennis Brown - Jungle Rock - 1994
12 Rude Bwoy Monty - Out in Da Streets - 1994
13 Half Pint - Greetings - 1994
14 Calibre and High Contrast - Mr. Majestic - 2004
15 Blackstreet - No Diggity Urban Takeover Remix - 1998
16 Mulder - Stick Up Kid - 1997
17 Marvellous Cain and Bizzy B - Everyday feat Tempo O’Neil - 1996
18 Luniz - I Got 5 On It Urban Takeover Remix - 1998
19 Aphrodite and Micky Finn - Bas Ass - 1996
20 DJ Zinc - Fugees Ready Or Not - 1996
21 E.P.S and 2-Vibe - Hype the Funk - 1996
22 Natural Born Chillers - Rock the Funky Beat - 1997
23 The Ganja Kru - Super Sharp Shooter - 1996
24 Skillz feat Clipse, Pharrell, and Missy Elliot - Crew Deep the V.A. Remix - 2002
25 Mulder - Can I Count It Off - 1998
26 Dawn Penn - You Don’t Love Me - 1993
27 Curly Greylox - Fools Rush In - 1993
28 Marvellous Cain - Hit Man feat Cutty Ranks T.I. remix - 2018
29 John Osbourne and Marcus Visionary - Rock It Tonight Year 3000 remix - 2018
30 Rebel MC Feat Top Cat - Original Ses Police in Helicopter - 2007
31 Rebel MC feat Tenor Fly - Jah Sunshine - 2007
32 Conquering Lion - Code Red Serial Killaz VIP - 2009
33 UB40 - Red Red Wine - 1983
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90s, jump up, old school; ragga jungle, ragga jungle, reggae & dancehall

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