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Alt 31.08.2023, 17:20   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Exclamation Blu Saphir Show w/ Jay Rome @ Bassdrive (August 2023)

Every third Thursday from 5-7 pm CET only live on Bassdrive.com


1) Rift - Higher (Counterpoint)
2) Chiccoreli - In My Dreamz
3) Ferice, Geostatic - Used To Be (Transparent Audio)
4) Creatures- Alone In The City
5) Koax - Rivulet
6) Mitekiss - Belamour
7) Leaf - I Feel It Too
8) Asura. - Knocker Upper (Thematic Remix) (Blu Saphir Limited Dub)
9) ID - ID (Blu Saphir Limited Dub)
10) Chimpo - The Crab (Critical Music)
11) Yatuza - Deep Fry(Yamatai Records)
12) GLXY - The Void (Shogun Audio)
13) Wingz, Koherent - Not Here (Overview Music)
14) Warhead - Under The Weather(Sub-liminal Recordings)
15) The Sauce - Not Not True (The Sauce Recordings)
16) Paul T & Edward Oberon - Rockin Me (L-Side Remix) (V Recs)
17) Harley D - Warning (Grid Recordings UK)
18) Kumarion - Killa (Crucast)
19) Dom & Roland - Punish Me Again (Crissy Criss Remix) (Dom & Roland Productions)
20) Yatuza, CCX - Tactics (Yamatai Records)
21) Hugh Hardie - Juicebox (Soulvent)
22) Anaïs, DRIIA - Round To Ya Speaker
23) Harley D - Cosmic Sounds (Grid Recordings UK)
24) Chase & Status, Bou - Baddadan (Ft. Irah, Flowdan, Trigga, and Takura)(EMI)
25) Yatuza, Asura - Get Fizzled (Yamatai Records)
26) S.Murk - Malkers (Vision Recordings)
27) 1991 - Chant (Ukf)
28) PAV4N, Hugh Hardie - Face Off
29) Kontrakt - Dreaming in Digital (Neurofunk,what else?)
30) Mefjus - Stay (feat. Blocksberg (MODUS)
31) Phase- Notice
32) Dr. Apollo - Remedy (feat. General Levy)(Play Me Records Promo)
33) TC - Urban Jungle (Wolfpack Records)
34) Dubruvvas - Devoid (Black Barrel remix) (Deeper DNB)
35) EMZ, Nasser, Valor - Free (Hospital)
36) HEXA - Tokyo (Rebel Music)
37) Scurrow - Episteme (Sinful Maze)
38) Adzzy - Relay (Deep Within Recordings Promo)
39) Fabric8 - Lost in Translation
40) Qlyph- Jerk (Voyage Music)
41) Monty - Gas Tank (1985)
42) Adzzy - Hollow Point (Deep Within Recordings Promo)
43) Nemy - Mold (Four Corners)
44) The Sauce - Five Knuckle Shuffle (The Sauce Records)
45) Audio & VEGAS - Mukbang (Bad Taste Recordings)
46) L-Side x Parly B - Galang (Philly Blunt)
47) A Sides - Orion
48) Wingz, x Koherent - Satisfy (Overview Music)
49) Winslow - Class Dismissed (VIP)
50) Scepticz - Come As Is (Midas Touch Recordings Promo)
51) Tweakz - Love & Loyalty (Nuusic)
52) The Sauce - Kenny (The Sauce Recordings)
53) Forum - Empire
54) Dom & Roland - Whip That Ass (Dom & Roland Productions)
55) Nooch & Dunk - Get On With It (Ransaked Records)
56) Speaker Louis - Explosion (Engage Audio)
57) Yatuza ft. Pain - Take It Back (Hyperactivity)
58) Solace - The Rides (Midas Touch Recordings Promo)
59) Kumarachi - Fractions (Section 63 Recordings)
60) Myth - Right In (Alternate Recordings)
61) Arclight - Jellystone (Vandal Records)
62) Sceptre/Juice - Wire Tap (Lost Recordings)
63) Sileighty - Show Me (Emphaseas Music)
64) S.Murk - Warn Dub (Vision Recordings)
65) Lynx - Disco Dodo (VIP) (Detail Recordings)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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bassdrive, blu saphir, drum and bass, jay rome

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