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Alt 06.10.2022, 21:22   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive.com w/ Jay Rome (September 2022)

Check out our latest Blu Saphir show on www.bassdrive.com hosted by Jay Rome.



1 Beatmool - Sonder
2 Mindstate, Verbz - Get a Move On
3 D-Code & Psylence - Medicine
4 Jaheim - Put That Woman First - Calibre Vocal Mix
5 Wingz - By Your Side - Overview Music
6 LSB - Dixieland
7 Lenzman, Redeyes, Private Joy - Playing It Off
8 Watch the Ride - Time's Up
9 Alix Perez/Verbz - Stayed the Same - 1985 Music
10 High Contrast - Exposé (Artificial Intelligence Remix)
11 Felov - Back To Me - Midas Touch Recordings
12 Ill Truth and Micheal E.T. - Hollow Game
13 Klinical & Shady Novelle - Together - Overview Music
14 Chase & Status/Pip Millett - Over & Done - EMIV2059
15 D-Code & Psylence, Jessica Wilde - Coming Down
16 Rafau Etamski - Serotonin Pack
17 Unglued, Degs - Nothing To Lose
18 Random Movement - Get The Funk Outta This Room
19 Anthony Kasper - A Minor Thing
20 Champagne feat. Will Power - I Mean It (Original mix) - Bonafide Recordings
21 Isley Brothers - You_ll never walk Alone (Paul SG Remix)
22 Sub:liminal and Silence Groove - Second Spring (Silence Groove Remix)
23 Emba - Dreamers feat. BCee & L.I.T.A. (L-Side Remix) - Spearhead Records
24 Offline - Want You - Ekou Recordings
25 CRSV and Silentium - Mannequin
26 Natural Forces - Fragments
27 Alix Perez - Slink
28 Dogger/Mindstate/Liam Bailey - Broken Home (Calibre Remix)
29 Sam Binary/Deviant - Want U
30 Winslow - GreenGreyBlue
31 Andrezz - Charm - Planet V
32 Metal Work, Just Mack - Sunshine
33 LSB - Hotpants Bouncer - Spearhead Records
34 Tweakz - Memoirs (Askel Remix)
35 Washed Out - Too Late (Magnafide D&B Bootleg)
36 Paul SG x Danny Wheeler - Jellybean
37 Nami - Same Mind
38 Soulfil Mali Lloyd - Tell You
39 Hannah Eve and Data 3 - Better Off Without You
40 Disclosure, Nao - Superego (Magnafide D&B Bootleg)
41 Sliding Gliding DJ Marky & Dossa & Locuzzed
42 Minor Forms - Biophonic (Kublai Remix) - Vandal Records
43 Syren Rivers x M:FX - Changes (Alibi Deep Remix) - Blu Saphir
44 Xtrah/Genic - HOLDING ON
45 Klinical - Lost Vanity
46 Drake feat. Travis Scott - Fair Trade [Satl Flip]
47 Andrezz - Kids Quotes - Planet V
48 Rafau Etamski - Face Your Fears - Digital Blus Promo
49 LSB - Renaissance Song - Spearhead Records
50 Submorphics - Shadow Red
51 Ill Truth and Bluejay - Bristol Dawn
52 Cutworx - Everything She Wants
53 Dogger/Mindstate/DRS - TMWFTE
54 Verbz, Mr Slipz, Riah Knight - The Rain [Alix Perez Remix Instrumental]
55 Addicted, Natty D, Jenks - Elevation
56 Alibi - Moore's Law - Innerground
57 Ezor - Take Off - DISLTD094
58 Hoax - Nebula
59 DLR - Living Beneath The Surface
60 Ezor - Stay Easy - DISLTD094
61 Submotive - Clock In Clock Out - Carbon Music

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...

Geändert von Jay Rome (07.10.2022 um 00:24 Uhr)
Jay Rome ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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jay rome

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