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Alt 18.11.2021, 17:24   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
mp3 Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome ft. Ezor @*Bassdrive (November 2021)

Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome ft.special guest Ezor @ Bassdrive

Ezor is a brand new producer/dj out of StPetersburg.. In great company with Black Barrel, Nami Music, Theoretical he represents the new russian generation of dnb artist.

Watch out for his forthcoming "Obscured" EP coming out on Blu Saphir Limtied in a few...



1) Colette Warren, DJ Marky, Tyler Dailey - One Exception (Pola & Bryson Remix) - Innerground Recs
2.) Kusp - Oracles
3.) BCee & DRS - Gold Bird
4.) Redeyes & Lenzman - Gotta Change
5.) Motiv - Shifting
6.) Mitekiss & Emiko & Duskee - Mortala
7.) Askel & Elere - Do I Know You - Soulvent
8.) Bredren - Raw
9.) Alcemist - Us (Pola & Bryson Remix)
10.) ID - ID
11.) Melinki, D`Cypher - Listen To Everything
12.) The Sauce & Carasel - Stir It Up
13.) Tyrone - Calm Down Sharon
14.) Sl8r - Asterix (Nymfo Remix)
15.) Selecta, J-Man - Sekkle Yourself (L-Side Remix)
16.) Goddard. - Day 9
17.) Alibi & Sl8r - Break The Machine
18.) ID - ID
19.) Objectiv & Illament - Firecracker
20.) Zero T. - Gimme The Loot
21.) Paul T & Edward Oberon - For Our Love w/ Makoto & Loma King
22.) Charlie B - Feeling (Sl8r Remix)
23.) Eastcolors - All Step Back
24.) Dizrupt - ID
25.) Souldier - Duda Buda
26.) Alcemist & 2 Shy MC - Minutes
27.) Nemy - Acapnotic
28.) ID - ID
29.) Tweakz & Dukuz - Funk 5000
30.) Syren Rivers & M:FX - Glitch (Dubape Remix)
31.) Drumsound & Bassline SMith - Sanctuary 93
32.) Lupo & Trakker - Killa
33.) Kingz Of The Rollers & Sweetie Irie - Overload
34.) Blackout & Liondub & Anthony Johnson - Jungle Gunshot (Selecta J-,Man Remix)
35.) Walk:R - Mantra
36.) Amoss & Visages -Long Island
37.) Genetics - Why
38.) DMinds - Give It To Me ft. Ruth Royal
39.) Zombie Cats - Did You Know (Kemal Remix)


40.) SD - 1997
41.) Breakage - B Side Bubbler
42.) ID - ID
43.) Fox, DLR, ALix Perez - Walk Out
44.) Walkr - Oscilate
45.) ID - ID
46.) Eastcolors - Heartbroken
47.) ID - ID
48.) The Sauce, Carasel - Stir It Up
49.) ID - ID
50.) T>I, Kyrist - G-Clamp
51.) DJ Hybrid - Jungle (T>I Remix)
52.) Black Barrel - Close Your Eyes
53.) MC Gusto. DLR - Round In Circles
54.) Cecil Hotel - Tut Tut Tut
55.) ID - ID
56.) Black Barrel - Killer At 3 O Clock
57.) Jam Thieves - Baila
58.) MC Gusto, DLR - Deadly Chain
59.) ID - ID
60.) Martial Taktics ft. Senso - Zentinel Katana
61.) Ezor - Obscures
62.) Minor Forms - Udon
63.) The Sauce - Buggin
64.) Teej Skepticz - Faith
65.) The Sauce - Splatter
66.) Eastcolor - Shout
67.) Black Barrel - Jimmi Man
68.) ID - ID
69.) The Sauce - Dippy Fresh
70.) Voltage - Congo Bongo
71.) Rizzle & Ground - Gloom
72.) Black Ops - Genosha
73.) Jubei & Dbridge - Show Me

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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blusaphir, dnb, ezor, jay rome

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