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Alt 08.07.2021, 01:29   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
mp3 Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome ft. Sequent & Skruff @*Bassdrive (July 2021)


1. Disrupta - Changes ft. DRS
2. John B & Digital - Time Goes By
3. Mystific - The New Order
4. Disrupta - Play It Cool
5. Fox, Blind Mic, FD - Just Chillin'
6. Beat Merchants & T.R.A.C. - Back On My Griz
7. Teej, Slay - No Drama
8. Sl8r, Duskee - Evolving
9. Winslow, Pete Simpson - Everything & More
10. Sl8r & Slay - Danger
11. Genic - Grow
12. S.P.Y - See Your Face Again (Kings Of The Rollers Remix)
13. L-side - Untouchable
14, Bredren - Unidentified
15. Sequent & Skruff - Got It - Overdive EP (Blu Saphir 048)
16. Ezor-Toxic Dust
17. Riko Dan, Teej, Disrupta - Duppy [DJ Hybrid Remix]
18. Paul T & Edward Oberon - Wake Up w/ A Little Sound
19. Jam Thieves - Sinaloa
20. Alix Perez, Monty - Untitled Malware
21. Dopplershift - Levitate (Stokka Remix)
22. Dubshun - Mind Games (Wingz Remix)
23. Flava D - Womp Machine
24. Hadley - Spirit Molecule
25. Jabaru, Humanature - Elephants in the Room
26. NoClue - Helicopter
27. YAANO, Wingz - Pattern
28. Jestah, Creatures - Emulsifier (Black Barrel Remix)
29. Koax — Super Acid
30. Bredren, MC Fokus - Foundations
31. K Motionz, Duskee - Hack It (Break Remix)
32. Sequent x Skruff - Overdrive - Overdrive EP (Blu Saphir 048)


33. Sequent & Skruff - Got It - Overdrive EP (Blu Saphir Promo)
34. Hystatus - Counteract
35. Enei - Dirty - Dirty EP
36. DLR - Sufferation (Make My Mind Go EP)
37. Arkaik & Creatures - Stroboscope - Fate Determined
38. Creatures & Joe Raygun - Gonzo Transmission - (Gonzo Transmission EP)
39. Qua_Rush_-_Handle_With_Care_(LST051)
40. Kidsonic - Burnout
41. Hyroglifics - Dog Town - Flexout Audio
42. Hiraeth - You Were Mine
43. Glÿph & Division (DNB) - Trust Me
44. Minor Forms - Shadows - Biophonic EP
45. Resslek - Screwless - Coupé EP
46. ID - ID
47. Trail - Chased - Flexout Audio
48. Hyroglifics - Winds Of Change (Patreon Exclusive)
49. Surrender - Thread
50. Radiax - Tech Trick - Sick Music 2020
51. Kasra - Ski Mask - Ski Mask EP
52. Creatures - Behemoth (Fraktal Sound)
53. Biophonic - Minor Forms - Biophonic EP
54. Stimpy - Rough! - Rough! EP
55. Kasra - Mécanique - Mécanique EP
56. Sequent & Skruff - Overdrive - Overdrive EP - Blu Saphir Promo
57. Stimpy - Panic Attack - Rough! - EP
58. Offline_-_Me_&_You_(#DWR04)
59. Gingerbread
60. Offline - Motion Blur . Zone 2 (Overview Music)
61. Division - Bad Behaviour
62. Nymfo - Bunny Hop - Stone Cold - EP
63. Wreckage - Super Rush - Lost: Signals 002
64. Defraction - Approach - Future Part 2 - EP
65. Sequent & Skruff - Omnipotent - Overdrive EP - Blu Saphir Promo
66. Sequent & Skruff - Pain - Overdrive EP - Blu Saphir Promo

DL Link:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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bassdrive, blu saphir, dnb, drum and bass, seuqent and skruff

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