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Alt 20.06.2013, 10:55   #1
Jimi Handtrix
Registriert seit: 24.08.2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 9
Jimi Handtrix @ Jungle Pressure, Toronto (08.06.2013)

Artist: Jimi Handtrix
Album: Live @ Jungle Pressure, Toronto
Genre: Dark Amenology / Junglecore / Heavy Amen Rippage
Dauer: 85:00 Min.
Größe: 194MB | 320 kBit/s

Recorded live at Jungle Pressure, Nocturne, Toronto, ON (June 8th 2013)

01 - Drum Cypha - Cathedrals Of Ice
02 - Future & Missree - Black Smoke
03 - Double O - Concrete Jungle
04 - Sargy & Raggamuffin - Non Conformist
05 - Blame - Reign Of Fire
06 - Friction & K-Tee - Shogun Nightmare
07 - General Malice - Straight Ruckus (Feat. Young Foe)
08 - Stranjah - Prominence
09 - Tim Reaper - Congo Bad
10 - Remarc - Da Drumz
11 - Jason Ball - Horns 4 '94 (Stivs 2013 Remix)
12 - Enduser - Berlin Dub
13 - Stazma - Jungle Destroyer
14 - Mighty Melody - Imma Need Security (SICKorWELL & Shane Sickx Remix)
15 - Tester - The Lion
16 - Champa B - Darkness Though Light
17 - Dr. Bastardo - Jackals
18 - Smyla - Firefly
19 - Smyla & Kitech - Shrew
20 - Paradox - Paralexia
21 - Doc Scott - Machines
22 - Doc Scott - The Unofficial Ghost
23 - Sabre - 100 Teeth (X-Nation Remix)
24 - Verb & Devastate - The Killzone
25 - Infiltrata & Demo - Us Against The World
26 - Tza - Violence
27 - Tim Reaper - When Me
28 - Junglord - 1000 Junglists
29 - Junglord - All Up For Jupiter
30 - Manifest - Dub War
31 - Terminus - Poseidon
32 - Dub-One - Skankin
33 - X-Nation - No Need To Tell Ya
34 - Ricky Force - Workin
35 - Dr. Bastardo - Papua Nu Guinea (Bastardisation)
36 - Dub-One - Bassment Dub
37 - Ricky Force - Tougher
38 - Bay B Kane - Jungle Warriors (2012 VIP)
39 - Dial M - Badboy Tune (Remix)
40 - Direct Feed - Crush Dem
41 - Remarc - RIP (Doc Odessah's 180 Remix)
42 - Nickynutz & Ras Dan-I - Chops'n'Fury

Big shouts to the Toronto Massive! Many thanks go out to Ninjah Fareye & The Mighty Dreadnaut for having me out, big up all original junglists !!

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