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Alt 29.06.2013, 13:45   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 12.07.2008
Ort: Oldenburg
Beiträge: 10
Verkaufe 246 Vinyls (Deep, Liquid, Hard, Neuro, Dubstep)

Hallo, Ich verkaufe meine restlichen Vinyls.
Grund ist, dass ich einfach seit langem nicht mehr zum mixen kam und auch keine lust mehr dazu verspühre.

Ich verkaufe insgesamt 4 (5) sets, bestehend aus:

Set 1: Liquid/Deep (76 Releases) [175€]
Set 2: Hard (35 Releases) [80€]
Set 3: Neuro/Drückenden dnb (alix perez, spectrasoul etc) (112 Releases) [260€]
Set 4: Dubstep (14 Releases) [30€]
[+Versand kosten]
[Abholung (Oldenburg) wäre auch okay]

Ich Habe Pro Release (egal ob single, EP, LP, Album) 2.30€ beanschlagt. Gerne bin ich bereit über den preis zu reden.

Die einzelnen Sets können nur als ganzes gekauft werden

Set 5: Etwas wertvollere Vinyls (zumindest sagt das Discogs, diese platten verkaufe ich einzeln per anfrage)

Die meisten vinyls haben leichte gebrauchsspuhren, sind aber einwandfrei.
Zum teil sind auch welche dabei die extrem neuwertig sind, die meisten von NonPlus und exitrec, da ich diese gesammelt habe und nicht unbedingt zum mixen da waren.

Bei Interesse bitte PM schreiben

Set 1:
dbridge* / Instra:mental - Wonder Where / No Future (Nonplus Records - #001)
Instra:mental - Watching You / Tramma (Nonplus Records - #002)	
Instra:mental / Skream - No Future (Skreamix) / Minimalistix (Nonplus Records - #004) 	12" 	2009 	
Actress - Machine And Voice (Nonplus Records - #005) 	12" 	2010 	
ASC - Phobos / Oort Cloud / Matter Of Time (Nonplus Records - #006) 	12" 	2010 	
Nether (2) - Beating Me / Deep Echo (31 Records - 31R042) 	12" 	2010 	
Method One / Method One & Stunna - Aquamarine / Edge Of The Night (31 Records - 31R044) 	12" 	2010 	
Survival (3) - Pray / Good To See (Audio Tactics - AT005) 	12" 	2009 	
Naibu - Back Engineering / Generic Generation (Avalanche - Avalanche 12) 	12" 	2008 	
Electrosoul System - In The Place / After Hours (BrandNu:X - BRANDNUX 002) 	12", Promo 	2008 	
Eveson & Redeyes / Eveson - State Of Mind / Hotwax (Channel 82, Channel 82 - Channel 82 001, CH82 001) 	12" 	2009 	
Zero T* - Cheap Shots 12" Album Sampler (C.I.A. - CIA042) 	12", Smplr 	2008 	
Lenzman + Treez - Lose You / Bear Trap (C.I.A. Deep Kut - CIADK016) 	12" 	2009 	
Lenzman - Sugar Hill (C.I.A. Deep Kut - CIADK019) 	12" 	2009 	
Mutt - Conversations / Invitation (C.I.A. Deep Kut - CIADK021) 	12" 	2009 	
Zero T* - Presents Cheap Shots (C.I.A. - CIALP 007) 	2x12" 	2008 	
Notion & Hobzee / Second Self (2) - Hidden Life / Sheltered Spirit (Celsius Recordings - CLS010) 	12" 	2009 	
Rawthang ft. Kari* / Rawthang - Beautiful Morning (Black Sun Empire Remix) / Shaman (Coded Recordings - coded 004) 	12" 	2006 	
Sabre - A Wandering Journal (Critical Recordings - CRITLP04) 	3x12" 	2010 	
Sabre - A Wandering Journal (LP Sampler) (Critical Recordings - CRITLP04S) 	12", Smplr 	2010 	
Atlantic Connection - Brand New Colony / Last Thoughts (Creative Source - CRSE 0046) 	12" 	2006 	
Naibu - It Took A Long Time / Urban Sprawl (Creative Source - CRSE 0053) 	12" 	2008 	
Makoto - Sentimental Moods / And I Love Her (Creative Source - CRSE 0057) 	12" 	2009 	
Sabre - One Man Jettison / Decorum (Darkestral Excursions - DARKESTRALEX 001) 	12", Ltd, Bla 	2009 	
Consequence (6) - Dreadtone / Timeloss (Darkestral Excursions - DARKESTRALEX 002) 	12", Lim 	2010 	
Lynx (7) - Distance Zero / Heat Haze (DSM - DSM-003) 	12" 	2007 	
Consequence (6) - Live For Never (Exit Records (7) - EXIT LP004) 	4x12", Gat 	2009 	
Instra:mental - Thugtronika (Exit Records (7) - EXIT014) 	12" 	2009 	
Consequence (6) - Live For Never (LP Sampler) (Exit Records (7) - EXIT017) 	12", Smplr 	2009 	
dBridge* - Inner Disbelief (Exit Records (7) - EXIT018) 	12" 	2009 	
Abstract Elements - Wrong Way / Abysmal Depth (Exit Records (7) - EXIT019) 	12" 	2010 	
dbridge* - Love Hotel (Exit Records (7) - EXIT022) 	12" 	2010 	
Fourward / Dose (5) - Red Rain Drops / No Excuse (Fokuz Limited - FKZLTD020) 	12" 	2009 	
Naibu - Screens / Piper Dream (Fokuz Recordings - FOKUZ036) 	12" 	2009 	
Hobzee & Zyon Base & Brother (4) - Hidden Depth Album Sampler (Fokuz Recordings - FOKUZ037) 	12", Smplr 	2009 	
Various - Chronicles Of The Deep (Fokuz Recordings - FOKUZLP003) 	4x12", Album 	2008 	
Various - Secrets Of Saturn (Fokuz Recordings - FOKUZLP004) 	4x12" 	2009 	
Syncopix / Dub Tao - The Suite (2006 VIP) / Don't Know (Hard:Edged - hedge021) 	12" 	2007 	
Saburuko - Warped (Instra:mental + Survival Remixes) (Horizons Music - HZN029) 	12" 	2008 	
June Miller - Converge / Neurosis (Horizons Music - HZN037) 	12" 	2009 	
Hobzee & Zyon Base / Peyo (2) & SKS* - Sad Song / Without You (Influenza Media - INMD003) 	12" 	2009 	
Zero Tolerance & Alix Perez - Refusal / Dangerous Liaison (Integral Records (2) - INT 002) 	12" 	2007 	
Zero T* Feat Steo / Calibre - Refusal (Calibre Remix) / Be There (Integral Records (2) - INT010) 	12" 	2009 	
Electrosoul System / Bop (5) - Honcho / Skeptikos / Nine Planets (KOS.MOS. Music - KOSMOS002) 	12" 	2008 	
Electrosoul System - Form Of Life / Attention (KOS.MOS. Music - KOSMOS003) 	12" 	2009 	
Electrosoul System / Reborn (5) - Deep Structures EP Pt. 2 (KOS.MOS. Music - KOSMOS007) 	12", EP 	2009 	
Fanu / FanuSamurai - For Those Who Dream / Next To The Divine One I Wake (Lightless Recordings - LIGHTLESS 001) 	12" 	2006 	
Survival (3) / Zyon Base - Forget Tomorrow / The Wire (Lucky Devil Recordings - LUCKYDEVIL4) 	12" 	2008 	
Data (15) / Incident (2) & Paul SG - Liberty City Blues / Autumn Drops (Lucky Devil Recordings - LUCKYDEVIL7) 	12" 	2009 	
Zero T & Mosus - Liquid V Club Sessions Vol 3 (Liquid V - LV014) 	12" 	2009 	
Various - New Blood 010 (Med School - MEDIC18) 	2x12" 	2010 	
Lenzman - More Than I Can Take / Silhouette (Modulations - MODULE001) 	10" 	2010 	
Lenzman / Eveson - [ND.Ten] Part Two (Nu-Directions - ND.TEN002) 	12", Cle 	2009 	
Future Sound Of Cambridge - The Future Sound Of Cambridge 3 (Hospital Records - NHS144LP) 	3x12", W/Lbl, Promo, Sti 	2008 	
Various - Sick Music (Hospital Records - NHS154LP) 	4x12", Comp 	2009 	
Various - The Future Sound Of Russia (Hospital Records - NHS158) 	2x12", Promo, Sti 	2009 	
Influx UK / Electrosoul System - No 1 Bass Rocker / Lifeline (New Identity Recordings - NIR12033) 	12" 	2006 	
Instra:Mental - Let's Talk / Vicodin ([NakedLunch] - NL005) 	10" 	2010 	
Various - Acacia Avenue / Detroid (Autonomic - NOMIC001) 	12" 	2010 	
ASC - Porcelain / Focus Inwards (Nonplus Records - NONPLUS003) 	12", W/Lbl, TP 	2009 	
BCee & Random Movement - Flag Man / Ain't Going Nowhere (Future Retro - RETRO008) 	12" 	2009 	
BCee / Cinematic (4) - Glitter Balls (Redeyes & Lenzman Remix) / Colourblind (Future Retro - RETRO009) 	12" 	2009 	
ST. Files* - Tek No Dub (Revolve:r - REVOLVER015) 	12" 	2009 	
Calibre - Thoughtless (Digital Soundboy Recording Co. - SBOY010) 	12" 	2007 	
Lenzman - Emeralds / Mesmerized (SGN:LTD - SGN:LTD013) 	12" 	2009 	
AlixPerez* - I’m Free / Melanie (Shogun Audio - SHA024) 	12" 	2009 	
Alix Perez - 1984 (Shogun Audio - SHA031) 	3x12", Album, W/Lbl, Promo 	2009 	
Calibre + Zero Tolerance* - Waterfall / What I Feel (Signature Records - Sig 011) 	12" 	2007 	
Calibre - Dont Mind (Signature Records - SIG 014) 	2x12" 	2008 	
Calibre - Let Me Hold You / Love's Too Tight To Mention (Signature Records - SIG015) 	12" 	2009 	
Lenzman - Fade Away (Soul:r - SOULR044) 	12" 	2010 	
Redeyes - Poetry In Motion LP Part 2 (Spearhead Records - SPEAR 020) 	2x12", Promo 	2008 	
Lenzman - Bright Lights / Last Day On Earth (Spearhead Records - SPEAR022) 	12" 	2009 	
BCee - Generations EP (Spearhead Records - SPEAR025) 	2x12", EP 	2009 	
Klute - Halloween / Electric Circus (Commercial Suicide - SUICIDE 040) 	12", Ltd, Spl 	2008 	
Spectrasoul - Bloodrain / Someday Soon (Westbay International - WBAYINTL002)

Set 2:
Counterstrike - Insubordination - Phase Three (Algorythm Recordings - ALGOLP1EP3)
Kitech - World Ends / Crypt Creature (Amalgam Recordings - AMALGAM002)
Outrage (4) - Creeper / The End Is Our Beginning (Backlash Records (2) - BLR001)
Receptor (2) / Billain - Rhyno / Intrusion (Breed 12 Inches - BRD 002)
Donny - The Fucking Offensive EP (Barcode Recordings - BWARE 006)
Masheen & Sleeper Cell - Deep Cover / Jet Lag (Contaminated Recordings - CONTAM002)
Various - Collaboration Part 1 (Counterstrike Recordings - CSRECS001)
Various - The Art EP (Cylon Recordings - CYLONUK005)
Masheen & Sleeper Cell Featuring Dennean / Mumblz - From The Streets Sampler LP (Flatline Audio - FLATLINELP001SAM 1)
Dylan - Metaphor / Lost Dreams (Freak Recordings - FREAK009)
Audio - Designed For War EP (Freak Recordings - FREAK026)
Sect, The (3) - The Patriarch / Annihilation (Freak Recordings - FREAK029)
High Rankin / Eddy Woo - Hills Have Eyes / Roam (Generation X Recordings - GENX002)
Proktah / Phace - Labyrinth (Phace Remix) / Backfire (Have-A-Break Recordings, Have-A-Break Recordings - hab010, HAB010)
Audio - No Soul / My Generation (Habit Recordings - HBT016)
Chosen, The (3) - Superhuman / Ashes (Habit Recordings - HBT019)
Cooh & Vengeanze - Love Control / Infected (Habit Recordings - HBT023)
Axiom (7) - All The Hate / She's Dead (M-Atome - MATOME 15)
Wayz - Pain / Join Hands (Molten Vinyl - MVR005)
Various - Obliterati EP 6 - Six Sensational Soft-Rock Songs For Lovers (Obliterati - OBLITERATI 06)
Propaganda (4) / Lethal (7) - Firm LP Sampler (Offkey - OK11)
Dying Punks* & Current Value - Agent Of Evolution (Offkey - OK12)
Code Blue (7) & Panacea - Graveyard Twist / Headstone Shuffle (Position Chrome - PC 61)
Sect, The (3) - Tyrant / Syndrome (Position Chrome - PC 65)
Panacea, The* / Sect, The (3) - Burning Like Fire (Remix) / Voices (Position Chrome - PC 71)
Dylan - Crimson / Dark Planet (Donny Remix) (Position Chrome - PC 73)
Harm (6) / Cooh - Head Stomp / Be Blast (PRSPCT Recordings - PRSPCT005)
Various - Blood & Steel (PRSPCT Recordings - PRSPCTLP001)
Counterstrike & Mumblz / Current Value - Sickness & Suffering (Donny Remix) / Tektonic (Future Sickness Records - SICK003)
Current Value / Vengeanze - The Rebirth EP - Part One (Future Sickness Records - SICK005)
Mike Humphries & Glenn Wilson - Aural Exciter - The Remixes (Subsistenz - SUBS001)
D.A.V.E. The Drummer - Hydraulix 9 Rmxs (Subsistenz - SUBS004)
Nocturnal (5) - Musk Up / Nightvision (Syndrome Audio (2) - SYNDROME 010)
Audio - To The Edge Of Reason (Tech Freak Recordings - TECHFREAKLP003)
Technical Itch - Cold Blood / Alone (Penetration Records - TIP023)

Set 3:
Various - Quality Over Quantity Vol. 2 (31 Records - 31R039)
Jah Condah / Superkopter / Smokah - The St. Petersburg E.P. (Audio Bullet Recordings - AUB 02)
Icicle / Icicle & Switch - Long Lost / These Golden Days (Avalanche - Avalanche 09)
Drumagick - El Magnifico / Class A (Beatmasters Recordings - BMR 001)
Matt-U* - Can't Wake Up / Whyle The Fuck Out (Boka Records - BOKA023)
Maglor vs T.O.K. & Jah Cure - Footprints 001 (Not On Label (Maglor Self-released) - BOOTIE 002)
Black Sun Empire vs Concord Dawn / Rawthang Featuring Kari Rueslåtten - The Sun / Epilogue (Black Sun Empire - BSE002)
Rawthang Featuring Kari Rueslatten* / Benjie - Scorned / AI (Rawthang Remix) (Black Sun Empire - BSE005)
BCUK* - Bullet Time (Spor Remix / The Upbeats Remix) (Bad Taste Recordings - BT003)
Q Project - Champion Sound (Remixes) (C.I.A. - C.I.A. 99004)
Future Signal - Kill Switch / Existence (Close 2 Death Recordings - C2D0004)
Alpha Omega - 10 Faces Of Death / Discard The Truth (Counter Intelligence - CI003)
Spectrasoul - Taken / Organiser (Ramadanman Refix) (Critical Recordings - CRIT038LTD)
Sabre - Original Sin / The Crest (Critical Recordings - CRIT039)
Various - Scatter The Ashes / Vulcanic (Cyanide Recordings - CYAN030DINGO)
Stu C4C / Loxy & Perpetuum - Oblivious / The League (Def Recordings Ltd - DEF LTD 008)
Break & Survival / Survival (3) - Sick / Warnings (Dispatch Recordings - DIS#29)
Zero Tolerance & Survival (3) - No More / 15-02 (Dispatch Recordings - DIS028)
Spinline - Irreverse / Nothing More (Dispatch Recordings - DIS035)
Sunchase - Moulded / Breakpoint (Drone Audio - drone003)
Spectrasoul - Captive / Poseidon (DSM - DSM 010)
Triad (7) - Fiasco / Last Gasp (DSM - DSM 011)
Coalition (5) / Subsurface (2) - True / Omnipresence (DSM - DSM-002)
Muffler / Shannon Swain - Embrace / Let Me Down (Ben Sage Remix) (Disturbed Recordings - DSTRBD004)
Corrupt Souls & Submerged - Disturbance / Fall With Me (Flatline Audio - FLATLINE001)
ICR - Back 2 Front / Razor Blade Runner (Flatline Audio - FLATLINE003)
Icicle - Can't Be / That Tune (Fokuz Limited - FOKUZLTD012)
N-Phonix / Rido Feat. Spikey Tee* - Ill Sequence / Life Is Strange (Fokuz Limited - FOKUZLTD014)
Untouchables, The (17) - War / Gaijin (Forecast Audio - FORECASTAUDIO002)
Dkay* / Concord Dawn - The Martians / Bad Bones (Ill.Skillz Remix) (Freak Recordings - FREAK005)
Enea / Cativo - Kill / My Soul Goes To Heaven (Have-A-Break Recordings - HAB005)
Scuba (4) / Dissident - Tense (DBridge Remix) / Society Of Silver Skeletons (Headhunter Remix) (Hotshore - HOTSHORE003)
Icicle - Frozen / Cold Revenge (Renegade Hardware - HWARE012)
Unknown Error - The Yearning / Midnight Special (Horizons Music - HZN016)
Data (15) - The Prologue EP (Horizons Music - HZN036EP)
Data (15) - Visualizations Vol. 1 (Horizons Music - HZN039EP)
Various - Internal Affairs Vol.2 (Horizons Music - HZNLP004)
Data (15) - The Causeway / Delicate (Influence Records (2) - INFLUGB0007)
Invaderz - The Source (Break Remix) / So Low (Marky, Bungle & XRS Remix) (Invaderz Transmissions - INV012)
Trisector / Trisector + Inztance - Lifeforms (Med School - MEDIC 17)
Outrage (4) - Patients / The Rebel (Metalheadz - METH 061)
Beta 2 - Thing Is / Crystal Meth (Metalheadz - METH 063)
Various - Genesis EP (Metalheadz - METH 082)
Alix Perez & Sabre - Everglade / God Fearing (Metalheadz - METH076)
Data (15) - Splice / Muted (Metalheadz - METH077)
Goldie & Commix - Envious / Justified (Metalheadz - METH080)
Pyro - Time Is Broken / Resolve (Nerve Recordings - nerve022)
Spectrasoul - The Waterfront EP. (Nu-Directions - NU12-041)
UK Apache* and Mir Crew - Every Man Has A Right (Nuttah Beats - NUTTAH004)
Icicle & Switch - Looking Away / Strange Behaviour (Osiris Music UK - OSMUK005)
Ink + J-Dub* - Muppet Show / Juggernaut (Outbreak Records - OUTB022)
Mos Def - Panties (Zero Tolerance Remix) (Not On Label - PANTIES 001)
J.Rawls* + Middle Child - Music Over Madness (Zero Tolerance Mixes) (Path%gical - Pathos003)
Dizzee Rascal / Burial - Pussy Ole / Raver (RK Remixes) (Not On Label (Dizzee Rascal), Not On Label (Burial) - PH 001)
Black Sun Empire - The Silent / Bombrun (Piruh - Piruh 003)
BC* - The Pulse / China Cup (Prototype Recordings - PRO 001 UK)
Various - Connexions EP (Prototype Recordings - PRO 002UK)
Break - Enigma (Calibre Remix) / Shipment (Quarantine - QRNUK007)
Ram Trilogy - Chapter Five (RAM Records - RAMM 40)
Noisia / Noisia & Mayhem - Facade / Moonway Renegade (RAM Records - RAMM59)
Jubei (2) / Jubei (2) & Cern (4) - The Path / Black Hole (Ingredients Records - RECIPE002)
Mode (6) - Warning / Realities (Ingredients Records - RECIPE008)
DJG (2) - Avoid The Noid (Pushing Red - red002)
Calibre - Ringtone / Jackoff (Samurai Red Seal - REDSEAL003)
Data (15) feat. DJ E & Dynamic (7) / Prode - Skinwalkers / Borer (The Sect Remix) (Revolution Recordings - REVREC019)
Various - Aftermath (The Remixes) (Renegade Hardware - RH34)
Concord Dawn - Blow / Vulcan (Uprising Records - RISE 005)
Switch (9) - Days Of The Week / All Night (Rubik Records - RRT015)
Various - Calligraphy EP (Renegade Recordings - RWARE05)
Breakage - Speechless / Justified (Digital Soundboy Recording Co. - SBOY 028)
Spectrasoul - How Strange / I Was 10 (SGN:LTD - SGN:LTD017)
Need For Mirrors - Tilt / Wasted Youth (SGN:LTD - SGN:LTD019)
Spinline - Radioactive / Groove Scam (SGN:LTD - SGN:LTD020)
Alix Perez - The Resolution / Vanguard (Shogun Audio - SHA016)
Commix - Faceless (Marcus Intalex Remix) / Solvent (Shogun Audio - SHA018)
Icicle - Spartan / Hang On (Shogun Audio - SHA022)
Various - Shogun Assassins EP Vol 4 (Shogun Audio - SHA023)
Friction* & Ktee* - Set It Off / The Bleeps (Shogun Audio - SHA026)
Alix Perez - Down The Line (Break Remix) / Stray (Icicle Remix) (Shogun Audio - SHA027)
Icicle - Cold Fear EP (Shogun Audio - SHA030)
Various - Shogun Evolution EP Series One (Shogun Audio - SHA032)
Cern (4) / Duo Infernale - Non Fiction / The Mirage (.shadybrain Music - SHB007)
Unknown Artist - Magic Carpet Ride / Made You March (Molten Vinyl - SHOT 003)
Various - Late Night Squeeze EP (Signature Records - SIG008)
Various - Broken Souls EP (Sinuous - SIN013)
Cern (4) / Verbal (3) - Tense Passed (Chook Remix) / Exorcist (Smptm - SMPTM004)
Icicle / Switch (9) - Archive / Five (Soul:r - soulr 032)
Calibre - Deranged EP (Soul:r - SOULR022)
MISTiCAL* - The Eleventh Hour (Soul:r - SOULR025)
S.P.Y. - A S B O (Soul:r - SOULR039)
Various - Subtitles 50 Part 1 (Subtitles - SUBTITLES050PART1)
Noisia & Teebee - Shower For An Hour / Moon Palace (Subtitles - SUBTITLES056)
Spor / Audio - Molehill / Missing (Subtitles - SUBTITLES057)
Phace - Hot Rock (VIP) / Brainwave (VIP) (Subtitles - subtitles065)
Audio & Future Signal - Furyen / Power Of Fear (Subtitles - subtitles072)
Spectrasoul - Mimic / Supression (Subtitles - SUBTITLES073)
Chris SU*, Stress Level & TC1 - The Vendetta (Commercial Suicide - Suicide 043)
Various - Anything & Everything Vol2 (Commercial Suicide - Suicide006)
Pascal - Cool Manoeuvre / Vortex (True Playaz - TPR12008)
Scary - Alpha (Trust In Music - TRIM 002)
Resound - DSP / Secrets (Sabre Remix) (Translation - TRNSL005)
Me&You - Last Night (Benny Page Remix) / Elephant Takeover (Tru Thoughts - TRU134-2)
Break / Mako (17) And Andy Skopes - Natural Progression / In The Raw (D Bridge Remix) (Utopia Music (2) - UM001)
Rascal&Klone* - The Reprise / Galactic Jam (Urban Takeover - URBTAKE 30)
System (9) & Phil Source / Sabre & Zero T* - Fearless / Deadly Rumours (Vampire Records - VAMPDJLP1UK001)
NC-17 / Henree - Owesley / Liberty (Vampire Records - VAMPDJUK 010)
Hive & Gridlok - Standing Room Only / Event Horizon (Violence Recordings - VIO-018)
F.U.K.T / Soulmatic - Until The End (Soulmatic & Octabass Remix) / Anything You Need (Viper Recordings - VPRVIP002)
Ed Rush + Optical* - Gas Mask / Bacteria (Virus Recordings, Virus Recordings - VRS 005, VRS005)
Ed Rush + Optical* - Watermelon / Sick Note (Virus Recordings - VRS004)
Aphrodite - All Over Me (V2 - VVR5018956P)
Unknown Artist - War Of The Worlds (Not On Label - WOW 001)

Set 4:
Distance* vs. Benga / Distance* vs. Cyrus (9) - Choke Hold / Surrender (Chestplate - chst006)
MRK1* - X-Tatik / Moving Toad (Contagious Recordings - CON 025)
Kito (5) - What If / Cold (Disfigured Dubz - DIS005)
Skream & Cluekid / Silkie - Sandsnake / Cyber Dub (Remixes) (Disfigured Dubz - DIS006)
Kriptic Minds* - Code 46 / The Weeping (Disfigured Dubz - DIS007)
Eleven8 - Twist / At The Seams (Lick The Wrap - LTW0025)
Subscape* - Artificial Dreamer / Slow Moe (Pitch Black (2) - PITCHB001)
L-Wiz - First Step EP (Redvolume - RVOL008)
16Bit* - The Tale Of The Exploding Fist (Southside Dubstars - SSDUBSTARS023)
Skream - Repercussions Of A Razorblade / A New Dawn (Swamp 81 - SWAMP:002)
Data (15) - Doors Of Perception / Leaves (Tempa - TEMPA 044)
SP:MC* - Taiko Dub (Tempa - TEMPA 045)
Scuba (4) - You Got Me / So You Think You're Special (Hotflush Recordings - TRI001)
Emika - Drop The Other (Ninja Tune - ZEN12240)

(set 5):
Unknown Error / Subsonik (2) - No Escape / Communicate (Cymbalism - CYMB009)
Instra:mental - Sepia Tones EP (Darkestral Recordings - DARKESTRAL 004/005)
SpectraSoul - Melodies (Exit Records (7) - EXIT016)
Instra:mental - End Credits (Nonplus Ltd - NONPLUSLTD 001)
Alix Perez & Sabre - Solitary Native / Old Flame (SGN:LTD - SGNLTD 004)
Unknown Artist - Sunglasses V.I.P. (Not On Label - SUN01)
Kryptic Minds - One Of Us / Six Degrees (Swamp 81 - Swamp001)
Kryptic Minds - Badman (Swamp 81 - SWAMP:003)
16 Bit (2) - Twice (Not On Label - TWICE001)
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