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Alt 02.05.2023, 21:57   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome (20/04/2023)

Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive 20/04/2023

Hosted by Jay Rome


1. Mollie Collins, Ruth Royall - Remedies (Vibe Chemistry Remix) [UKF]

2. Istoria - Orwell's Drowse [Celsius]

3. Charli Brix, Visages, DRS - I Can't Stay [Flexout]

4. Fluidity - Long Lost [Soul Trader]

5. DJ Marky - Can't Hide [Innerground]

6. Nu:Logic - Tripping In Space [Hospital]

7. Technimatic -Sunburst [Technimatic Music]

8. Omni Trio - Renegade Snares (High Contrast Remix) [Moving Shadow]

9. WUFO and Taylor B-W - Blockbuster Love [Celsius]

10. Surreal - Love [Fokuz]

11. Zero T, Onj, Mercy's Cartel - Love Thing [The North Quarter]

12. Mahalia - Jealous (Visages Dnb Edit) [White]

13. Silentium - So Bad (Senchai Remix) [Stoic Music]

14. Evolved - Autopilot [T3K]

15. DJ Marky & Alibi & Charli Brix - Natural Feeling [Shogun Audio]

16. Randall -Bionic Ran [MacII]

17. Ed:it - The Keep [C.I.A]

18. Speaker Louis - Flip The Fader (Molecular Remix) [Hyperactivity]

19. Ninive - Escort [Midus Touch]

20- Blinde - Cursed [Flexout]

21. Cutworx - Lesson Learnt [Waterframes]

22. Robert Manos and Bigchoc - Memories [Funktional Remix] [White]

23. Lynx, Jakobi - Golden Ticket [Intrigue]

24. Mystic State, Revaux - So Wrong [The Chikara Project]25. Makoto - Love Is Complicated [Hospital]

26. Calyx - Feel The Sway [Critical Music]

27. Winslow - Spaced Out [Hospital]

28. Monrroe, Duskee, Nina Arya - Reluctant [Shogun Audio]

29. Telomic & Karina Ramage - Free (feat. Karina Ramage) [Liquicity]

30. Jolliffe, Natural Forces - Bipolar Atoms [Device]

31. Visionobi, Zero T, Aaliyah Esprit - Bleeding Out [Soulvent]

32. Kuttin Edge -Cheyenne [Detail]

33 Operate, Rizzle - Broken [Overview Music]

34. Matt View - Hourglass [Grid]

35. Simon V - Bomb On The Beach (Bungle Remix) [Santorin]

36. DSP - True Words [CIA Records ]

37. Black Barrel - Love Line [Metalheadz]

38. Breakage -Hollup [Index]

39. Beat Merchants & Dan-I - Good Times [Planet V]

40. London Elektricity - Vasquez [Hospital]

41. Sustance, Duskee, Zara Kershaw

Pola & Bryson - Self Release [Shogun Audio]

42. LoOmis, Ink, Kaybee - Resolution [Architecture ]

43. Funktional, DRS - Poison Seas [Precinct]

44- Flava D - Red Pill [Hospital]

45. Rayes - I Tell Myself [Shaoliin Audio]

46. River - Time [Deep Within]

47. Break - Piece Of My Heart [Symmetry]

48. Alibi - Liquid State [Intrigue]

49. Nu:Logic - What I've Always Waited For (Flava D Remix) [Hospital]

50. Waypoint, Mish - Bitter Soul [NuForm]

51. Sl8r - Electronic Wickedness [White]

52. .Cutworx - Invisible Truth [Data Music]

53. Kublai - Feel with it [Vandal]

54. Ephyra, Dogger, TomInTheChamber - Careless [Precinct]

55. DSP- Sunset [C.I.A]

56. Addison Groove, DJ Die - Morro Dub

(Watch The Ride Remix) [Gutterfunk]

57. Dr Meaker & Gizmo - All You Did [Born On Road]

58. Ninive - Devil Kiss [Midus Touch]

59.. Dunk - ??? [Blu Saphir Limited Dub]

60. Invadhertz - Everything to Me [Flexout]

61. Operate & Rizzle - Azula [Overview Music]

62. River - Eclipse [Deep Within]

63. Submarine - Show Me the Way [1985]
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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